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Ben Yee

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The name or term "Ben" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Ben (disambiguation).
Ben Yee is a human in the real-world and Beast Wars continuity families.
You can't see me!

This character has no official visual representation in any Transformers product or media... yet, at least.

Benson Gregory "Ben" Yee is an American comic book writer and fandom consultant.

Yee began his Transformers involvement as one of the many fans posting to While the Beast Wars cartoon was in production, writers Larry DiTillio and Bob Forward frequently interacted with fans on ATT, and struck up friendships with a number of them. Yee became the first of many fans to be given a shout-out during the course of the Beast Wars cartoon: during the episode "Dark Designs", Waspinator is knocked for a loop and declares that he is "Wonko the Sane", in reference to Yee's screen name at the time (the screen name itself, of course, comes from the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy books.)

When the Beast Wars story editors decided to do a plot drawing heavily on the Generation 1 cartoon (the Season 2 finale 3-parter "The Agenda"), they turned to the fandom, recruiting Yee as a "Transformers consultant". Yee's involvement led to the selection of Ravage as a guest star. Yee is listed in the show's credits, the only fan to receive such an honor.

Yee would later go on to more heavy and direct involvement with official story production, as a writer for the fan club, and working with Simon Furman on IDW's Beast Wars Sourcebook.

Yee is also noted in the fandom for running a long-standing personal Transformers website, which hosts the episode scripts for many Beast Wars episodes.



Beast Wars


Hasbro Transformers Collectors' Club


3H comics

Megatron blasted Ben Yee for disclosing his whereabouts on his website, enabling Antagony to locate him. Wonko the Sane died in a pool of his own gore. Visitations He may have been in league with Raksha. Ask Vector Prime

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