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Lio Dad

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Transformers Legends Vol. 41
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"Lio Dad"
(Lio Tōchan)
First published February 23, 2017
Manga Hayato Sakamoto

Lio Convoy isn't a very good father.


Lio Junior asks his dad, Lio Convoy, to buy him a Transformers toy, but he thinks they're way too expensive. Lio Convoy instead entertains his son for free by "transforming" his face into funny expressions, but once he's done laughing, Junior restates that he still wants a toy.

Later, Lio Convoy takes the 5000 yen intended for Lio Junior's school lunches and claims he'll "transform" it 100 000 yen... by using it to gamble at the races. Instead, he ends up losing it all. Finding his dad sulking over his poor decisions in a park, Junior gently takes him back home and asks him to stop trying to transform their money.

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(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)


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