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Jetstorm (RID)

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The name or term "Jetstorm" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Jetstorm (disambiguation).
Jetstorm is an Autobot Mini-Con from the Robots in Disguise portion of the Aligned continuity family.
Ninja? You're a ninja? Get out of here, you're a ninja!

Of the two Mini-Cons under the tutelage of Drift, Jetstorm is the more impulsive one. He is prone to acting without thinking and acts of inappropriate behavior (such as speaking without permission), which naturally causes friction between him and the exacting perfectionist, Drift. Jetstorm however tends to make the issue worse in his haste to correct the offense, sometimes having blown the original problem out of proportion in his mind.

Though he still has a lot to learn, Drift's training has certainly made him into a tough fighter already. He is bright and creative, coming up with effective strategies that Drift would never have tried. And he's certainly a mean swing with his nunchucks. If he, Drift, and Slipstream can work out those teamwork issues, they'd be nearly unstoppable.



2015 Robots in Disguise cartoon

Voice actor: Roger Craig Smith (English), Tasuku Hatanaka (Japanese), Renato Novara (Italian), Heikki Mäkäräinen (Finnish), Frédéric Meaux (French, first voice), Yvan Reekmans (French, second voice), Patrick Baehr (German), Eduardo Ramírez (Latin-American Spanish), Yuri Chesman (Brazilian Portuguese), Lukasz Węgrzynowski (Polish), Krzysztof Szczepaniak (Polish, episodes 46 & 48)
I read the rules before I broke 'em. I broke the chains before they choked me out.

Jetstorm and Slipstream were once students of the Decepticon Shadow Raker, who was primarily interested in teaching them to steal. When fellow student Deadlock left, the pair accompanied him. Out of the Shadows

Jetstorm and Slipstream accompanied Deadlock, now calling himself Drift, to Earth when he went to collect the bounty on Bumblebee and immediately found themselves tangling with Fracture and his Mini-Cons. Jetstorm managed to rope Airazor only to be reprimanded by Drift for showing off. The Decepticons retreated and the Autobots returned to their scrapyard base, where the two Mini-Cons were kept entertained by Russell and Fixit. They reattached themselves to Drift when Fixit detected a Cybertronian life signal, and later when Fracture attacked, Drift ordered the pair to protect Bumblebee. Despite their orders, the two Mini-Cons were drawn to protect Russell and Fixit from the Decepticon Mini-Cons, and during a distraction the pair hijacked Fracture's ship, freeing the captured Autobots and using it to threaten Fracture. Unfortunately they crashed the ship, but they did get some rare praise from Drift before they left the planet. Hunting Season

Now I pay close attention when I learned the code. I learned to read the map before I hit the road.

After accidentally polishing Drift's sword incorrectly, Jetstorm fled in an escape pod rather than face his master's wrath. Arriving on Earth, he instead intended to become student to Russell, however when Drift and Slipstream came in search of him, he conceded that he would be more useful in the fight teamed with them. Russell continued to stick up for Jetstorm, and following a run in with Quillfire and Springload who had commandeered a giant tank, Drift decided he and his wards would stay with Bumblebee's team to learn cooperation. One of Our Mini-Cons Is Missing

The two Mini-Cons and their master accompanied Bumblebee's team to a derelict ship at the bottom of the sea off the coast where they attempted to capture Octopunch. While moving through the ship's corridors, they became trapped with Sideswipe and attempted to spend their time in captivity meditating, until they were eventually able to escape. Deep Trouble

I know you never heard this before, but I'd rather lose a fight than miss the war.

During a hunt for Fixit, the two Mini-Cons had to deal with a bear, though Jetstorm came off second best. They were the first to be blasted when Fixit reverted to his original guard programming, and along with their master, were trapped in containment fields. The Trouble with Fixit After the Autobots were trapped outside their own base using subsonics, Jetstorm and Slipstream were literally catapulted inside and kept Fracture's Mini-Cons busy until the base could be retaken. Lockout The pair joined their master on the hunt for Scowl, though their shenanigans at a resort spa resulted in Drift being clobbered by their Dinobot quarry, Similarly Different and took part in the capture of Zizza by turning off the power to the hangar the Decepticon was hiding out in. The Buzz on Windblade

A visit to the ghost town of Edmondville resulted in the Mini-Cons being frightened of the place at first, but witnessing Drift's attempt to be scary, they cheered up. They were instrumental in capturing Pseudo, both by being able to determine which Drift was the real thing, and when Grimlock hurled them both at the fleeing Decepticon. Ghosts and Impostors Jetstorm and Slipstream reattached themselves to Drift when the Autobots rolled out to rescue Sideswipe and Strongarm from the Decepticons. Battlegrounds, Part 1 During the battle against Megatronus, the two Mini-Cons almost faced off directly against the foe, but were interrupted by Optimus Prime, who took over while they tended to Drift. They later helped drop the arm of the colossal statue onto Megatronus. Battlegrounds, Part 2

Nobody's gonna see me comin'. Nobody's gonna hear a sound.

Jetstorm and Slipstream listened to Optimus tell old war stories. When Drift was assigned to an "away team" to hunt Decepticons far from the scrapyard, the two Mini-Cons naturally went along as well — during the first mission to the Arctic, they had to help Optimus after the Autobot, weakened after the Primes took away his extra power, was left clinging to a cliff. Overloaded, Part 1 They were able to prevent Optimus from falling, but later became frozen to Drift's arms and unable to be deployed. Overloaded, Part 2

Drift unleashed the pair on Swelter and Glacius, but the evil Mini-Cons turned out to be too much for them to handle. They accompanied the Autobots to a military base, where they were trapped in a metal cocoon with their master and Sideswipe. Cover Me

I was a first class rookie. Takin' out bullies in my all black hoodie.

Investigating possible interference with one of Windblade's caches, Optimus's team found themselves up against Stockade and his army of Mini-Cons. In a bid to act independently in the field, Jetstorm and Slipstream disregarded their master's order to link back up, indirectly resulting in Drift sustaining an injury. The guilty pair ended up trapped in an armory with Sideswipe, but realized they were able to link up with the Autobot. Using this newfound tactical advantage, the trio quickly took down the squadron surrounding them, and headed off to help the rest of their team. The Autobots' concerted efforts resulted in Stockade's defeat. Having seen them perform admirably in his absence, Drift told the two Mini-Cons that their training was complete. However the Mini-Cons insisted on remaining his students, apologizing for their earlier behavior. The stealth team then learned that the scrapyard's GroundBridge was once more operational, and returned to base to rejoin Bumblebee's forces. Graduation Exercises

Jetstorm and Slipstream were present when the Autobots ran into Ratchet, who promptly joined the team. Drift carried them as the Autobots used a ruse to infiltrate the wreck of the Alchemor, which was being used as a base by a group of Decepticons.Decepticon Island (Part 1) As Drift and Ratchet attempted to rescue a captive Windblade, the two Mini-Cons were able to deploy and avoid being trapped in a stasis pod with their master. They freed their fellow Autobots who were able to defeat Overload, and the group escaped from the ship before the cryo-gas bomb put everyone on board in stasis. With the Decepticon threat now dealt with, several Autobots opted to return to their homeworld. Drift and his Mini-Cons opted instead to stay on Earth under Bumblebee's command to set up a permanent base of operations on the planet. Decepticon Island (Part 2) When news of the Bee Team's exploits reached Cybertron, Jetstorm became one of the many Autobots blacklisted by the High Council for being a supporter of Optimus Prime. Enemy of My Enemy

During a visit to Autobot Outpost Omega One, Drift's students were deployed to assist in battling the automated defenses, and later attempted to assist in a fight against Paralon and Buzzstrike. History Lessons After a training exercise went wrong, Jetstorm and Slipstream bravely threatened the training drone's severed head. Strongarm's Big Score During a fight with Tricerashot, Slipstream and Jetstorm charged at him from either side and were knocked out when he jumped out of their way and let them run into each other. Pretzel Logic

After a mishap with a high energy pulse generator provoked another wisecrack from Sideswipe at the Mini-Cons' expense, leaving Fixit, Jetstorm and Slipstream angry at him. Following a temporary invasion of the scrapyard by the Weaponizer Mini-Cons, the trio were mistakenly captured by Starscream's men, and used as leverage to force Bumblebee to turn himself over. Mighty Big Trouble Imprisoned aboard Starscream's ship, the Mini-Cons succeeded in getting Jetstorm out via a ceiling vent, and he located Bumblebee on the bridge. Mini-Con Madness He returned to release his fellow Mini-Cons, and they freed Bumblebee as well. During the ensuing fight, Jetstorm and Slipstream took out Shadelock, but were only saved from being zapped by RoughEdge when Sideswipe threw himself in front of the blast. Following Starscream's eventual defeat, the pair volunteered to team up with Sideswipe for a while. Worthy

Jetstorm and Slipstream helped Russell train for his championship game. King of the Hill (Part 1) While training, Jetstorm had trouble carrying out a maneuver, so Drift had him practice on Grimlock, leading to the Dinobot wanting to become Drift's pupil too. He and Slipstream later watched as Drift resignedly agreed that Grimlock had graduated. Defrosted

DisorderedPersonalities piggyback ride.jpg

The two Mini-Cons successfully took down Zorillor after the Skunkticon sprayed Drift with blinding gunk. During a mission to capture Springload, the Mini-Cons were assigned the task of wrapping the Sphere of Doradus in tin foil in an attempt to block its strange energies. Unfortunately this didn't work all that well. Sphere of Influence The diminutive duo also helped save Bumblebee from a nasty fall during a fight against Drag Strip and Wildbreak. Bee Cool

When Shadow Raker turned up on Earth seeking the return of Jetstorm and Slipstream, Drift forbade the pair from fighting. They came up with a plan of their own, and when Shadow Raker captured them, the pair used a ruse to point the Con to a stash of Shanix which kept Shadow Raker on Earth long enough to be defeated. Out of the Shadows The two Mini-Cons ran into problems working with Grimlock after the Dinobot was mind-swapped with Drift. Unable to link with him, they had to ride on his back during a mission to defeat the Stunticons. Disordered Personalities

FreedomFighters Jetstorm legs it.jpg

Drift deployed Jetstorm and Slipstream to attack Blastwave, but the pair were simply swatted aside by their opponent. Guilty As Charged After Slipstream accidentally broke Drift's katana, Jetstorm helped him and Sideswipe cover it up, though inevitably Drift found out during their subsequent mission to prevent the Stunticons from stealing a maglev train's power supply. Railroad Rage The two Mini-Cons helped pull a crashed truck to safety after the Stunticons ran it off the road. Combine and Conquer When Optimus recruited Drift for a mission, his two students naturally accompanied him. Moon Breaker

During Bee Team's mission to expose the new council, Drift deployed Slipstream and Jetstorm, and they were able to disable the Light Benders the council were using, revealing them to be a group of Decepticons. Cyclonus ordered the other Decepticons to take the two Mini-Cons prisoner, but ended up blasting the pair when they turned out to be too tricky to catch. They recovered in time to help Drift defeat Riotgear. In the aftermath of the battle, Optimus appointed Bee Team ambassadors to Earth. They returned to the scrapyard, where Drift told his students to observe Sideswipe and Strongarm as an example of how not to behave as members of a team. Freedom Fighters

2015 Robots in Disguise books

Following Filch's escape, Jetstorm and Slipstream created sparks with their swords, luring her in so that Denny could catch her with his electromagnet. Bumblebee Versus Scuzzard

After doubt was thrown on Drift's motives, Drift left the team and Bumblebee tried to interrogate Jetstorm and Slipstream to find out what they knew. The pair eventually opened up after Russell won them over and admitted they knew Drift used to be a Decepticon. A short time later the scrapyard was taken over by Foxtrot and Stilts, but Jetstorm and Russell were able to escape into the woods and alert Drift to the situation. They posed as Drift's prisoners so the Autobot could pretend to be a Decepticon and free the captive Team Bee. Drift's Samurai Showdown

During the incident with Skinkbomb, Drift and his Mini-Cons were off on a scouting mission, and Fixit didn't have any luck contacting them. The Trials of Optimus Prime

As part of the "away team", Jetstorm helped apprehend Shocksprocket. The team headed to Mount Everest to hunt Abominus, only to be temporarily captured after falling into one of the Decepticon's boobytraps, until Slipstream rescued them. They later successfully apprehended Abominus. Autobot World Tour

Robots in Disguise shorts

I'm tryin' to do better now, find my inner peace, learn my art form, and find my inner Chi

When Jetstorm and Slipstream were getting ready to watch a movie, Sideswipe informed Jetstorm that he was occupying the seat he had called "dibs" on. Unfamiliar with the concept of "dibs," the Mini-Cons had Sideswipe explain it to them. Jetstorm was quite impressed by Sideswipe ability to have first claim to anything by uttering a single word. Fixit then detected that the Cyclones Backtrack and Ransack were on the loose and informed the entire Bee Team as much. The Power of Dibs

Though Slipstream called "dibs" on taking on the Cyclones on his own, Jetstorm followed him nonetheless. Upon being discovered, Jetstorm questioned why his friend was so intent on taking on such dangerous opponents by himself. Slipstream revealed to Jetstorm that it was a personal issue, as a Cyclone had turned him to a life of crime by stealing from him when he was a child. The Tragedy of Slipstream The pair soon crossed paths with their quarry, as well as the Decepticon Mini-Cons pursuing them. Despite Jetstorm insisting that Slipstream had called "dibs" on the Cyclones, the Decepticons made their own claim on them.

Here we go, I know I've never been the smartest or wisest, but I realize what it takes.

Jetstorm took on Airazor in the squabble that ensued. But when Slipstream was accidentally knocked into a rock mound built by the Cyclones during the brawl, the unaligned Mini-Cons turned their firepower on the other four, forcing them to take cover together. A Level Playing Field The aligned Mini-Cons began to fight one-another over their hiding spot, until Jetstorm, realizing they would need to work together to beat the Cyclones, put an end to it. Though Slipstream insisted his claim to the Cyclones was still valid, Jetstorm replied that his "dibs" was meaningless if they were all in pieces. Working together, the four aligned Mini-Cons managed to take out the two unaligned ones. Though Slipstream and Jetstorm then informed Airazor and Divebomb that they were obligated to take them in, the Decepticons invoked the ancient Earth tradition of "Not it!" allowing them to walk away.

When Jetstorm and Slipstream returned to base with the Cyclones in hand, they were met with a surprise hug from Drift. Their teacher quickly regained his composure, though he admitted that he was glad his students had made it back safely. Two Plus Two Equals More

IDW Robots in Disguise comic


The two Mini-Cons took part in a fight at Fort Tucker, attacking a flying Vehicon in the air. Robots in Disguise #5 After the Autobots located Steeljaw's hideout, the pair got the imprisoned Fixit and Russell to safety while the rest of the team tackled the Decepticons. Robots in Disguise #6

Commercial appearances

Drift launched Jetstorm and Slipstream so that they could do battle against Fracture's own Mini-Con partners. The Autobots were victorious, and Jetstorm high-fived Slipstream as Drift loomed proudly over them. Robots in Disguise Deployers toy commercial


Transformers Super Mini-Con Striker

Jetstorm acted as a field player in a soccer match between him, Slipstream, and Drift; and the Decepticons Fracture, Divebomb, and Airazor. Transformers Super Mini-Con Striker

Robots in Disguise mobile game

Version Unlock Cost (Energon) Unlock Cost (Ultra Sparks)
Buzzsaw 2000 40
Blizzard 2000 40
Scorch 2000 40

Jetstorm could be recruited to help fight off the Insecticon clone army overrunning Crown City. Robots in Disguise mobile game


Robots in Disguise (2015)

Slipstream is red, Jetstorm is... black?
  • Autobot Drift & Jetstorm (Mini-Con Deployer, 2015)
  • Accessories: Armor sprue (helmet, backpack, 2 shields, 2 flame-swords, left & right shoulder armor pieces)
  • Known designers: Hisao Nishimoto (TakaraTomy)
Released in the first wave of Robots in Disguise "Mini-Con Deployers", Jetstorm transforms from robot to "buzzsaw" and back with a single simple step each way. In buzzsaw mode, he is designed to work with the launching mechanism to Deployer Drift.
He also comes with a number of clear plastic accessories attached to an Autobot-insignia-shaped sprue, which can be attached to him using tabs and slots. Most of these add-ons do not need to be removed to transform him, but the flame-swords must relocate from his hands to another pair of slots on his arms.
He was only available packed in with the aforementioned Deployer Drift.

Jetstorm really should be blue for two reasons.
  • Micronshooter Drift Set (Mini-Con Deployer, 2015)
  • ID number: TAV27
  • Release date: September 19, 2015
  • Accessories: Slipstream and Jetstorm Microns w/ armor sprues
The first TakaraTomy version of Jetstorm, released in the ninth wave of Adventure toys, is a redeco of the Hasbro mold in entirely black plastic, with additional paint applications to make him more show-accurate (but is still not the most show-accurate version of this mold!).
Once again he was avaialble only as a pack-in with "Micron Shooter" Drift, but this time the set includes both him and fellow student Slipstream.

Now we're talking! (Left image not final product)
  • Blizzard Strike Autobot Drift & Jetstorm (Mini-Con Deployer, 2016)
  • Accessories: Armor sprue (helmet, backpack, 2 shields, 2 flame-swords, left & right shoulder armor pieces)
When Drift was redecoed into an Arctic color scheme for the second wave of Mini-Con Deployers, Jetstorm once again came with him, and shared the new icy-blue deco.
Despite initial stock photos showing Jetstorm retaining the same orange sprue from the original set, the final product features ice-blue armor sprues.

  • Jetstorm (Mini-Con, 2016)
  • ID number: TMC01
  • TakaraTomy release date: April 29, 2016
  • Accessories: Armor sprue (helmet, backpack, 2 shields, 2 flame-swords, left & right shoulder armor pieces)
Jetstorm was released again in the Adventure toyline, as part of the first and only wave of single-pack Microns, under the Prime of Micron subline imprint. This version has been much more extensively painted to make him more show-accurate than even Takara's first attempt.
Like most of the other Mini-Cons released under the Prime of Micron portion of the line, a translucent 5 mm post has been added to his back, which allows figures compatible with 5 mm weapon pegs to hold him in disk mode.

RID Mini-Con Scorch Strike Jetstorm.jpg
  • Scorch Strike Jetstorm (Mini-Con, 2016)
  • Accessories: Armor sprue (helmet, backpack, 2 shields, 2 flame-swords, left & right shoulder armor pieces)
Released in the fourth wave of Robots in Disguise single-pack Mini-Cons, Scorch Strike Jetstorm is a redeco of the original mold, now in desert colors with a clear-yellow armor sprue.
This wave was largely skipped by larger brick-and-mortar stores in the US, but began to filter out through discount chains like Marshalls and Five Below by the 2016 holiday season.



  • Autobot Drift (Kreon Triple Changer, 2015)
    • Accessories: 2 swords, Slipstream & Jetstorm Kreons
Kreon Triple Changer Autobot Drift mooshes all the incarnations of Drift into one form! This built-up Kreon transforms from robot to sportscar to helicopter, without needing to be disassmebled. His general appearance is based on Generation 1 Drift, his altmodes come from Age of Extinction Drift, and of course his micro-Kreon Mini-Con partners Slipstream and Jetstorm hail from Robots in Disguise Drift.
Drift (along with Blitzwing) was shown at Toy Fair 2015, but no accounts of it seeing release in any market have ever surfaced.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.


  • In the Japanese dub of the series, Transformers Adventure, Jetstorm and Slipstream end every sentence with de gozaru (でござる), an archaic honorific associated with the samurai. Drift uses it, too, but a bit more reasonably; the Mini-Cons use it to comedic excess as their verbal tic.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Jetstorm (ジェットストーム Jettosutōmu)
  • Mandarin: Tiān Bào (天暴, "Sky Storm")
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