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Deathbringer (Marvel)

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The name or term "Deathbringer" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Deathbringer (disambiguation).
A Deathbringer is a mechanoid lifeform from the Marvel portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
Yeah, that totally looks like an angel of mercy, doesn't it?

A Deathbringer is a Series Two sentient mechanoid designed to visit planets wracked by plague and terminate the dying painlessly (if they so choose to die then, of course).

Just who made the Deathbringers is unknown, but they maybe should have chosen a nicer-sounding name for them.



Marvel The Transformers comics

Events from the UK-only comic stories are in italics.

Siren read an ancient Cybertronian legend about the "Deathbringer", which eerily prophesied the Deathbringer's encounter with the Matrix and subsequent rampage.

Must... reach... plot... device!

A dying Deathbringer mechanoid came into contact with the Matrix, which had been accidentally ejected into deep space along with Optimus Prime's body. (It was later revealed that the Deathbringer encountered the Matrix on the moon VsQs, where Optimus' body had landed.) The Matrix, curious for fresh experiences, re-created it. But in the process, its programming became warped, and where once it offered death as a respite, now it spread death indiscriminately... Dark Creation

The re-created Deathbringer found its way to Earth, where it rained destruction down upon a human city and took out an Autobot reconnaissance team. Arriving to help, Optimus Prime waffled about whether or not they could destroy their only clue to the location of the Matrix, eventually throwing a rock at it. (It was a big rock!) The projectile was easily swatted away by the Deathbringer as it continued its rampage.

Nightbeat, meanwhile, correctly identified the Deathbringer's origins and clued Optimus in on how to defeat it. Optimus convinced the Deathbringer that, since the Matrix's power was eating away at it, it should follow its prime directive of eradicating diseased organisms, and destroy itself. After a moment of hesitation, the Deathbringer complied and self-destructed. Deathbringer

Nightbeat: 2
Matrix-empowered bad guys: 0

Regeneration One

Regeneration One continues from the Marvel US series, and does not include the UK stories or any subsequently published stories.

Cast adrift in Zero Space, Hot Rod found himself watching Optimus Prime and his Autobots fighting the Deathbringer in Denver, Colorado. After they seemingly defeated it and drove away, Hot Rod waited around to witness the Dark Matrix creature emerge from the Deathbringer's remains. Less Than Zero


  • The events of the Marvel UK story are shown only in flashback in the US comic. Ratchet's presence places it shortly before Megatron's return in US #56.
  • The flashback in Regeneration One adds some more details, such as naming the city the Deathbringer attacked.
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