Hoist (G1)/toys
From Transformers Wiki
Can you hoist all of Hoist's toys?
Contents |
The Transformers
- Hoist (Autobot Car, 1985)
- Takara ID number: 46
- Accessories: Left & right fists, left & right "Radar Panels", "Full Spectrum Multi-Sensor", 2 "Twin Blasters", 2 missiles
- Released in the second year of Hasbro's The Transformers toyline, Hoist is a retooling of 1984's Trailbreaker, transforming into a green Toyota Hi-Lux pickup, only instead of a camper attachment, he has a large orange towing apparatus on his truck bed which can be used to "tow" other toys. In robot mode, he features a new head, which can still use the same "Full Spectrum Multi-Sensor" attachment Trailbreaker has. His forearms are spring-loaded missile launchers (though the springs were severely weakened to comply with US safety regulations for projectiles), meaning either arm can sport either a fist or one of his chromed missiles or "Twin Blasters".
- His 1985 Takara Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers release is nearly identical to the Hasbro version, only his missile launchers remain fully functional.
- The Mexican IGA release of Hoist retained the original Trailbreaker head, but cast in green plastic. Weird. The Mexican version has no white outlines on the caution stripes on the sides. While many IGA Transformers used lead-based paint (yikes!), since this was primarily limited to the yellow paint often used for "eyes", the Trailbreaker-head's red visor likely kept IGA Hoist free from this safety hazard.
- While the mold used to make Hoist was originally released in 1982 in Takara's Diaclone toyline (thus the hatch on his roof for a Diaclone driver Hoist did not come with), the green-and-orange coloration was made specifically for Transformers. The Diaclone "4WD Hi-Lux Wrecker Type" only came in red-yellow and blue-yellow (the latter only in a box set with the toy that would eventually become Crosscut), plus had "WRECKER" text on the side-panel hazard-stripe stickers that Hoist lacks.
The Transformers mold: Trailbreaker/Hoist | ||
Version 1 (Trailbreaker):
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Machine Wars
- Hoist (Basic, 1997)
- Accessories: Grill/rifle
- Known designers: Takio Ejima (TakaraTomy), Masakatsu Saito (concept artist)
- The mold finally seeing release after not reaching fruition in Generation 2, Machine Wars Hoist shares a mold with Machine Wars Hubcap, transforming into a Kenworth W900 wrecker truck. He is a "flipchanger", meaning most of his transformation sequence is an autotransformation, springing into robot mode by lifting a catch (in his case, his towing hook). His front grill/bumper assembly detaches to form a hand-held blaster.
- The "Wilk and Sons Towing" sticker is most likely a reference to Hasbro employee Brian Wilk.[1]
- This toy is gang-molded with the other three Basic molds in the line. Specifically, his inner robot parts and tow-arm share plastic with Thundercracker's inner robot parts, his truck parts share plastic with Thundercracker's head and Mirage's seat, plus he shares the pearlescent-gray windows/visor plastic with, well, everyone.
Generation 2 mold: Greasepit | ||
Collector's Edition
- Hoist (2001)
- ID number: 46
- Accessories: Left & right fists, left & right "Radar Panels", "Full Spectrum Multi-Sensor", 2 "Twin Blasters", 2 missiles
- Hoist was given a Collector's Edition reissue in Japan in August 2001 as a single-day C3 convention exclusive. Near as can be told, it has no noteworthy changes from the original Takara release of the toy.
The Transformers mold: Trailbreaker/Hoist | ||
Version 1 (Trailbreaker):
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Commemorative Series
- Hoist (Autobot Car, 2003)
- Accessories: Left & right fists, left & right "Radar Panels", "Full Spectrum Multi-Sensor", 2 "Twin Blasters", 2 missiles
- Hoist was later re-re-issued in 2003 by Hasbro in the fifth assortment of the Toys"R"Us-exclusive Commemorative Series line. The most notable differences from prior versions of the toy are the rubsign has been relocated to the underside of the trapdoor on his roof, and the lack of any springs in his forearms, completely neutralizing the launching gimmick; the fists and other attachments are simply held in place with friction.
The Transformers mold: Trailbreaker/Hoist | ||
Version 1 (Trailbreaker):
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Universe (2003)
- Hoist (Spy Changer, 2003)
- Universe Hoist is a redeco of the 2001 Robots in Disguise Spychanger version of X-Brawn, transforming into a Mercedes-Benz ML320 SUV. He features through-axle wheels to allow for super-fast rolling on smooth surfaces. Like the other toys in his assortment, Hoist uses factory-applied decals for a lot of his vehicle mode deco, a rarity for toys released since the Generation 2 toyline.
- Originally a KB Toys exclusive, the first release of this toy (and the others in the assortment) did not have any sub-line designation at all, but later releases for other chains, most notably "budget" chains like Family Dollar, marked them as Universe product.
- Hoist (Spy Changer, 2006)
- Accessories: Rifle
- This version of Hoist is identical to the last KB Toys exclusive redeco of 2001 Robots in Disguise Ironhide, transforming into a translucent blue Ford F150 Flareside pickup truck. Being at roughly 1:64 scale and featuring through-axle construction, he is largely compatible with "Hot Wheels" and "Matchbox" brand race tracks and playsets. He was available only on an individual card from discount chains like The Dollar Store.
- This mold was also used to make Motormouth, the Go-Bots version of Ironhide and the Universe version of Robots in Disguise Ironhide.
Generation 2 mold: Motormouth | ||
- Hoist (Autobot, 2008)
- ID number: 14
- Accessories: Left & right fists, left & right "Radar Panels", "Full Spectrum Multi-Sensor", 2 "Twin Blasters", 2 missiles
- Hoist was re-issued again in Japan in 2008 as part of TakaraTomy's Encore line, as the only new item in the tenth wave of product.
- While largely identical to past Takara releases, the Autobot sigil on his hood is now a tampograph rather than a sticker, his eyes were changed to cartoon-like blue, and similar to the Mexican version, he has no white outlines on the caution stripes on the sides.
The Transformers mold: Trailbreaker/Hoist | ||
Version 1 (Trailbreaker):
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- Hoist (Legends Class, 2012)
- Accessories: Rifle
- Generations Legends Class Hoist is a redeco and minor retool of Reveal the Shield Legends Class Trailcutter, and converts into a green SUV of made-up model. He features retooled hands and a hole on the back of his head/roof, making them compatible with 3 mm posts. He comes with a gun (sculpted after the larger missiles that came with the original Trailbreaker/Hoist toys) with three posts and a hole, allowing the weapon to be held and mounted in different ways.
- Originally developed by Hasbro Asia for release in their territories, Hoist was later released together with various other formerly "Asian market exclusive" toys as a Toys"R"Us exclusive in the United States for the 2012 holiday season.
Thrilling 30
- Metroplex (Titan Class, 2013)
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- Two small, non-transforming figurines of Hoist, one in robot mode and the other in vehicle mode, based on his Generations: Thrilling 30 Deluxe Class toy (see below), were packed in with the San Diego Comic-Con 2013 exclusive version of Titan Class Metroplex.
- This set also came with tiny figurines of Orion Pax, Megatron, Bumblebee, Thundercracker, and Trailcutter, each in both modes, for a total of twelve figurines, each based on their larger Thrilling 30 toys. Similarly to the Decoys of old, the Autobot figurines are cast in red plastic, and the Decepticons in purple.
- Metroplex (Titan Class, 2013)
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- Another exclusive version of Titan Class Metroplex was made available at Animation-Comic-Game Hong Kong 2013. This Metroplex also has the twelve robot/vehicle figurines of Orion Pax, Megatron, Bumblebee, Thundercracker, Trailcutter, and Hoist, but this time casts the Autobot figurines in gold plastic, and the Decepticons in silver.
- Hoist (Deluxe, 2013)
- Series / Number: 02 / 005
- Accessories: Towing hook/blaster
- Known designers: Joe Kyde (Hasbro)
- Part of the sixth wave of 2012-onwards Generations Deluxe Class toys, Thrilling 30 Hoist is a redeco/retool of Trailcutter. He has a new head, and transforms into an off-road truck of made-up model with a towing arm. Instead of Trailcutter's truck bed canopy/shielded blaster, Hoist comes with a towing hook that can transform into a blaster, and peg via 5 mm post onto any of his numerous ports.
- This version of the toy was redecorated into Lift-Ticket. The original tooling of this toy also served as the basis of the non-toy characters IDW Flatline, Wings Universe Turbofire, Shattered Glass Trailbreaker, and Shattered Glass Lockdown.
- The American release comes packaged with a copy of IDW's Spotlight: Hoist.
Generations (Japan)
- Trailbreaker & Hoist (Deluxe, 2013)
- ID number: TG-27
- Release date: November 30 2013
- Accessories: Towing hook/blaster
- The TakaraTomy Generations release of Thrilling 30 Hoist is redecoed in colors closer to his original toy, featuring a darker shade of green plastic, a darker orange, and a blue windshield. He also has several additional paint operations, including rear lights and a blue-painted visor (rather than the unpainted plastic of the Hasbro release). Hoist's yellow stripes were also changed to a darker orangey-yellow, and some of the black operations on his front bumper changed to silver.
- Hoist was only available in a two-pack with Trailbreaker, released in the eleventh wave of Generations product.
- Hoist (Kreon Micro-Changer, 2013)
- Collection: 2
- Bag number: ***** 76
- Accessories: Long blaster
- Known designers: Ed Masiello (Hasbro)
- As part of the second wave of blindpacked Kre-O Micro-Changers, Hoist is a Kreon patterned after Generation 1 Hoist. He can be rebuilt into a tow truck.
- This Collection was still in circulation at "dollar" stores and drug stores up through 2015. They eventually lost the individual-identifying bag codes, but other changes were hidden inside the bag. The 2015 releases replaced the 2x4 logo stand-brick with a new 3x4 logo plate. The Kreon was also given the slight retooling to the arm seen in the 2014 Kreons, making the "cuff" parts more sharp-cornered and better adapted to being used as studs. Some of the add-on pieces may also be slightly off-color, possibly due to a change in factories in mid-production.
- Machine Wars (Kreon Souvenir Figure Set, 2013)
- Accessories: Large rifle
- This version of Hoist is based on the BotCon 2013 version of Hoist (see below), which is in turn based on Machine Wars Hoist (see above).
- He came in a Machine Wars five-pack exclusive to BotCon 2013, which also included Kreons of fellow convention box-set bots Megaplex, Obsidian, Skywarp, and Strika.
- Kreon Class of 1985 (Kreon figure set, 2015)
- Set number B5152
- Voted: Most Helpful
- Accessories: Double-blaster
- "Kreon Class of '85" Hoist's deco is much more heavily based on the original Hoist toy, plus gives him a wrist-blaster. Like the rest of the set, he uses the almost-totally-retooled 2015 style of Kreon body.
- This box set of thirty Kreons was a San Diego Comic-Con 2015 exclusive, with leftovers being sold on Hasbro Toy Shop online after the show.
- Hoist (Kreon Micro-Changer, 2016)
- Collection: 2
- Accessories: Logo plate, large rifle
- In 2016, Micro-Changers Collection 2 was re-released in a whole new production run for Dollar General stores in the US as part of a large collection of re-released Kre-O sets. But where most of these releases are nigh-identical to the originals, the re-released Micro-Changer blind-bags use the almost-entirely-retooled 2015 Kreon, with slightly-differently-hued plastics than the originals. (It is possible for some of the add-on pieces to be in the older hues.) The "hook" piece from the original version has also been replaced with a similar-but-different piece, as presumably the original element was no longer in production. Hoist's tampographs also got a slight change, replacing the flat gray with black, changing his black Autobot symbol to red with a white outline, and changing his upper leg deco to yellow.
- Sadly, this release has no individual-identification code on the bag, requiring you to use the feel-through-the-bag method or just buy blind and hope.
- Machine Wars: Termination (BotCon box set, 2013)
- Accessories: Rifle
- A redeco/retool of Generations Sergeant Kup, Timelines Hoist is based on Hoist's Machine Wars body, and has a new head that combines the elements of his own head and Electro's. He transforms into a "retro"-styled Earth pickup truck of made-up model, and is covered in 3 mm rungs that are compatible with C joint clip-on weapons. There are two rungs on his backpack, plus two rungs each on his forearm kibble, and two on his lower back. The rifle can either plug into the underside of the truck, forming a second exhaust pipe, or clip onto the roof of the truck via a C joint. Interestingly, due to his transformation, Hoist's truck mode features a working tailgate.
- While the instructions correctly advise facing the forearm panels sideways or outwards and rotating the truck panels in robot mode. You can rotate them backward to make the forearms look more presentable, and the doors can remain untransformed for a better appearance. Although not mentioned in the instructions or the prototype/stock photos, Hoist's windshield and front hood can be pushed down further (as long as the hood is folded correctly) for a cleaner silhouette. Be aware that the joints holding the wheel may bump against the panels due to their somewhat limited tolerance.
- In an assembly error, Hoist's shoulders are on the wrong sides, preventing his arms from being lowered to his sides all the way.
- Hoist comes in a BotCon 2013-exclusive boxset with Skywarp, Strika, Obsidian, and Megaplex. The original version of this toy, with the alternate head, was used to make Generations Swerve, while this version of the mold was redecoed into fellow BotCon 2013 exclusive, Autobot Electrons.
Generations mold: Kup | ||
War for Cybertron: Earthrise
- Hoist (Deluxe Class, 2020)
- Hasbro ID number: WFC-E5
- TakaraTomy ID number: ER-01
- TakaraTomy release date: April 25, 2020
- Accessories: Arm cannon
- Known designers: Yūya Ōnishi (TakaraTomy)
- Part of the first wave of Earthrise Deluxe Class toys, Hoist transforms into an Earth pickup truck with towing rig legally distinct from the Toyota Hi-Lux in 20 steps. As part of the new "A.I.R. Lock System" play pattern, his towing sled has a ramp/attachment point that allows it to attach to other compatible bases. His hand-cannon is designed to slip completely over and around either of his fists, replicating the cartoon's "gun-hand" design, with the peg being long enough to still work as a "C.O.M.B.A.T. System"-style gun mountable in vehicle mode (or most anywhere else 5 mm-compatible). In keeping with the War For Cybertron trilogy's concerns with cartoon-based scale, Hoist is one of Earthrise's tallest deluxe figures, standing just a little over Ironhide from the previous toyline.
- Also pertaining to the previous toyline is Hoist's "battle damage" paint, featured on his chest/hood and the tops of his forearms. Due to the applied part being made of painted translucent plastic, the battle damage paint cannot be stripped from the chest/hood without damaging the color underneath.
- The toy's original stock render had his roof lights colored orange like the rest of his towing assembly, while the final toy has them cast in screen-accurate white plastic. Additionally, the door-windows are presented as a sky-blue color in the render, to better match up with the blue translucent plastic front window, while the actual toy has these windows painted in a non-continuous black.
- Like all Earthrise toys, the inside of the back of Hoist's package includes an exclusive clip-and-save piece of a larger star map. Also in the box is a thin red piece of transparent plastic with which to read the star map. Hoist's piece of the map contains the labeled location of the planet "JUNKION".
- This version of Hoist was redecoed into Generations Selects Lift-Ticket under the Legacy banner, and was also retooled into Earthrise Trailbreaker and Generations Selects/Legacy DK-3 Breaker.
- Hoist (January 25, 2024)
- ID number: MP-58
- Accessories: Replaceable claw arm, wrench, blast effect, fist, arm, Alien Robot mask, hammer, alternative face, right fist, effect part
- A retool of Masterpiece Trailbreaker, Masterpiece Hoist is an incredibly cartoon-accurate version of the character, transforming into a licensed Toyota 4WD Hi-Lux tow-truck...that can actually tow Masterpiece-figures in vehicle mode.
- He comes with multiple accessories, such as the alien mask from "Hoist Goes Hollywood", the Grapple-esque arm he used to dig out his fellow Autobots in "Auto Berserk", the hammer he used to repair Dinobot parts in "Desertion of the Dinobots, Part 1", and a spanner.
- It is currently unknown if Hoist suffers the same issues with Trailbreaker that would impede his shoulders articulation.
- Hoist was retooled, with a new head and Trailbreaker's canopy, into Riggorus.
Although this is a Rescue Bots Academy toy, it was rereleased under the G1 focused authentics line.
- Hoist (Mini Bot Racers, 2022)
- Authentics Mini Bot Racers Hoist is a package refresh of the Rescue Bots Academy Mini Bot Racers Hoist toy. He features no changes from his original release.
- He comes packaged with similarly unchanged rerelases of Mini Bot Racers Bumblebee and Optimus Prime, along with new characters Arcee and Trailbreaker.
- The figurine was later brought over to Hasbro markets as part of the Decoy promotion, largely identical to the Japanese release except for the fact that the number on his back was replaced with a simple "checklist" number. Like all Autobot Decoys, he was a randomly-chosen pack-in available with the carded Throttlebots, Aerialbots, Protectobots, and Technobots.
- Like all of the other 1984-1985 Autobot "cars", the first Hoist toy was originally from the Japanese Diaclone toyline as a piloted mecha. The 4WD Hi-Lux Wrecker-type (4
WD ハイラックスレッカータイプ), came in two different color schemes: red with black kneecaps and yellow wrecker-rig, or in blue with red kneecaps and yellow rig, which was available in a two-pack with the Diaclone toy that would become Crosscut. Yes, the green-and-orange coloration was made up specifically for Transformers. - The red version would later inspire the character Lift-Ticket while the blue version has yet to be used in the Transformers brand.
- A preliminary version of the G1 Hoist toy in Trailbreaker-style black appeared in a catalogue.
- The Shattered Glass Autotroopers conspicuously sport Hoist heads on the Combiner Wars Offroad mold and at one point were intended to be the BotCon 2016 troop builder set. Jesse Wittenrich and Pete Sinclair would eventually confirm that this Hoist tooling does actually exist as the alternate head associated with the figure's Trailbreaker retool.
- ↑ "Probably short and/or corrupted from John Boyce, another Hasbro designer with Brian Wilk, who is noted on Hoist. At that time they would've been working on a lot of the store exclusive product."—Andrew Franks, Twitter, 2021/05/15
- ↑ Interview on the 40th Anniversary of the Transformers brand with Kōjin Ōno in Transformers Generations 2024, translated at Soundwaves Oblivion