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Mega Dozer

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Mega Dozer is an Autobot from Tonka (via Collaborative).
Super fighting robot!

Mega Dozer the bulldozer is built to take on the toughest jobs! They can combine with their fellow construction Autobots to form the mighty Tonkanator!




(thumbnail) are these guys technically GoBots?
  • Tonkanator (Multi-pack, 2022)
    • Accessories: Laser pistol, Tonkanator's left fist, "Target Shooter" projectile launcher, missile
Collaborative "Autobot Mega Dozer" is a yellow-and-black Tonka-branded redeco of The Transformers Bonecrusher, transforming into a bulldozer (possibly a Komatsu D155A). The toy can also form an "attack bulldozer" mode by attaching the "Target Shooter" (loaded with the missile) onto the posts on the vehicle mode hood. The Target Shooter can also become launcher or drill weapon attached to either arm in robot mode.
While previous uses of this mold as Bonecrusher included a "Rotor Blade" projectile identical to Scavenger's, the Tonkanator set includes only one Rotor Blade and assigns it to Scavenger's redeco Power Digger. Mega Dozer instead receives a smaller missile normally associated with Mixmaster, which is noticeably too long for the launcher, causing the tip to not sit flush.
Mega Dozer was available in a Target-exclusive six-robot gift set with Power Digger, Motor Load, Autobot Skyhook, Mega Hauler, and Motormix, all of whom can combine to form Tonkanator; Mega Dozer serves as the super robot's left arm. This set was officially revealed and put up for pre-order on June 24, 2022.
The Transformers combiner team mold: Constructicons
  • Hasbro:
  • The Transformers Devastator (GS & In)
  • Devastator (yellow) (In)
  • Takara/TakaraTomy:
  • Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers 37 Devastor (GS & In)
  • IGA:
GS = Gift set release
In = Individually released

Scrapper (leader)
  • Hasbro:
  • Takara/TakaraTomy:

  • Hasbro:
  • Takara/TakaraTomy:

  • Hasbro:
  • Vintage G1 4 Hook
  • Takara/TakaraTomy:

Long Haul
  • Hasbro:
  • Takara/TakaraTomy:

  • Hasbro:
  • Takara/TakaraTomy:

  • Hasbro:
  • Takara/TakaraTomy:

Kōjin Ōno


  • Most if not all of Mega Dozer's artwork is flipped, including the scan used above as this article's main image.


  1. December 9, 2024 Interview with Hasbro designer Brian Parrish on the "Triple Takeover" podcast, from their YouTube channel.
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