From Transformers Wiki
Known by their proud creator as "tireless mechanical partners", the automatons have proven to be the foundation of economic and social development in the 22nd century. An all-purpose robotic product fleet invented by Isaac Sumdac, automatons perform a wide variety of jobs without fear, complaint, or (usually) error.
The fact that they were all reverse-engineered from a giant robot bent on killing everything around it is unknown, but what kind of problems could that cause? It's not like it's still online, right?
Animated cartoon
Professor Sumdac used technology from the crashed remains of Megatron as the basis for his robotics empire. By the early 22nd century, Detroit had become the world's automaton manufacturing capital, a clean and high-tech city. Robots performed many everyday jobs, including:
- Garbage disposal
- Babysitting
- Dog walking
- Janitorial services
- Food preparation and sales
- Building upkeep
- Law enforcement
- Media camera work
- Heavy industry, including robot manufacture
- Education
- Espionage
- Toys
- Biomedical research
That last group, Sumdac's "microbots", was designed to enter infected organic systems and destroy the causes of disease, potentially one day allowing humans to achieve immortality. However, the Sumdac Systems technicians lost control of the microbot replication process, and the robots mutated their insect host into a giant, all-consuming monster that the Autobots had to defeat Transform and Roll Out
Despite their usefulness, automatons are also resented by many humans who view the machines as having out-competed them for certain jobs. Prometheus Black staged robot-wrecking wrestling matches as a promotion for his own biochemical augmentation merchandise, to the cheers of large and eager crowds. Total Meltdown
Soundwave used his sonic control signals to reorganize Detroit's automatons into a revolutionary army. He directed some of them to merge with and augment his own body, and others to go on a rampage against humans and Autobots. Sound and Fury After Porter C. Powell took control of Sumdac Systems, he used Soundwave's schematics to mass-produce a super-awesome toy that every cool kid would want. Human Error, Part I But safety testing had not uncovered the inconvenient little glitch that all the toys would try to enslave humanity and conquer the world, so instead there had to be a full recall on Christmas Day, bankrupting Powell.Human Error, Part II
Shards of the AllSpark are able to bring Sumdac's automatons to life — and they seem hostile. The Elite Guard
Shattered Glass Animated
In another universe, a different Isaac Sumdac reverse engineered his technology from the crashed remains of Optimus Prime. From his Terrordrome in Detroit, his robot army conquered lower Michigan. The 'Cons