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Dualor (DOTM)

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This article is about the Dark of the Moon Mini-Con. For the Armada Mini-Con, see Dualor (Armada).
Dualor is an Autobot-allied Mini-Con from the live-action film series and Unicron Trilogy continuity families.
DOTM-toy Dualor.jpg

Dualor is tiny but very strong. What makes him more of a threat is that this small theropod Mini-Con is almost equally smart! Add to that mixture impressive durability and armaments and you have a robot to be reckoned with. The only hitch is that he's rather slow, only moderately brave, and surprisingly unskillful for someone so naturally gifted as he otherwise seems.[1]



Ask Vector Prime

In Aurex 1104.30-JH Zeta, Dualor was one of the Mini-Cons gathered by Optimus Primal's Maximals during the Beast Wars on prehistoric Earth though he, Rav, and Triceradon struck out on their own. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/13


Dark of the Moon

  • Dualor (Mini-Con, 2011)
Dualor is a redeco of Classics Terrorsaur, transforming into a robotic Tyrannosaurus rex. His colors are an homage to Generation 1 Grimlock. He was only available individually as a shared "exclusive" between online retailers Big Bad Toy Store and Entertainment Earth and "market six" retailers. He was sold individually alongside Triceradon, Rav, and Catilla.
This mold was also used to make Gnashteeth, Chromebite, Universe (2008) Ransack, and Age of Extinction Ivan.
Classics mold: Terrorsaur
  • Hasbro:
  • TakaraTomy:
  • Transformers (campaign item) Ivan


  1. Dualor's single-carded Tech Specs.
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