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Legends Comic: Bonus Edition Vol. 2

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Transformers Legends Comic: Bonus Edition Vol. 2
Transformers Legends LG 02.jpg
漫画トランスフォーマーレジェンズ出張版 第2話
First published October 25, 2014
Manga Hayato Sakamoto
Packaged with Legends LG02 Convoy

Optimus Primal is next to become a Transformer, and he doesn't even like Transformers!


Waking up one day, Optimus Primal, respectable president of Axalon Trading Company, finds that like Rattrap before him he's been turned into a Transformer! He freaks out at first, but accepts that it's not half bad once his son, Minor, expresses awe at how cool his daddy is now. On the way to work, Primal is accosted by police officer Ai, who finds him suspicious, and when he tries to explain himself he accidentally activates a bunch of hidden weapons built into his new body, causing a panic and the arrival of more police.

As a standoff occurs, with a panicking Primal trying to prove his innocence despite waving a serious arsenal around, Rattrap arrives and scares off the police by transforming into a disturbing half-robot half-rat mode, then uses his knowledge of Primal toys to transform him back into a harmless gorilla. Going to see Bump again, Primal is told that he too has Transformers sickness, and when he points out he doesn't play with toys, the doctor promptly changes his diagnosis to "you eat too many bananas". But much like Rattrap, Primal refuses to change his habits and keeps gobbling bananas, telling Rattrap to shut up about it.

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(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)


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