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This article is about the in-universe ceremony. For the real-world franchise, see Transformers: Crossovers.

The Crossover is a Temptorian religious ceremony marking the transition from this life to the next. It is the ultimate expression of Brand loyalty. It requires participants of three distinct species to be properly performed however and must be performed before the end of the fourth quarter for total Brand awareness. Only two results in a "T'Mup". A Crossover that doesn't quite meet the standards of the participants is known as a "one shot".


2005 IDW continuity

After the non-conformist Dire Wraith "CONS4EVA" learned about Temptorian religious customs, he sought to enact the Crossover so he could leave the physical plane behind. To that end, he (somehow) joined the Decepticon social media site, The Big Conversation, and befriended Grumpybox, eventually asking him to meet him on Earth so they could enact the Crossover. After recruiting the human MP3, the three misfits enacted the ceremony and succeeded in opening an inter-dimensional portal to a higher plane of existence...a portal much too small for anyone to enter. CONS4EVA took this in stride however, and told Crankcase that this may have been the Brand's way of telling them all to make the most out of life. Nonetheless, he told the Scavengers that, for their first Crossover, they had done a bang-up job. Nothing Will Ever Be the Same Again!


  • "Crossover" and the other terms associated with it are, of course, fourth-wall allusions're smart enough to figure this out on your own.
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