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Transformers Timelines
preview comic
Shattered Glass
Timeless pg 1.jpg
Publisher Fun Publications
First published September 12,2013(online)
Writers Jesse Wittenrich&Pete Sinclair
Pencils Hayato Sakamoto&Will Mangin
Inks Hayato Sakamoto &Jake Isenberg
Colors Josh Burcham,Sam Palmer,& Jesse Wittenrich
Letters Jesse Wittenrich
Managing editor Pete Sinclair
Continuity TransTech

Heinrad speaks of the future and other universes with acquaintances.



In his monitoring room,Rhinoxobserves the continuing multiversal chaos withHeinrad,aTransTechfrom the future, telling him that without a plan, they can only hope for events to occur in their favor. Heinrad, too, is having trouble, as his usual precognitive abilities are overflowed with all the chaotic possibilities. Even the events of the prehistoric EarthDepth Chargewas sent to inPrimax -408.24 Epsilon's past is unclear, as if it were happening in real-time. Disturbed by this, Rhinox decides to monitor other regions of the multiverse.

On one world, Decepticon enforcersBarricadeandFrenzyhave corneredFisitron,charging him with various crimes including the dispersal ofcosmic rustonOutpost Thetarus.Fisitron objects, claiming that he's never even been to Thetarus, and that Decepticon scientistOilslickis a much more likely candidate. Barricade concurs, but figures that his superiors are much more likely to listen to him than an Autobot. Back in the observation room, Heinrad tells Rhinox to turn up the gain, but is too late to prevent the loss of signal. Rhinox notes that he's never seen this universe, and that it's much further than any universe he's seen before. Rhinox gripes about Heinrad looking into his future, even though he told him he wouldn't, and goes onto another universe.

On another world,Rewind,Chromedome,andStylorhave found the supposedVestigial Cortical Complex,a warehouse that stores the memories of thousands of ancient Decepticons. Chromedome is unconvinced, believing that there would be guards to protect the complex, but Rewind tells him that Decepticons want nobody to find their secrets, not even those protecting them. Their discussion is cut short whenTreadshot,their hired gunslinger, blasts open a hole in the wall. Rewind heads on right on in; Chromedome asks if Treadshot is coming with them, and Treadshot gruffly informs them that if it doesn't have to do with guns, he's not interested. Back at the observation room, Rhinox explains that thisuniverseloops aroundPrimax 1005.19 Gamma,adopting aspects from it. Heinrad tries to appear interested.

Some time later, Heinrad goes to meet with his partner, happy to be done with all the research. His partner asks if they're done here in the past, but Heinrad insists on staying, feeling as if time is more fluid here, and that they were here for a reason. Heinrad's companion nags at him, having told him it wasn't his fault and that he doesn't appreciate him. Heinrad, feeling guilty, explains to his friend that his temporary bond withStarscream's spark gave him his temporal powers, powers that Heinrad has used to master his own, for which he is forever grateful. Heinrad promises that he'll help his partner get back home, much to his companion's delight; after all, it's been so long sinceThrustinator's been home!

Featured characters

(Characters initalic textappear only on computer screens.)
(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)


Continuity notes

Transformers references

Real world references


  • This comic functions as an advertisement for the toys ofFun Publications'ssubscription service(except the seventh, bonus figure, which had not been revealed yet).
  • Co-writerJesse Wittenrichwould later reveal his intention that the Rewind depicted in "Timeless" was being projected into Chromedome's mind by Stylor, and that the actual Rewind was deceased. Vestigial remnants of this plot point remain in the published comic, in the form of Stylor's constant physical contact with Chromedome, and Treadshot never acknowledging Rewind.[1]Whether this holds true in the completed comic or is merelyauthorial intentis an exercise left to the reader.


  1. "Hmm. Obvious IDW nod is obvious but... TCC Stylor's" power "was going to be that he could access and edit Chromedome's mind, allowing Stylor the ability to generate and project Rewind into Chromedome's active consciousness. Letting Chromedome continue to see and hear his husband even with Rewind, at that point, being dead and all. In the somewhat planned extended TFSS comic, Ultra Magnus would try to convince Chromedome that Stylor was a dangerous" parasite ", but in the end Chromedome wouldn't have been able to let Rewind" die "again and would stay buddies with Stylor. (If you read the page that did get published, you'll see that Stylor never loses physical contact with Chromedome when Rewind is around. And Treadshot never interacts with Rewind.) So I guess what I'm saying is..." Cool! Both Stylors have memory powers!! "" —Jesse Wittenrich on the Allspark Forums, 2016/08/23

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