Rustbug hoop
From Transformers Wiki
Therustbug hoopis the latest piece of Decepticon weapons technology for handling extremely small flying opponents. It is just a coincidence that it looks like an electrically charged fly swatter. Oh yes.
These stories do not fit into the normal Marvel continuity. SeeEarthforcefor details.
Starscreamwas on monitoring duty atShockwave's base when he spotted a visitation by theInsecticons,spying forMegatronas part of theDecepticon Civil War.After a quick trip to the armoury, Starscream was ready. The Insecticons attacked him, so he pulled out the rustbug hoop and casually swatted them all.Bugged!
- The rustbug hoop is depicted as being square on the cover of issue #276, but in the story itself, it is round as the name suggests.
- Starscream's dialogue implies that the hoop was designed to deal with a small, possibly insectoid form of Cybertronic wildlife known as arustbug.