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Ascentor is an Autobot-allied Mini-Con from the Cybertron portion of the Unicron Trilogy continuity family.
They call me mellow yellow.

Ascentor is the only member of the Exploration Mini-Con Team to have maintained contact with the Mini-Con Council of Sages after the Unicron Battles. Although Earth's Moon—where the Exploration Team reside—and the moons of Cybertron—where the Council is based—are light-years apart, Ascentor maintains a steady back-and-forth with them, discussing philosophy and the Council's course of actions, which makes him appear very distant and distracted.

Normally, this would mean big trouble for him, since the Lunar Assault Mini-Con Team's Payload spends most of his time setting traps for Ascentor, hoping to prove he can out-think his quarry rather than simply pummel him physically. But Ascentor's motor-control systems have become almost subconscious, practically giving him a "sixth sense", enabling him to avoid traps without even thinking about it.



  • Payload vs. Ascentor (Mini-Con 2-pack, 2005)
Released as part of the second wave of Cybertron Mini-Con 2-packs, Ascentor is a redeco of Dualor, transforming into an anti-aircraft tank similar to a Gepard. He features a gear-wheel system that causes his tank-mode cannons to pom-pom back and forth when he is rolled in vehicle mode. He can also be attached to the underside of the Armada Cyclonus mold, interacting with the Decepticon’s gear-wheel rotor system.
He was only available in a two-pack with Payload.
This mold was also used to make Repeater.
Transformers: Armada mold: Dualor
  • Hasbro:
  • Takara:


  • The Lunar Assault and Exploration Team's mold-sets were swapped before final production; it is unknown if the character of Ascentor was originally supposed to be applied to the toy that would become Payload or Scattorbrain... but probably Scattorbrain, given the "scatter/gun" and "payload/bucket-wheel" associations.
  • Ascentor's Exploration Team buddies showed up on Unicron's side of the Mini-Con Civil War in "Balancing Act" (likely due to the comic being created pre-mold-swap), but Ascentor himself was a no-show.
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