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Fetch is a Mini-Con from the Armada portion of the Unicron Trilogy continuity family.
Throw another stick and he'll break your arm. (Fetch is on the left.)

Fetch has a temper that flares up at any slight, real or imagined. His teammates on the Night Attack Mini-Con Team are pretty safe from his outbursts, and in fact often set things up so Fetch explodes at some unsuspecting sap. They'll even egg him on just to make him angrier, and deadlier. When he's not savagely pummeling someone who has no idea what they said to set him off, he's actually a fairly competent warrior with a wide variety of ordnance—and stealth-related skills.

What, you think you can take me?

—Fetch's bio quote.



Armada cartoon

Fetch was contained in a storage closet on the Moon with numerous other Mini-Cons. Thrust knew of this closet and picked Inferno from the gathered Mini-Cons to be his partner, and also took the Air Military Mini-Con Team with him for good measure. Tactician



Stop trying to make him happen.
  • Night Attack Mini-Con Team (Mini-Con 3-pack, 2003)
  • Accessories: 2 missiles
  • Known designers: Joe Kyde (deco artist)
A redeco of the Armada Land Military Mini-Con Team's Wreckage, Fetch transforms into a tank with twin pressure-launch missile launchers. These launchers become his robot-mode arms.
In Japan, this toy was released as the "Night Attack" version of "Shot" (aka Wreckage), not as a new character. This mold was also used to make Cybertron Tankor.
Transformers: Armada mold: Wreckage
  • Hasbro:
  • Takara:


  • Road Wrecker Mini-Con Team / Night Attack Mini-Con Team (Multi-pack, 2004)
An unaltered version of the Night Attack Mini-Con Team was released as part of an Energon-series "Mini-Con 6-pack" with an unaltered version of the original-deco Destruction Team (yet still called by the "Road Wrecker" name).
This pack was a shared exclusive to both Toys"R"Us and Walmart stores in the US.
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