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Legends Comic: Bonus Edition Vol. 16

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Transformers Legends Comic: Bonus Edition Vol. 16
Transformers Legends LG 16.jpg
漫画トランスフォーマーレジェンズ出張版 第16話
First published October 24, 2015
Manga Hayato Sakamoto
Packaged with Legends LG-16 Slipstream

Wanted by the Autobots, Slipstream seeks refuge in the Legends World.


In an Animated universe in the time after the Decepticons' defeat, Slipstream is a wanted criminal avoiding capture on Cybertron. Learning about the peaceful Legends World from Swindle, she decides to hide there and has the salesman provide her with transdimensional gyro-rotors that let her cross over to parallel universes. The Elite Guard breaks in just as Scalpel finishes upgrading Slipstream's body to include the rotors, but she evades capture and travels to the Legends World, elated that in this world she can finally do whatever she wants. Unfortunately this is not the case—she finds herself welcomed by a group of heroes made up of the universe's Autobot visitors and Transformers sickness-upgraded Maximals, who have been alerted to Slipstream's arrival by Alpha Trion and swiftly defeat her before she can even do anything.

The damaged Slipstream is left wandering the streets, wondering if staying home would've been better, when she runs into Megatron who sees promise in her and asks her to join him in his plot for world domination. She readily accepts, but realizes much too late that working for this Megatron just means being an office lady at Tera-Kura Co.

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(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)


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