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Crashing the K-Wave

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Transformers Stop Motion Netflix Anime
Netflix stop motion ep 1 - Ironhide and Chromia in rain.jpg
"Crashing the K-Wave"
Production company Allspark Animation
Airdate August 18, 2020
Director Mickey Lee
Animation studio Counter656
Yt icon rgb.png Watch this episode on YouTube

To beat the Decepticons' social media numbers, the Autobots decide to make a K-drama.



While the Autobots relax in their headquarters watching Netflix on Teletraan I, Optimus Prime checks his social media on his phone. Seeing a post from Megatron, Optimus discovers that Decepticon leader has more likes and followers than he does. He grows angry and throws a fit until the music from the screen catches his attention, and he sees all the other Autobots are enraptured watching Crash Landing on You. Optimus gets an idea, showing how many likes the show has on social media. Everyone agrees they should make their own K-drama, with Ironhide and Chromia as the stars, much to their surprise.

As Chromia waits nervously in the rain under an awning, Ironhide runs up to her, umbrella in hand. He opens it, covering them both. Chromia reaches up, wiping a bit or rain off his face. A pulse of blue energy bursts from them, and their eyes glow brightly as they stare at each other. After arriving at Chromia's, Ironhide mentions a kiss, then gives an embarrassed look. As Chromia gets embarrassed and turns to leave, Ironhide reaches out to stop her, pulling her close. Another burst of energy flows from them as they lock glowing eyes once more. They lean in close to kiss...

A bell rings and the scene cuts, the Autobot cast and crew celebrating the completed filming.

In Decepticon headquarters, all are crowded around Megatron as he watches the Autobots' new video. Shockwave and Starscream aren't fans, but Soundwave and Mirage absolutely love it. Megatron then sees the amount of views the video has and fires off a blistering comment, then storms off.

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)



Megatron comments on what he thought of the Autobots' video.


Transformers references

Real-world references

  • Crash Landing on You is a Korean drama that aired from December 2019 to February 2020; Netflix held the international distribution rights, hence its promotion in the short.
  • Optimus has #BotLivesMatter in his profile, referencing the Black Lives Matter movement.

External links

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