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Hardtop (Movie)

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The name or term "Hardtop" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Hardtop (disambiguation).
Hardtop is a Decepticon from the Transformers portion of the movie continuity family.
Corporal Cannonfodder, reporting for duty!

Hardtop is a crack shot, a dedicated hunter, and an expert in espionage. Developing an intense rivalry with Bumblebee, he considers the Autobot his greatest rival and worst enemy. While he is skilled at his function, Hardtop has occasionally let his missions become compromised by opting to engage with the enemy before it is tactically advantageous to do so. His obsession with Bumblebee has gotten out of hand, becoming an almost constant distraction. Now less interested in the hunt for the AllSpark, he is out to hunt down Bumblebee deactivate his foe once and for all.[1]



Toy bios

Hardtop has played a punishing game of cat and mouse with Bumblebee across the breadth of the galaxy. It is a little-known fact that it was a shot fired by Hardtop that took away his Autobot enemy's ability to speak without pain. Hardtop (Scout) Following his rival to Earth, Hardtop became the first Decepticon to arrive on the planet. While he managed to uncover the connection between Sam Witwicky and the AllSpark, he never had time to act on it. This is probably because Bumblebee managed to bury him under tons of rubble somewhere in the Rocky Mountains. Hardtop (Robo-Vision)

IDW movie comics

BOOM headshot

Many years ago, Hardtop was a member of Cybertron's defense forces under Protector Megatron. After a strange relic was uncovered and aliens from the Eshems Nebula attacked, Megatron declared a military dictatorship and led the aerial forces in vengeful counter-attack against the invaders. Hardtop was one of the soldiers left behind, and apparently he did something that caused some consternation to science division leader Optimus. Defiance #2 He later joined Megatron's "Decepticon" faction. Defiance #3

Years later, Hardtop was a member of Starscream's crew as they searched for the missing AllSpark and Megatron. Thundercracker's only company on Mars bar his drones, Hardtop was scouting when he happened on a group of Autobots making a move on their undermanned ship. Starscream ordered him back, or he'd miss out on the fun. The Reign of Starscream #2

Hardtop managed to get a bead on the Autobot Smokescreen, but was fatally sniped by Arcee before he could make the kill. The Reign of Starscream #3 His lifeless body was later found by Soundwave. Convergence chapter 4

Titan movie comics

He's the Sentinel Maximus of the Movie-verse!

In a divergent timeline, the Decepticons succeeded at Mission City and conquered the United States. Hardtop was one of Starscream's generals, leading an army of Payloads. When Stockade barred his way, a very unimpressed Hardtop shot him in the chest.

A very scared Hardtop defected after Stockade took control of all the drones and was about to get his head crushed. Revolution Part Two


Transformers (2007)

Are they gray, or is it my own nation?
  • Hardtop (Scout Class, 2007)
  • Accessories: Rifle, Key
A redeco of the Cybertron Hardtop toy, Hardtop transforms into a dune buggy of indeterminate model. Plugging a Cyber Planet Key into the butt of his rifle flips out an extended barrel for a "sniper" mode. He comes with a Planet X-style Key with a Sector Seven logo on it.
Hardtop was released in the first wave of Target exclusive live-action movie Scouts, where they were all part of a Robo-Vision promotion. Hardtop comes with a Robo-Vision Decoder which allows you to see the Robo-Vision Code printed on his cardback. Starting June 2, 2007, Target's website allowed users to input those codes to access exclusive content. This toy was also sold as a Farmers exclusive in New Zealand.
This mold was also used to make Cybertron Swindle. He was also repurposed as Shattered Glass Beachcomber, and the toy was later re-released in the Universe toyline as... Cybertron Hardtop again.


  • Hardtop's bio notes that it was a shot from him that wrecked Bumblebee's vocal processors. This contradicts the events of the IDW Movie Prequel comics, where it's Megatron who does the throat-crushy, or even Bumblebee, where it's Blitzwing who does the job. All this implies that Bumblebee losing his voice to Hardtop has to be an alternate timeline.
    • The expanded bio from the site removes any mention of Hardtop causing the injury for prevention of headaches.
  • Speaking of odd possible contradictions, Hardtop's bio pegs him as a Decepticon, where his toy's only "faction" marking is for Sector Seven. It's possible Hardtop is hiding out among the Sector Seven motor pool disguised as one of their standard-issue assault jeeps. (And that his bio was written without knowledge of the deco.)
  • The packaging the toy comes in depicts the key used for the toy as a Cybertron-style key, unlike the Planet X key that actually comes with it.


  1. The Reign of Starscream trade paperback bonus material
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