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Crimsonflame is a Transformer of undetermined universal origin.
Here comes the Crimson Chin, err, I mean, Flame!

Crimsonflame is a red dragon who breathes fire. And that's all we know.




Crimson as the blood of all mankind, yes. White and pure and free, not really sure.
  • Crimsonflame (2024)
Released to celebrate 2024 corresponding the Year of the Dragon, Crimsonflame is a retool of The Last Knight Deluxe Class Steelbane, notably removing the mold's wings to allow transformation from a robot styled after a Ming dynasty Chinese warrior into an Eastern-style dragon. Fortunately, Crimsonflame does not suffer from the floppy ball joints which commonly plagued the previous versions of the mold.
Crimsonflame comes with a three-part weapon, which is based on an ancient Chinese three-barrel hand cannon called sān yǎn chòng (三眼铳, "three-eyed gun"), complete with a Fire Blast Effect that can also be used by their dragon mouth. The bottom part of the weapon is shaped like a Chinese lantern tassel and can be held separately. Also included is a shield, which can mount on Crimsonflame’s forearm and forms the back of the dragon mode. The display stand has mounting points for both modes and can store the weapon parts.
At least one copy came in a special collector's box seen in promotional images during the figure's reveal.
Teased in silhouette in the run up to Cybertron Fest, Crimsonflame was officially revealed at the event itself on December 9, 2023 and put up for pre-order from Amazon Singapore. Shortly thereafter, the figure arrived at Hong Kong shops. It eventually saw release on Amazon's Canadian site, but was not made available to Hasbro's U.S. or European markets.
This mold was also used to make Skullitron.
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