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"Gives me a mental image of an entire orchestra of Galvatrons going BWAAAAAH! and smashing their instruments."

A Transformer equipped with galva-conductors can channel deadly electrical currents, directing the energy at their foes to devastating effect. The term is sometimes spelled out as "galvaconductor." Transformers who are known to be equipped with these weapons include:

In the cases of Rampage, Scavenger and presumably Shokaract as well (as he is a redeco of Rampage) the weapon is mounted on the user's back. They are indicated by Rampage's packaging graph to be inside the rounded attachment segment of his beast mode claw arms. The exact location is not known for Scavenger, though inside his folded-away wheels may be a good bet. Che's front-mounted galva-conductors are said to emit 10,000 volt charges to neutralize any obstacle. Blackout's galva-conductors are specifically said to be located within his particle blasters.


Beast Wars Uprising

When attempting to stop Lord Imperious Delirious fleeing Metascan Omega and having lost his gun, Rampage activated his galva-conductors. Since Rampage was used to pain, he wasn't as effected as Delirious, who was paralyzed long enough for Rampage to remove his head. Intersectionality

During a long, long climb down into the bowels of Cybertron Rampage used his galva-conductors to magnetize a tired Snapper to his back. Cultural Appropriation

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