Ultra Magnus Dies!!
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"Ultra Magnus Dies!!" (Ultra Magnus Shisu!!) | ||||||
Production company | Takara,Toei | |||||
Airdate | 22 January1988 | |||||
Writer | Yoshihisa Araki | |||||
Director | Nobuō Shirahata | |||||
Animation studio | Toei | |||||
Continuity | Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity |
Contents |
TheDecepticonHeadmastersengage in a stealth mission, sneaking into theAutobots' northern outpost onEarthin their small robot forms and successfully eliminating all the personnel without alerting the Autobots' main force.Weirdwolfreports their successful acquisition of the base toScorponok.
Meanwhile, Battleship Maximus has returned toAthenia,where they are still concerned overGalvatron's ultimate plan for the energy the Decepticons have gathered from all the planets they attacked, andHighbrowcontinues his codebreaking to try and discover Scorponok's hidden weakness. At the same time, onChaar,Galvatron announces the plan in question—as Scorponok has already deduced, he plans to "incorporate the Earth into his system". With the specifics of this goal left unsaid,Sixshotprivately cautions Galvatron to beware of Scorponok and his own ambitions. Galvatron is well aware of Scorponok's own desire for power, and Sixshot offers to limit any further impediment to Galvatron's goals by personally leading a massive attack on Earth's Autobot forces, in order to wipe them out.
Elsewhere, Scorponok contacts Weirdwolf on Earth, and announces that it is time that he and his Headmasters begin to work towards their own goals, surreptitiously working to steal energy from Autobot installations and forcing Galvatron into fighting the Autobots himself, all so that Scorponok may take leadership of the Decepticons once again.
Sixshot mobilisesTrypticon,theCombaticons,theTerrorconsand theHorrorconsand initiates an all-out attack against the Autobots' energy facility in Miami (pausing for a comedic scuffle between the confusedDoublecrossand the Horrorcons, who each take on one of his heads). Word soon reachesUltra MagnusatAutobot City,who, unwilling to burdenFortresswith any further problems, dispatches theTrainbotsandTechnobotsto deal with the threat.
Back on Athenia,DanielandWheelieare helping Highbrow in his codebreaking, but have thus far met with failure—the two youths are particularly dismayed when Highbrow has them start the whole process over again from the top. Fortress chargesPunchwith informing him of Galvatron's movements, and confers with the other Autobots on the situation—even the hot-headed, over-eagerHardheadadmits that he has bad feelings about the current situation, stunning everyone into horrified silence.
On Earth, the battle goes badly for the Autobots. On the outskirts of Autobot City, Ultra Magnus is confronted by Sixshot himself, who attacks theCity Commanderwith his multiplication powers and multiple transformations.Metroplexattempts to intervene, but Trypticon intercepts him, at which point the Trainbots arrive, and convince Magnus that Fortress must be alerted. The news is quickly sent to Athenia, and Fortress and the Headmasters head for Earth aboard Battleship Maximus.Soundblasterin turn relays this to Galvatron; the Decepticon leader is not too eager at the suggestion that Scorponok be sent to stop the Autobots, but Soundblaster convinces him to make the request, and Scorponok complies.
Meanwhile, Ultra Magnus is in trouble—Sixshot has multiplied himself into six forms, each one adopting one of his alternate modes, to strike Magnus in painful succession. As the Horrorcons hold off Raiden, Sixshot makes his final deadly move, revealing his secret,seventhmode, combining all the strengths of his six modes in one—the Wingwolf! Simultaneously, Battleship Maximus and Scorponok arrive on Earth, but Galvatron's fears are realized, as Scorponok completely ignores the battle and telepathically contacts the Decepticon Headmasters to check up on their progress, while the Autobots arrive just as Magnus is caught in a hail of laser fire from Sixshot. When the fallen City Commander does not rise, the enraged Headmasters enterHead Formationand knock the ninja out of the sky. Fortress cradles Ultra Magnus's broken body, as, with his last words, Magnus wishes for the Autobots to defend the Earth, and dies. Swept up in righteous fury, the Headmasters pummel Sixshot, forcing the villain to retreat.
Ultra Magnus's body is loaded into a funeral bier, and Metroplex requests that, rather than be fired into space, Ultra Magnus's body be buried somewhere on the Earth that he loved so much. With the bier board Battleship Maximus, a burial spot is selected—a small cave on the coastline—and Magnus is submerged beneath the waves as the sun begins to set.
Featured characters
(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)
Autobots | Decepticons | Humans | ||||
"You're pretty stupid for a commander. Okay, now let me send youexpress to Hell!"
- —Sixshotinsults Ultra Magnus
Continuity notes
- Galvatron's unknown master plan was first hinted at in "Fight to the Death on Planet Hive!!"Precisely what" incorporating the Earth into his system "involves is not covered in this episode, but will be revealed in the next installment—but don't get'cher hopes up for anythingsensible.
- The existence of Scorponok's mysterious weak spot was revealed in "Find MegaZarak's Weak Spot!!".
- The Headmasters' telepathic powers were introduced fully back in "Cybertron Is in Grave Danger, Part 2".
- The "Head Formation", introduced properly in "Find MegaZarak's Weak Spot!!",takes another new twist in this episode. This time, the Headmasters do not disconnect from theirTranstectorsbefore entering the formation, and once they are powered up, they do not release their grip on each other, spinning their energy-charged bodies in a destructive circle. This is probably the most important evolution of the Headmasters' powering-up abilities, as it is this specific version of the formation that will prove key in the final episode of the series.
- Sixshot's "Wingwolf" mode previously appeared inIssue 4of theHeadmastersmanga.
Animation and technical errors
- As Galvatron and Soundblaster ask Scorponok to go to Earth, Scorponok's "antlers" are grey instead of orange.
- When Ultra Magnus looks at the departing Trainbots and Technobots, Suiken is colored like Shouki and Ultra Magnus's eyes are red.
- As Sixshot literally runs rings around Ultra Magnus, Trypticon and Metroplex can be seen nearby, but they're quite a lot smaller than usual—only about twice Ultra Magnus's height.
- As Metroplex promises to protect Earth and the camera pans over the other Autobots, they're drawn in a strange exaggerated manner.
Continuity errors
- When he dies, Ultra Magnus does notturn grey.This stands out particularly, sinceThe Headmasterswas so attentive to this point in early episodes of the series when Blaster, Soundwave and Optimus Prime all bought the farm. But hey, maybe hisinner robotdid...
- This episode marked the return ofThe Headmastersto Japanese television screens after a four-week break.
- This is the firstThe Headmastersepisode to feature an insert song. The song in question is "Tate! Ikari no Headmasters",which plays as Ultra Magnus and Sixshot's battle begins. The RTM 1 dub removes it.
- Sixshot's Wingwolf mode was created for the animated series, hence it is not mentioned in his toy's instructions, but you can still transform the toy into this form, because it was created simply by fiddling with the figure to see what sort of other forms one could create out of it. This was not the only time that the JapaneseTransformersseries put this trick to use, as seen withOverlord's "space jet" mode andBlackZarak's hydra mode.
Foreign localization
- Title:"The Death of Ultra Magnus"(Omni Productionsdub)
- Original airdate:December 27,1992
- Title:"The Death of Ultra Magnus!!"(Shout! Factorysub)
- Sixshot makes numerous references to thePit,despite the subs using the more straightforward "hell" previously.
- "Sparks" is used, this time in place of "hearts".
- Title:"Tōngtiānxiǎo zhī Sǐ"( thông thiên hiểu chi tử," The Death of Ultra Magnus ")
- Title:"La Morte di Convoy"(" The Death of Ultra Magnus ")
Home video releases
- Laserdisc
1996 —Transformers: The HeadmastersSet (Takara) — Japanese audio only.
2002 —Transformers: The Headmasters— DVD Box (Pioneer LDC) — Japanese audio only.
2005 — The Takara Collection Vol 1 —Transformers: Headmasters(Metrodome)
2007 —Transformers— The Complete Takara Collection (Metrodome)
2007 —The Transformers: Headmasters(Madman Entertainment)
2009 —The Transformers: Japan Generation 1— Complete Collection (Madman Entertainment)
2011 —Transformers Japanese Collection: Headmasters(Shout! Factory) — Japanese audio with optional English subtitles only.
2012 —Transformers: The Japanese Collection(Shout! Factory) — Japanese audio with optional English subtitles only.