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Demon Swamp

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The perfect day to take your bags of grain out for a row!

Demon Swamp is located on the tropical island of Bali near farmland. It is a dark jungle primarily populated by lizards, tropical birds, and Insecticons.


The Transformers cartoon

Four million years ago, a space pod carrying three Decepticons crash landed into Demon Swamp. The space pod's computer adapted the trio, giving them insectoid alternate modes and the ability to convert raw material into energy. The three Insecticons limited their activities to the swamp, eventually giving it its name when humans discovered their presence.

Three farmers passing through the swamp were attacked by the Insecticons, unwittingly alerting the trio to the fact that there were farms nearby and prompting them to venture beyond the swamp. A short time later, Megatron visited the swamp in search of the robotic insects, finding their derelict space pod. A Plague of Insecticons


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