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Go! Go! issue 14

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Transformers Go! Go!
web issue 14
Go!Go! ep14.jpg
Publisher Kodansha
Published in TV Magazine
First published August 15, 2022
Manga Haruka Oda
Editor Minoko

Please let this be a normal field trip... with Perceptor? No way!



While doing research on Earth, Perceptor encounters a dire crisis that only he can solve—two schoolchildren don't know what to research for their summer break homework! Fortunately, the Autobot scientist has some ideas; after he shows the pair how to make special soap bubbles, the two children use his alternate mode to study both microbiology and astronomy. After he drives the pair home using his tank mode and encourages them to stay curious about the world, Perceptor returns to Autobot headquarters... where he finds that now he has to help Bumblebee with his assignments!

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)

Autobots Humans
  • Girl (2)
  • Boy (3)


  • This story was published as the August 2022 issue of the web comic and advertised the Studio Series '86 Perceptor figure.
  • This issue was pulled from the TV Magazine website after the publication of the first collected edition of Go! Go! in July 2023, presumably to motivate sales of the physical release, despite... not actually being collected in the first volume of Go! Go!.

Transformers references

  • As usual Oda depicts Perceptor with a design based on his Studio Series '86 figure being advertised.

External links

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