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Musket laser

From Transformers Wiki

One of these over a thousand of those new-fangled peashooters.

Some weapons are so old, they're classics. Such is the case withKup'smusket laser,which shoots bursts of metal-corrosive hydrochloric acid. Some whippersnappers call it alaser musket,which just shows you how much today's kids know, which is nothing. World's going to hell in a handbasket, swear to god.



The Transformers

This is how we did it back in the day.
  • Kup(Autobot Car,1986)
Kup's musket laser was a fancy cyan number, if you can believe it. It didn't even stow anywhere in vehicle mode, but that's what you had to put up with back then. We took our lumps and we liked it.

Watch this one closely. I think it's going to steal my medicine.
  • Kup w/ Recoil(Targetmaster,1987)
Kup's cyan gun was an "old-style musket laser," and so was this thing which transformed into a little fleshy dude namedRecoil.Whatever constitutes an old-style musket laser must involve fairly lax parameters.

The Transformers Collection

  • Future Cybertron(Transformers Collection, 2005)
Oh man, when Kup got rereleased forThe Transformers Collection,it was crazy, 'cause he came withbothof his old musket lasers. Man, Kup was so lucky back then...


Unorthodox, but it worked, by gum!
  • Wings of Honor(BotConbox set, 2009)
Back when Kup was fresh off the assembly line, his laser musket was a fancy-pants state-of-the-art doohickey that mounted from his left wrist. It could also convert into a magnetic clamp or an experimental kinetic energy hammer. Oh, those were the days.
  • Machine Wars: Termination(BotCon box set, 2013)
  • Autobot Electrons& Sandstorm(Souvenir 2-pack, 2013)
These little schmucks took the laser musket to BotCon! Well these were basically the same asGenerationsKup but with some color change! They don't make 'em as simple as they use too.


They changed it now it sucks.
  • Sergeant Kup(Deluxe Class,2011)
  • Swerve(Deluxe, 2012)
  • Autobot Warriors(3-pack, 2014)
  • Autobot Heroes(Platinum Edition 5-pack, 2016)
  • Armada of Cyclonus(Platinum Edition 3-pack, 2016)
Oh, so it has to look like an actual musket now, does it? Kids today, they have to have this stuff hand-fed to them. No subtlety at all, this generation. Well, at least it canclip just about anywhere,plus it can transform into an exhaust pipe in a pinch. Don't make 'em like they used to.
When Kup was laterretooledintoSwerve,the musket was renamed into a "Blaster". I tell ya, there's just no imagination and creativity nowadays. Meanwhile, someother whippersnapperstook the musket as their own weapons. They're rotten thieves, I tell ya!


  • Autobot Kup(Deluxe, 2011-02-26)

  • Autobot SET(3-pack, 2011)
When that good ol' musket wielder Kup got released in Japan, he got nice a shiny, and so did his musket laser! Well, not really, but it was great I tell you!

Studio Series

  • Kup(Deluxe Class,2022)

Collect them all!

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  • Kup's musket laser followsThe Transformers: The Movie's trend of giving themed lasers to its featured characters.Galvatroncarries anelectrochemical laser(it galvanizes, get it?),Wreck-Garcarries a "decelerator laser"which makes you stupid (Wreck-Gar ain't quite all there, get it?), and Kup has a" musket laser, "which pokes fun at Kup's age. Muskets are old, see!
  • Kup's later toys would call his musket laser a "laser musket," which istotally backwards.Man, whatever.

Foreign names

  • Japanese:Musket gun(マスケットガンMasketto gan)
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