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B'Boom is a Maximal from the Beast Wars portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
Beware his twenty nipples.

B'Boom is a ball of barely-contained energy and rage that loves nothing more than plowing into a battle head-first. On occasion, his volcanic temper can end up turned toward his fellow Maximals, but B'Boom knows what side he is on. He'll take to the trees, pinballing wildly across branches in his beast mode, until he "cools off". His teammates overlook these rare outbursts, knowing that B'Boom's unpredictable fury and formidable arsenal of weaponry are excellent assets in battle against the Predacons.



3H comics

It's the ciiiiiiiiiiiiircle of death...

During the final battle with Shokaract, several realities converged into a single, apocalyptic timestorm. Beast Warriors from alternate realities emerged, including B'Boom, Drill Bit, Transquito, Air Hammer, Polar Claw, and unidentified others, though all of them were summarily defeated. Terminus

2006 IDW Beast Wars continuity

"You see.... He lives in YOU."

B'Boom was one of the protoforms to be protected by Razorbeast's viral code, allowing him to remain a Maximal when Magmatron remote-activated all the stasis pods on ancient Earth. The Gathering #1 He joined up with Razorbeast fairly early on, but was easily the most suspicious of his motives. After all, Razorbeast had no evidence to back up his claims, and his masked spark signature still screamed "Predacon". In the fight to get the Transwarp Amplifier from Ravage's downed Transwarp Cruiser, B'Boom was thrashed by Magmatron but had to make do without a CR chamber. The Gathering #2 His self-repair circuits did bring him back on-line in short order, though. The Gathering #3 The Maximals were prepping their transwarp signal at their waterfall lair when Ravage and the Predacons stormed the base. While Snarl continued calibrating the equipment, B'Boom and the others drew Predacon fire away from the base. Being bait would've turned into being a sacrifice if Torca hadn't led in a massive Maximal reinforcement troop at just the right moment. The Gathering #4

B'Boom and the Maximals spent the next few weeks fortifying their position against further Predacon attack, waiting for some sign that their transwarp signal got through. The Ascending #1 It did...with a little help from the chronally displaced Magmatron. The Pack soon arrived and joined forces with the Maximals in fighting off a Predacon offensive. After Magmatron alerted Ravage to the threat of Unicron and Shokaract, though, the Predacons laid down arms to join forces with their Maximal brethren against a common foe. The Ascending #2 The arrival of Rartorata and his corruption of Razorbeast only further cemented the alliance. B'Boom remained behind to occupy the arriving Blendtrons while the Pack transwarped back to Cybertron with a contingent of allies in order to confront the Chaos-Bringer's puppet. The Ascending #3 B'Boom helped the united Maximals and Predacons wrestle Drancron to the ground, and soon they had eliminated all of Unicron's agents. Unfortunately, Razorbeast was still infected by Rartorata's viral Angolmois. He had kept his focus while there were enemies to fight, but without that, his berserker nature began to take hold again. Optimus Minor was forced to execute his friend to keep him from hurting anyone else. B'Boom was seen comforting the young Maximal in the aftermath. The Ascending #4

Beast Wars: Uprising


B'Boom was among the disenfranchised Maximals and Predacons gathered by Blackarachnia and Lio Convoy for the Resistance. He helped secure the broadcast center to ensure Lio Convoy's rallying cry reached all who could hear it. Broken Windshields He was later seen making reports on Resistance activities to Lio Convoy in their headquarters. Burning Bridges

As the Grand Uprising progressed, B'Boom developed as one of Lio Convoy's top advisors in High Command. Maintaining his enthusiasm and optimism, B'Boom was often seen as the heart of the Resistance. In the closing days of the war, he worked with the liaison to the Independent Predacus States on negotiations to bring the Predacons into the fight against the Builders.

Negotiations became the least of the Resistance's worries after the first intelligence reports came in about Vehicon infestation. Three cities behind Resistance lines were already on the verge of complete assimilation by the Vehicons and their nano-plague before High Command even knew what was happening. Fearing the worst if the Vehicons were allowed to spread, Lio Convoy announced Operation Amputation, using K-Class Commandos to cauterize the cities, wiping out all life (or "anti-life") present in the borders. B'Boom objected vigorously, as did many generals, but Lio Convoy proceeded in the name of the greater good. Carpessa and Damaxus were annihilated, but the K-Class named Movor hesitated over Protihex. When he missed the optimal drop zone, B'Boom urged Lio Convoy to call it off—Movor's blast radius now included uninfected Nuon as well. Movor eventually jumped, but while his blast destroyed most of Protihex AND the innocent Nuon, a large portion of infested Protihex remained. The Vehicons remained.

When the Vehicons spread to the Tri-Torus region, the army of the Resistance faced them and fell. Hard. Estimated Vehicon numbers after the defeat and assimilation of the Torus states meant the Vehicons likely outnumbered remaining Resistance troops by over 100,000. B'Boom urged the Resistance to fight the Vehicons, calling back troops from the front, but Cybershark rightly pointed out they'd be exposing their backs to the Builders. Therefore, Lio Convoy decided their only course of action was to press forward, conquer the Builders with all due haste in the hopes of finding the means to shut down the Vehicons at their backs at the same time.

In order to press onwards to Iacon, the Yuss Naval Batteries could not be firing on the Resistance Navy when they traversed the Great Rust Sea. And so, the Resistance fought to seize the seven fortresses guarding the batteries, and the batteries themselves. B'Boom led the successful siege on Fort Zreb. The Maxilla was conquered and the batteries seized, but at great cost. No longer having the necessary naval ships to transport the army up the Sea, the Resistance had to proceed largely on foot to Iacon. They began to double-time it once they realized Hot Rod, commander of the Micromaster 001st in Iacon, was refusing to engage in open warfare in the streets and risk civilians. The enemy's general had, effectively, left the front door open to them.

At the High Pavilion of Iacon, Psycho-Orb and B'Boom advanced their units into the temple itself, battling the remaining Temple Guard that stood between them and the Builder Assembly. B'Boom and the Mighty Comets fought their way to the Assembly's bunker in the catacombs, losing thousands in the siege. When the Vehicons turned against their masters, the Assembly were killed and the Pavilion fell into ruins. B'Boom and his troops only emerged from the rubble hours later, as Lio Convoy prepared a small force to attack the Grand Mal of Nova Cronum, the true seat of the Vehicons' power.

B'Boom was left behind to coordinate the vast bulk of their remaining forces against the tide of Vehicons. With Eject and Riker promising a détente with the Builders, the Resistance made their way towards the High Pavilion Arena and Hot Rod's encamped Micromaster 001st Division. Vehicon barricades and relentless assaults prevented them from reaching safe haven, however, until Hot Rod and the Micromaster left their secure arena to help guide the army of the Resistance in to their encampment. B'Boom was immediately accepted by Hot Rod and Countdown as general of the Resistance, as they desperately needed his troops to shore up their defenses. Despite the incongruity of the new situation, B'Boom jumped into the alliance to help save as many lives as possible.

After megacycles of fighting, the Vehicons finally ebbed as Lio Convoy completely his mission. The rush of battle left him, and B'Boom collapsed from the sheer magnitude of it all. He confessed to his ally, his enemy, Hot Rod that he couldn't return to war after the losses of the day. Having experienced his own crisis after leading the Autobots, Hot Rod offered B'Boom what comfort he could, and the two promised to move forward in a way that hopefully preserved the peace.

In the aftermath, a Grand Summit was held in Hyperious to decide the fate of Cybertron. B'Boom rapidly overcame his shellshock at the promise of peace, and began handling the various councilors, warlords, and generals who survived the Vehicon Apocalypse like a true politician, genuinely working them to achieve a lasting end to the wars. It was no surprise that, when the Cybertronian Parliament was established, B'Boom was among the representatives chosen from the Resistance to sit on the new body. Derailment

2005 IDW continuity

B'Boom was one of Onyx Prime's Maximals who joined forces with Unicron, and was present during the final battle against the Autobots and their allies in Earth's orbit, trading fire with Ironhide's team of Autobots. Ceremony

Commercial appearances

Spotting Transquito approaching from his treetop perch, B'Boom fired a blast towards the Predacons from his beast mode's mouth. Though Transquito evaded the shot, B'Boom managed to pounce atop of the giant insect. But Transquito pushed him off by converting to his robot mode, prompting B'Boom to transform as well. Both combatants then began firing volleys upon volleys of laser-blasts onto one another. B'Boom and Transquito commercial


Transformers Roleplaying Game

B'boom was an unpredictable Maximal trooper who fought fiercely to defend the environment. In his artillery emplacement form, he could launch pulse rounds that debilitated mechanical beings. Technorganic Secrets


Beast Wars

He'll drill YOU, man.
  • B'Boom (Mega, 1997)
  • Accessories: Spring-loaded missile launcher, 2 "pulse missiles"
  • Known designers: Yuichiro Hira (TakaraTomy), Masakatsu Saito (concept artist)
The only toy in the second wave of second-year Beast Wars Megas, B'Boom transforms into a metallic-blue organic mandrill. His beast mode face has spring-activated features, with a revealed spring-loaded "pulse missile" launcher in his mouth. In robot mode the launcher and "pulse missiles" end up stored just behind his head and can be used as a hand-held weapon.
B'Boom also has a third "mega artillery attack mode" that a Basic-sized toy can pilot, with pull-out (non-firing) cannons and a second robot head.
This toy was also released in Japan as an import in Hasbro packaging with a Takara-applied sticker. It was later reused with a very slight difference in blue plastic hues for Beast Wars II Apache.


Beast Wars Transformers Mutating Card Game

  • Beast Wars Transformers Mutating Card Game (1997)
B'Boom was one of the 24 beast warriors to receive a battle card representation for the Beast Wars card game.


B'Boom is the one that's not Apache.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: B'Boon (ビーブーン Bībūn)
  • French: Baboum (Canada)
  • Italian: Mandrillo
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