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Help:Timelines is not a continuity family

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Timelines, the toyline name under which BotCon and Transformers Collectors' Club toys and fiction were released between 2005 and 2016, is not a continuity family.

A continuity family is a set of closely related continuities, such as the Generation 1 family, whose members are all based on the original 1984 toyline. Timelines is an umbrella franchise, telling tales set in the Generation 1, Beast Wars and Unicron Trilogy continuity families as well as new, previously unseen universes.

Though franchises have generally aligned with continuity families in the past, this is not always the case. And seriously? It shouldn't be this hard. If a story uses all Generation 1 characters, it's probably part of the Generation 1 continuity family.

Other things which are not a continuity family include:

Because Timelines is not a continuity family, describing a character with Murdertron is a Decepticon in the Timelines continuity family is wrong. Timelines can mean any continuity, or any continuity-family. Using the term as if it represented a singular anything is utterly meaningless.

If you do this, you will be murdered.

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