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Lockdown (G1)

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The name or term "Lockdown" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Lockdown (disambiguation).
Lockdown is a Decepticon from the Generation 1 continuity family.
"'Scuse me, I'm looking for a medic, yea tall, kinda old an' cranky? No? Well, whatever, I'll take the dude with the swords."

Lockdown will pay top dollar to get what he wants... so he can earn an even topper dollar! Like any good bounty hunter, he's all business and does whatever it takes to haul his bounty in. He runs a very tight ship and is straight to the point. So he's not afraid to tell his colleagues exactly what he thinks of them, for better or for ill.



2005 IDW continuity

Lockdown vs Drift Drift 4.jpg

When the infamous Decepticon Deadlock failed in a mutiny against his commander and deserted, Megatron called on the bounty hunter Lockdown to find him and return him to the Decepticons. Lockdown, with the help of some slave traders, found Deadlock on an unassuming planet where a mysterious third, neutral faction had been in hiding for eons. Drift #2

Lockdown explained to Deadlock that even though Deadlock's former boss, Turmoil, wanted Deadlock dead, Megatron felt that Deadlock was too important to his plans to have him be destroyed. The slave traders had other ideas, and noted that there were other Transformer deserters somewhere on the planet, ones who must have partially rebuilt Deadlock. In exchange for helping find Deadlock, they demanded to be led to the hidden Transformers; if not, they would take Deadlock for their own purposes. Lockdown suggested that Deadlock lead the hidden Transformers into an ambush, and commented that Megatron's faith in Deadlock had best not be misplaced. However, when they met Deadlock at the arranged site, he had an army of Transformer deserters with him ready for a fight, plus he had been completely rebuilt and renamed himself "Drift". Drift #3


Lockdown was furious at Drift for abandoning the Decepticon cause, and dismissed him as an "idealist" when Drift claimed he found something better to fight for. Their personal combat was interrupted when the lead Slaver killed Drift's mentor, Wing, and Drift broke off to avenge his friend. After he killed the Slaver, and Dai Atlas arrived with a fresh crowd of third faction warriors, Lockdown chose to depart in the face of overwhelming odds. Drift #4

At some point Lockdown was put in charge of a team of Titan Hunters by Chief Justice Tyrest, who tasked them with hunting down and killing Titans for their parts. In order to retrieve a Titan fragment, they boarded the Lost Light while the entire crew was paralyzed. ...the entire crew except Trailcutter, that is. Though Trailcutter's force field powers were shorted out at the time, unbeknownst to the Decepticons, he bluffed Lockdown and his team off his ship with some creative use of its gravity generators and his magnawheels. The Reluctant Specialist

Some months later, Lockdown and his Titan Hunters confronted the crew of the Lost Light again when they found Luna 1, Tyrest's headquarters. The Fecund Moon Rodimus led them on a merry chase across the moon and through the corpses of their Titan victims, but Lockdown was eventually able to capture the intruders and bring them before Tyrest. House of Ambus The Titan Hunters were later ordered by Tyrest to suppress the attacking Circle of Light, who had escaped confinement thanks to Cyclonus and Whirl. Arm the Lonely Once Tyrest was defeated, Lockdown and his crew fled Luna 1. This Calamitous Life

Angry Birds comic

Lockdown was among Megatron's forces who attacked an Autobot ship in an attempt to seize the AllSpark, only to be knocked back into space by Heatwave's water blasts. Angry Birds Transformers #1

2019 IDW continuity

Lockdown was considered to be a trusted ally by Thunderclash, being counted among his potential recruits for the Wreckers. Tread & Circuits Part 4


Transformers: Legends

After the Decepticon Deadlock went MIA, Lockdown tracked him to an unfamiliar planet. Despite teaming up with some local hunters, Lockdown was sent packing by the Circle of Light. Circle of Light

Angry Birds Transformers

Lockdown appears as one of the first unlockable characters. He is portrayed by Moustache Pig. He also appears as an Energon version. Angry Birds Transformers

Transformers: Earth Wars

No swordsman either!? Fine. I'll "reap" the scientist instead.

Lockdown was on a mission from Megatron to eliminate Perceptor, but without his rifle, as he wanted his "trophy" intact with minimal burns and shrapnel. Seeing that Perceptor was trying to escape through the Space Bridge, the Decepticons attempted to recall Lockdown to Earth so he could finish the job, but Sharkticons kept coming through instead. Feeding Frenzy They soon cleared out all the Sharkticons, but Lockdown wouldn't let his trophy out of sight, his constant moving prevented the Decepticons from locking onto his position. Working the Sharks Out

With the operation and the hunt at a close, Lockdown had Perceptor cornered. Shockwave prepared the Spacebridge to recall him as soon as Lockdown finished his contract, but the Spacebridge misheard Lockdown saying he was "Ready for transport". It re-calibrated transportation protocol and locked onto the wrong spark signature, recalling Perceptor instead.

Lockdown ended up in the Autobot's base, and was promptly taken prisoner aboard the Ark. He was trying to explain to Optimus his motives and his undying loyalty to the Decepticon cause (and money) when Megatron contacted Prime for demands. Because Starscream was using an open communications link, the Autobots were able to initiate a two-way matter transfer protocol remotely, and Perceptor was brought to safety, while Lockdown was sent through simultaneously to stabilize the stream. Megatron naturally blamed him for the embarrassment. Target Locked

It was revealed that Megatron had Bludgeon to hire him, and when Lockdown arrived at the base he immediately demanded to know where the "bag of bolts" was. Megatron thought Lockdown was referring to him and was about to kill Lockdown, but Lockdown quickly said he meant the subject of his contract. He added that would fully cooperate and stay with Megatron's forces until the contract was complete. Transformers: Earth Wars

  • Class: Special
  • Lowest Star Rating: 2 star
  • Weaponry: He uses hand cannon blasts and his sickle hook.
  • Ability: Mini Laser: Places a mini Beam Laser to attack nearby targets for the next 30 seconds.
    • Cost: 3 ability points + 2 for reuses.

Lockdown at Transformers: earth Wars Wiki


Revenge of the Fallen

Oh god, I'd rather be back in those Cyber Missions.
  • Lockdown (Deluxe Class, 2010)
  • Japanese ID number: RD-26
  • Accessories: Engine
Revenge of the Fallen Lockdown was repurposed as Generation 1 Lockdown.
Revenge of the Fallen Lockdown's design is a strong homage to his Animated counterpart. Lockdown transforms into an amalgam of a 1980s Corvette and a 1960s Cougar, with lots of spikes and a cow-catcher on his bumper. The toy's Mech Alive feature rotates cylinders inside his thighs as his lower legs rotate, and pneumatic cylinders extend as his Capture Hook is deployed.
Lockdown may have the most articulated neck ever for a Transformer, having three ball joints and a swivel joint. Craziness.
Similar to his Animated counterpart, Lockdown's arm-mounted hot rod engine weapon can be removed and can be replaced by Revenge of the Fallen Deluxe Ratchet's weapon. Likewise, Ratchet can store Lockdown's engine on his roof; it cannot, however, attach to his arm. Interestingly, the plug for Lockdown's engine is the same general shape as the plug for Animated Lockdown's EMP blaster/engine, but smaller; as such, it isn't compatible with Animated Lockdown, or with Animated Ratchet or Ironhide, for that matter.
This mold was retooled to make Transformers Axor.


He's here to upgrade himself with all your Weaponizers, Modulators, Fossilizers, and Armorizers.
  • Star Raider Lockdown (Deluxe Class, 2024)
  • TakaraTomy name: Lockdown (ロックダウン)
  • TakaraTomy ID number: TL-88
  • TakaraTomy release date: 2025 March 29
  • Accessories: Left & right engine block halves/blasters, left & right exhaust pipes, left & right thrusters, hook
  • Known designers: Mark Maher (Hasbro), Takio Ejima (TakaraTomy)[1]
Legacy: United "Star Raider Lockdown" is a redeco of Legacy Evolution Axlegrease (who is in turn a retool of Scraphook from the same line) with a new head directly based on his Revenge of the Fallen toy above, transforming into a post-apocalyptic car.
As a carry-over from Axlegrease, Lockdown has a feature analogous to the Weaponizer gimmick from the War for Cybertron Trilogy toylines: his body splits apart to form armor and weapon enhancements.
Weirdly enough, despite being affiliated with the Star Seekers Raiders, Lockdown has a Decepticon symbol on the robot mode chest and lacks any Star Raider insignia. The finalized figure as well as stock photos on the packaging backside also show dark green strips and silver spikes on the car's hood, though different stock photos leave those areas black.
Lockdown was first revealed in the Walmart Collector Con online event on March 7, 2024, as part of the Walmart-exclusive "Star Raider" collection.
An image on Mark Maher’s Instagram utilizes Lockdown's weaponizer gimmick to lengthen his legs with an (at the time) unknown Crashbar redeco's arms to achieve more Animated-accurate proportions.[2] The cross-sell on his instructions advertises his compatibility with this figure, officially revealed as "Star Raider Road Pig."
The car thrusters/cannons can also be used as leg extensions, though it costs him the ability to wield his hook over his hand. This method is a bit of a double-edged sword; When the rear windows face outwards, the knee joints may bend up to 80 degrees, whereas when they face inwards, the knees can bend 90 degrees. However, facing the windows inwards results in a slight a-stance while standing due to the parts clashing.
The original version of this mold was also used to make Buzzworthy Bumblebee Tow-Line.


Transformers Trading Card Game

  • Lockdown, Bounty Hunter (2019)
    • Wave 4: War for Cybertron: Siege II
    • Rarity: CT
    • Card Number: T07/T52
    • Stars: 10
Lockdown, Bounty Hunter is one of 52 character cards released in Wave 4 of the Transformers Trading Card Game, War for Cybertron: Siege II. Neither Autobot nor Decepticon, Lockdown is a member of the Mercenary faction introduced in the set.
The card features original artwork for both modes, based on Lockdown's appearances in IDW's comics. The card's line-art was drawn by Marcelo Matere and colors were done by Cara Burns.


Foreign names

  • Japanese: Lockdown (ロックダウン Rokkudaun)



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