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Race Car Patrol

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The Race Car Patrol is a team ofAutobotMicromastersfrom theGeneration 1 continuity family.
Clockwise from top left: Free Wheeler, Tailspin, Roadhandler, Swindler

TheRace Car Patrolconsists of



Marvel Comics continuity

MarvelThe Transformerscomics

Events from theUK-onlycomic stories are in italics.

The Race Car Patrol were some of the first Micromasters created on Cybertron byEmirateXaaron.When theBattle Patrolwere captured during a scouting mission, the Race Car Patrol,Rescue Patrol,andOff Road Patrolwere sent in to destroy them, in order to prevent Micromaster technology from falling into Decepticon hands. These orders did not sit easily with Roadhandler, and the Micromasters agreed to disregard them, attempting a rescue instead. As it turned out,Thunderwing's Decepticons had already successfully reverse-engineered Micromaster technology and were using the Autobots to test their newAir Strike Patrol,but the Autobots managed to outwit them and rescue their comrades.A Small War!

Race car patrol king con.jpg

The Race Car Patrol were then sent toEarthto reinforceOptimus Prime's forces and sent to investigate reports involving giant creatures spotted in theNew Jerseyswamps and unusual storm activity consolidating over Manhattan. Joining forces with the human reporterCecilia Santiago,the group locatedIguanusinNew York Cityas he was planting anenergy-collecting deviceon top of theEmpire State Building.After rescuing Cecilia and defeating Iguanus, the Race Car Patrol decided to remain in New York.King Con!

While Tailspin and Mudslinger spent their time capturing human criminals, Roadhandler pursued a career in professional wrestling that caught the attention of LordZarak.Organising a bout between Roadhandler and the Decepticon MicromasterStorm Cloud,Zarak sought to sway the odds in his favour by kidnapping several members of Roadhandler'sfan club.They were rescued in time for Roadhandler to defeat Storm Cloud in the ring but afterwards, the Race Car Patrol realised that living amongst humans only endangered them and they left New York.The Interplanetary Wrestling Championship!

Race car patrol double deal of the century.jpg

Later, Roadhandler and his Patrol accompanied Optimus Prime on a mission to retrieve vital battle plans fromChainclawbut they were frustrated by the DecepticonDealer,who demanded a ransom for Chainclaw's safe return. Encountering the AutobotDouble,they agreed to let him carry out the mission but when he returned carrying the injured Chainclaw claiming that he had been betrayed by the Decepticons, the Autobots charged into battle againstScorponok's troops to seek revenge.(Double) Deal of the Century!

In1989the Race Car Patrol attended theTransformers'Christmasparty.The Transformers#250 cover

Another Time & Place

After the battle ofKlo,Roadhandler joined the Autobots in a mission toHydrus Fourto rescue the errantDinobots.Another Time & Place

Transformers Comic-Magazin

The Race Car Patrol, Off Road Patrol, Rescue Patrol, and Sports Car Patrol emerged from hyperspace at several hundred mach into the Ark. A day later, a huge battle took place in New York as the Autobots battled the Decepticons. The Decepticons unleashed a robotic hell-beast known as 'King Con' which the Race Car Patrol helped to battle, however Optimus Prime rented a helicopter to fly a banner announcing huge raw oil deposit finds in the Rocky Mountains. After a short hesitation, the Decepticons retreated to pursue these findings.New York — A City Sinking in Terror

In a battle at Alaska, Roadhandler's team and theOff Road Patrolfought against the DecepticonPretenders.The Transformers' Grand Hour: Headmaster of the Dimensions

Zonecartoon, manga, and story pages

WhenVictory Saberinitiated the "Zone Project", the Race Car Patrol helped rebuild planetMicrointo planet Zone. To counter this threat,Violengiguarbegan conquering planets in order to create his ownDecepticon Zone.The Race Car Patrol and all otherMicromasterteams were then sent on patrol across the galaxy, specifically to planets where their unique skills could do the most good.Zone Part 1

WhenKing PoseidonandTrypticonattacked the aquatic planet ofWall,the Race Car Patrol team were deployed to defend it. With the aid of CommandersOverload,Erector,Missile Bull,andSkywave,they emerged triumphant.Zone Part 3

The Race Car Patrol were one of the numerous Micromaster teams that helped defend PlanetZonefrom theNine Great Demon Generals.Unfortunately, they were not able to preventOverlordfrom stealing the planet'sZodiacenergy capsule.Enter the New Supreme Commander, Dai Atlas!Zone

When thePowered Mastersflew off to theTenth Planetfor their showdown with Violengiguar, all the Micromaster teams took command of Zone and vowed to keep it safe in their Commander's absence.Zone Part 10


The Transformers

Free Wheeler.
  • Race Car Patrol(Micromaster Patrol,1988/1990)
  • Takara ID number:C-334
The Autobot Race Car Patrol are a set of four high-speed race car Micromasters:Roadhandlerthe red Pontiac Firebird Trans Am,Free Wheelerthe yellow Lamborghini Countach,Swindlerthe gray DeLorean, andTailspinto blue LeMans racer. The four were only sold as a complete set.
In Hasbro's markets, the Race Car Patrol,Air Strike PatrolandOff Road Patrolwere released in late 1988 (basically, a case of "next year product" being released at the end of the old year), in packaging that differed from the "proper" 1989The TransformersMicromasters' redesigned packaging (silver cards and boxes featuring an all-new "Transformers" logo) by retaining a variation of the faction-specific color-coded gradient background on the card and featuring a unique "Micro Transformers" title in a variation of the old, pre-1989 "Transformers" logo. This same basic packaging design was also used for Canada (albeit bilingual English/French) and parts of Europe (bilingual French/Dutch, and Italian-only packaging distributed byGiG). However, arunning change variantof the French/Dutch version featuring the later 1989 packaging design also exists, and most likely a similar version (in English-only packaging) was also released in the United Kingdom alongside similar versions of the Air Strike Patrol and the Off Road Patrol.
In Takara's markets, the Team was released as the "Race Car Patrol Team",released in theZoneportion of Takara'sFight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformerstoyline. They are physically identical to their Hasbro counterparts.

War for Cybertron: Siege

  • Roadhandler & Swindler(Micromaster set,2019)
  • Hasbro ID number:WFC-S4
  • TakaraTomy ID Number:SG-03
  • TakaraTomy release date:February 23,2019
Part of the first wave ofSiegeMicromasters, the Race Car Patrol (now reduced to justRoadhandlerandSwindler) transform from robots to cars and back. They can also combine with each other to form a "Multi-Mech Particle Exhaust Cannon", which just barely resembles a weapon. As a part of theC.O.M.B.A.T. System,their weapon mode can be attached to any toy with a5 mm post-hole. "Fire Blasts" can also be attached to their barrels. Alternatively each can be turned into a single blaster without the need of their teammate as afan mode.
Out of the three available sets in the toyline's first wave, Roadhandler and Swindler were the set most frequently foundshelfwarming.Both molds were later retooled into theSports Car Patrol,who similarly became shelfwarmers.


Foreign names

  • Japanese:Race Car Patrol Team(レースカーパトロールチームRēsu Kā Patorōru Chīmu)
  • French:Patrouille Routière( "Road Patrol", Europe),Patrouille en voiture( "Car Patrol", Canada)
  • Dutch:Patrouille Racewagen
  • Italian:Sprintforce
  • Portuguese:Patrulha Terrestre( "Road Patrol",Siegepackaging)
  • Spanish:Patrulla de Bólidos( "Fireball Patrol",Siegepackaging)
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