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Galva Convoy

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Galva Convoy is an evil Maximal from the Beast Wars: Uprising portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
My insanely awesome body in which I never appear!

Galva Convoy is a mystery to those around him. Burning with emotion within, he focuses these feelings into a quietly intense and unnerving outward demeanor. He carries powerful weapons and bears a mysterious Energon Matrix in his chest, and exerts these formidable abilities not to acquire power, but simply to quench his thirst for destruction.




After arriving in Axiom Nexus, Galva Convoy's nature proved an enigma to both the city's lowtech denizens and its Security Administration. Rumors abounded as to his true nature, from the conspiratorial (that he was a deep-cover agent for the Convoy) to the absurd (that he was the seldom-seen bar owner Maccadam), but the TransTech authorities settled on the theory that he was a villainous double of the Lio Convoy of Primax 209.0 Gamma. Regardless, his suspected involvement in a string of crimes led Officer Cheetor to target the sinister Maximal for arrest. Customization class Galva Convoy bio

Beast Wars: Uprising

Eject surreptitiously obtained a sample of Lio Convoy's CNA, with the intention of using it to initiate the "Galva Contingency" should the Guardian of Order go rogue. This plan would see a clone of Lio created, which would possess its own energon matrix. When Lio Convoy joined the Resistance and kickstarted the Grand Uprising, the Builder Assembly approved Eject's motion to go ahead with the Galva Contingency. Broken Windshields Furthermore, Eject visited the Forever Vaults to research the G-Virus, tempering Lio Convoy's CNA with the G-Virus to create a new being who could still access the Matrix. Micro-Aggressions Not All Megatrons

After many stellar cycles, Eject's research produced a new clone of Lio Convoy who would use his duplicate Matrix to create a new army, a new race of Cybertronians that would replace the Maximals and Predacons... except for the fact that the newborn Galva Convoy wasn't inclined to do so. Thanks to the efforts of Lord Imperious Delirious, an alien Second-Born Intellect who had found his way onto Cybertron as a packet of sentient data, Galva Convoy's thoughts began moving to darker places. As Delirious expounded on the long, violent history of the Transformers—from Autobot and Decepticon through to Maximal and Predacon—Galva Convoy decided that it would all have to go if Cybertron was to truly be saved.

Claiming that he needed to "transcend" to master the Matrix inside of him, Delirious, manifesting as a voice only Galva Convoy could hear, began persuading him to pervert the Builder's plan and create an army of "Terrorcons" instead, powered by corrupted anti-Sparks. From their base in Nova Cronum, Eject argued with his new protégé about their plans before storming off, warning the Maximal that he would need to get a move on soon, or else. Once Eject was off his back, Galva Convoy returned to mediating, unaware that he was being watched by an addled Predacon on a mission of his own. As the Predacon thief made off with a protoform, he noticed that a security camera beamed a data transmission to the meditating Maximal. Not All Megatrons

After several stellar cycles of work, Galva Convoy's efforts allowed him to create the first three members of a new species: the "Vehicon": a race of mindless soldiers that could assimilate every Maximal and Predacon into their collective. Eject and the Builder Assembly subsequently deployed infected Micromasters behind enemy lines and allowing the contagion to spread.

The "Vehicon Apocalypse" soon began to falter, and Galva Convoy watched as an emergency council meeting where Ratbat bemoaned the chances of Iacon's survival. After some debate, the Builders decided to rescind Order 66 that prevented the Vehicons from accessing the Builder-controlled northern regions, much to Galva Convoy's delight.

As Lio Convoy's Maximals pushed inward towards Iacon, Ratbat demanded Galva Convoy to reroute his troops to the High Pavilion. Galva Convoy agreed... but only if the Assembly moved their shielded bunker to the surface to watch the show. When the Vehicons hit the Resistance, the Maximals and Predacons were able to overcome their initial assault and demand surrender from the Builder Assembly. Galva Convoy ordered the Vehicons to cease fighting, surround Lio Convoy and Blackarachnia with a horde of aero drones... then assimilate the entire Builder Assembly, transforming them into heavily armed copter drones and artillery drones.

With the Builders and their forces out of the fight, Lio Convoy and the Resistance led a strike on the Grand Mal to finish off Galva Convoy once and for all before Galva Convoy could get the fortress airborne again. The Vehicon leader greeted his "brother" with delight and expounded on how his Vehicons had done what neither the Builders or the Resistance could: creating a truly unified Cybertron with no inequality or discontent. When neither Blackarachnia or Lio Convoy accepted his rationalizations, he turned on them, claiming that he represented the true aim of the Resistance—victory at any cost. That's when Lio Convoy had a seeming change of heart; offering Blackarachnia up for conversion, he threw himself in the path of the encroaching tank drone, allowing the Vehicon virus to enter his own body. Though Galva Convoy tried to pry his brother off the drone, their identical spark patterns allowed the virus to spread to Galva Convoy's body as well, transforming him into a mindless drone and effectively ending his life.

Shortly after Galva Convoy's passing, Delirious revealed himself and hijacked control of the Vehicons as he explained his role in the fall of Galva Convoy to the assembled Resistance warriors. Derailment

Ten thousand years after his death, much of Galva Convoy's role in the Vehicon Apocalypse was forgotten, with some historians conflating him with the reborn Galvatron. Lio Convoy: Unity Through Tyranny



Drive-By Bookmobile
A redeco of Timelines Lio Convoy (itself a retool of Thrilling 30 Orion Pax), Galva Convoy was the customization class exclusive for BotCon 2015. He transforms from robot to Cybertronian truck mode, and includes an axe and blaster which can peg into his hands or vehicle sides via 5 mm posts. Although not depicted on the instructions, the Photon Blaster can also peg into the hole in the larger blade of the Energon Axe (seen to the left in the image).
For those who completed their assembly of Galva Convoy in the class, an additional Covenant of Primus accessory was given to them, based on the tome's appearance in the Beast Wars cartoon, and an additional Matrix of Conquest accessory was raffled during the custom classes (seven winners on Wednesday, nine on Friday). These two items were both handcrafted by Japanese fan Myu, and the included written materials clarified that neither were endorsed by Hasbro. Pre-assembled Galva Convoys were also available for purchase, which did not include the figure's sticker sheet or additional accessories.
This mold was also used to make Nova Prime.


BWII-Toy LioConvoy GalvatronLuckyDraw.jpg

See also


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