Oil Valley
From Transformers Wiki
Oil Valleyis located not far fromAutobot City.It's filled withoil rigsthat constantly pumpoilout of the ground.
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Low on fuel, theDecepticonsbegan eying up Oil Valley and decided to enslave thehumansthere.Hot RodandDaniel Witwicky,who were taking a joyride, happened to spot them and headed back to Autobot City with the Decepticons in pursuit. The human workers, drawn by the sound of the battle, climbed out of the valley to see what was going on, andGalvatrontook the opportunity to try to grab the oil for himself. Though the otherAutobotswere occupied,Grimlockfollowed him into the valley and hit him with an oil tower until he retreated. The victorious Autobots got a rousing cheer from the human workers as they left.Battle at Oil Valley