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Nemesis Prime (G1)

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This article is about the evil clones of Optimus Prime. For the corrupted Dead Universe version of Nova Prime from the 2005 IDW continuity, see Nova Prime. For a list of other meanings, see Nemesis Prime (disambiguation).
Nemesis Prime is a Decepticon from the Generation 1 continuity family.
"I could feel all my bad parts being drawn away into this thing. All my nasty habits, my filthy desires... they were now the stuff of this Anti-Me."

Nemesis Prime is the dark mirror of Optimus Prime, striking terror into his victims' hearts while wearing the face of their hero. He is imbued with many of the Autobot leader's abilities, but lacks all moral restraint. His nature varies between universes: sometimes he is a clone built by Decepticons or human mad scientists, in others he's a twisted future incarnation of Nova Prime or even Optimus Prime himself, corrupted by sources of evil like Unicron or the Dead Universe. Regardless, there is one thing that never changes: Nemesis brings dread and destruction wherever he goes. His only friends are the Battle Masters Giza and Fangtron.

He also hates Christmas.

A warrior finds honor only in the total destruction of his enemies.

—Nemesis Prime's bio quote.



Alternators toy bio

Doctor Arkeville spent years personally constructing Nemesis Prime piece by stolen piece, hiding his handiwork from both Concurrence agents and the Decepticons. Designed to be the ultimate military commander, he had arguably the mightiest Binaltech Transformer body ever constructed, but it remained without a life-force. Dr. Arkeville planned to acquire one by tapping into an amazingly powerful extra-spatial source that the Autobot Translink Project had uncovered.[1]

Story of Binaltech

Dr. Arkeville, seeking to create an evil leader greater than Megatron, used a subspace impulse cloner to duplicate Optimus Prime (with a snazzy black-and-teal paint job). To this end, Arkeville twisted Prime's imported essence to evil with a rewriting program, but the clone still lacked life. He experimented with a subspace linkup to channel a life force, but the operation was interrupted: A time warp suddenly appeared and produced a mysterious orb which touched the clone body, causing the clone to both activate and vanish.

Meanwhile, on Dinobot Island, the Autobots were enacting Operation: Distant Thunder to undo the changes that Ravage had wrought upon the timeline. The Autobots had just sent a drone into the past with the intent of restoring the correct timeline, expecting reality to change around them, returning to its proper state. Instead, the successful restoration of the correct flow of history caused their alternate timeline to become undone, as all of their reality was torn apart by warp holes. At that moment, Arkeville's clone appeared before them, extending his hands as an orb of light engulfed first the island, then the entire world. The warp holes were extinguished, and the clone announced that it had used the power of the spark that now inhabited it to preserve the "Binal-Time" that the Autobots inhabited. The Autobots continued questioning this "Black Optimus", who explained that he was a spark who had been sent back in time from the distant future, referring to himself only as "the Protector". His mission was to preserve the Binaltechs, as their existence would, in the future, bring about the Alternity, a "great existence" involving beings who would ensure prosperity and protection across the multiverse.

When these explanations were done, the clone's core AI suddenly asserted itself, and he began taunting the Autobots, even manifesting a Decepticon symbol on his body. Using what remained of the Protector's power, the clone rejected his foreign spark and formed a warp portal back to Arkeville's lab. Reduced to an automated state, the clone still was able to leap through the portal to its creator. There, the doctor initiated another subspace translink experiment, this one succeeding in connecting the clone to an ancient, evil, greedy life force. At last, Arkeville's creation became Nemesis Prime. Binal Time

What happened to Dr. Arkeville after that is unknown, but soon after activation, Nemesis Prime began to make his move. When Megatron's forces attacked the Earth Defense Command base on Mars, Nemesis Prime appeared to block any further progress by the Decepticon leader, refusing to let him dominate Earth's solar system, which Nemesis Prime desired for himself. Megatron was disgusted that an Earth-born machine would wear the Decepticon insignia, but just as they were about to battle, across the galaxy, on Cybertron, Mirage accomplished his mission to activate the Quintesson-created killswitch, deactivating all non-Binaltech Transformers. Megatron was frozen, and Nemesis Prime calmly seized the opportunity to take power, ordering Shockwave to gather as many Decepticon bodies as possible. Seeing the logic in this order, Shockwave complied. Nemesis Prime sat on Megatron's throne and plotted future moves. Kill Switch

Seeking to make himself a true match for Optimus Prime, Nemesis Prime schemed to create an artificial Matrix by using a device to wrench minds from their bodies and combine them in a crystalline storage unit. Attempting a test run in a human settlement in Australia, Nemesis Prime was thwarted by a contingent of Autobots led by Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus. The two Primes went one-on-one during the ensuing battle, but when Optimus was sent tumbling into a riverbank, the Protector's spark flew to his aid and fused with him, lending Prime its power. Supercharged by the power of the Protector's spark, Optimus absorbed Nemesis Prime's next attack and redirected it upon his dark twin, who was engulfed and finally destroyed as his body exploded into shards. Unfinished Business, Part 4

Universe toy bio

"They'll never guess I'm evil."

Nemesis Prime was the product of a mad plan by Straxus, who put a lowly, unknown warrior through an excruciating rebuilding process, tortuously reforging him into the very image of Optimus Prime. Through forcible data uploads and brainwashing, the Decepticon was imbued with memories and skills culled from many sources, giving him much of Optimus Prime's knowledge and combat algorithms. This, however, cost him not just his sense of identity, but also any framework with which to process this knowledge. His creator having since perished, Nemesis Prime became a threat to all, skulking in the dark parts of Cybertron and targeting both Autobots and Decepticons in his murderous insanity.[2]

Lil Formers

Upon learning about the negative-polarity version of Optimus Prime, Nemesis Prime accused him of "biting his style." Lil Formers

Transformers: All Spark

I want to tell you about the Transformers!

This character article is a stub and is missing information on their fictional appearances. You can help Transformers Wiki by expanding it.

Revenge The False Power

Masterpiece toy bios

After spotting a fragment of Optimus Prime's body floating in space, the bodiless Unicron swallowed it and used material from his head in combination with the fragment to create an evil clone of the Autobot leader. The new herald was sent to Cybertron, where he joined the Decepticon ranks after killing many Autobots and acquired the "Nemesis Prime" moniker. When Unicron's head neared Cybertron, Nemesis Prime barged into Iacon's Energy Dock and slaughtered the Decepticons stationed there while absorbing the energy into his Dead Matrix to bring about Unicron's resurrection. The Autobots were alerted to the battle, and Nemesis Prime faced off against Optimus Prime himself. Story of Black Convoy

Loyal Subjects figure bio

Nemesis Prime took the form of Optimus Prime and went on a rampage bent on destroying whole worlds. It had no thoughts or allegiance to either Autobot or Decepticon and merely craved destruction. Its rampage threatened to upset the balance of power.

At one point shortly before Christmas it attacked Santa Claus's village, utterly destroying it and incinerating the reindeer. It was challenged by a teleporting elf who fought valiantly but was twisted into a scratch-back. Nemesis Prime was in the process of choking Saint Nick himself when it was transported away on December 14 by one who wished to wield his awesome power for their own...[3]

Renegade Rhetoric

The Optimus Prime of Primax 085.0 Eta was abducted by Megatron's Renegade Decepticons to another reality and subjected to a stolen Brainwave Scanner stolen from Professor Morris. The Decepticons used it to turn Optimus Prime into Nemesis Prime, who turned the defense systems of the Spy Changers' base against them. Renegade Rhetoric (2), 2016/05/12 Subsequently, however, Nemesis Prime made a play for leadership of the Decepticons, gaining the loyalty of Frenzy and Crash Test. Wheeljack mused that turning Optimus evil may not have been the Decepticons' best idea. Renegade Rhetoric (2), 2016/05/19

Power of the Primes marketing material

An evil clone of Optimus Prime, Nemesis Prime was fueled by the Dark Matrix of Leadership, driven to annihilate all in his path. Nemesis Prime could further augment himself by bonding with Prime Masters. Power of the Primes Evolution Nemesis Prime packaging bio

War for Cybertron Trilogy continuity

War for Cybertron Trilogy cartoon

Voice actor: Jake Foushee (English), Taitem Kusunoki (Japanese), Reiner Schöne (German), Rody Benghezala (French), Víctor Hugo Aguilar (Latin-American Spanish), Raja Sevak (Hindi), Guilherme Briggs (Portuguese)
...and all I got was this lousy edgelord color scheme.

After a nearly endless war that resulted in the AllSpark parting from Cybertron for good, Kingdom episode 1 Megatron killed Optimus Prime, lamenting that they should have worked together. Afraid of the possibility of this occurring in the past, Kingdom episode 5 Unicron resurrected and enslaved Optimus as Nemesis Prime. As the Autobots and Decepticons died out, Unicron and his minions were a constant threat to the Maximals and Predacons Kingdom episode 6 that emerged from the uninhabitable Cybertron. Both groups eventually time-traveled to the prehistoric Earth, with the Predacons seeking to change the future. Kingdom episode 1

While the Ark was stranded in the Dead Universe, a humbled Sky Lynx showed Optimus Prime a vision of a possible future where he died and fell down a dark path, becoming Nemesis Prime. Earthrise episode 5 When the Ark crashed on prehistoric Earth, Optimus Primal led an attack on its crew, believing Prime to be Nemesis Prime. Kingdom episode 1 Prime recognized the fear in the Primal's eyes when he saw him as the same reason he called the Autobot leader "Nemesis". Kingdom episode 3 While stranded on Earth, the Allspark, as a projection of Ultra Magnus, recognized Optimus Prime as its "nemesis" and attacked him. Kingdom episode 4 Predacon Megatron would also recognize Prime as Nemesis Prime, believing he could be using Primal just as much as the original Megatron was using the Predacon leader. Kingdom episode 5

Pretty much what happens when you don't live in a society.

Nemesis Prime eventually conspired with Galvatron to rebel against their master and used the Dead Universe to travel through time, intending to coerce Megatron to use the Allspark and destroy Unicron at the cost of Cybertron. After the Ark returned to Cybertron, Optimus Prime's vision in the Dead Universe came true, and Nemesis Prime tracked down the AllSpark and battled both Optimus and Bumblebee. As he was joined by Galvatron and Megatron, the former explained their plan and revealed that their existence was the result of Prime's removal of the Allspark and subsequent failure to return it.

But before Galvatron could make a move, a four-way alliance of Autobots, Decepticons, Maximals, and Predacons arrived, all standing in solidarity against the forces of Unicron. Galvatron mocked the prospect of Megatron being a part of the united factions until the latter actually turned on him thanks to Optimus and Starscream. Nemesis Prime initiated the battle by blasting Megatron and stood his ground against the factions. Just as Nemesis received orders to take the Allspark, the very relic soon deployed a defense of its own: the sparks of Transformers who died throughout the war. Nemesis Prime and Galvatron charged at the spirits only to be struck down by the spirit of Elita-1.

Having survived the attack, Nemesis Prime and Galvatron were left stranded in space only to be found by Unicron once more. After scolding his minions and musing that their journey through the Dead Universe had given him "ideas", Unicron drew the two towards him to initiate the reformatting process as they screamed in agony. Kingdom episode 6

War for Cybertron Trilogy marketing material

Closer than ever to reaching the AllSpark, the Decepticons awakened after crash-landing on pre-Ice Age Earth. While battling the Autobots, both sides were joined by the Maximals and Predacons, their epic battle changing their combined destinies. Kingdom webpage[4]

Nemesis Prime was a Ground Command Infantry General, Siege toy packaging whose function was the dark future of Optimus Prime, and trans-scanned into an Earth truck. His Dark Matrix and dark ion blaster were his powers and weapons, and his core traits were his maliciousness, brutality, desperation, and single-mindedness. Nemesis Prime's message from the future was that his existence will be threatened when Optimus Prime fights his dark future. Kingdom webpage[4]

Legacy VS500 Collection Special Comic

Nemesis Prime was a spectator of the second week of the Speedia 500 on Velocitron. Velocitron Speedia 500 Part 3


Bot Shots Battle Game!

Evil Clone in Mukky's colors.

Nemesis Prime participated in numerous one-on-one matches against other Autobots and Decepticons, using his fists, his sword, or his gun to defeat his opponents. Sometimes, he even faced off against himself! Bot Shots Battle Game!

Transformers Legends

No amount of trimming will ever make those smokestacks safe.

Nemesis Prime was constructed from scrap and stolen parts by Doctor Arkeville in an attempt to create a robot rivaling Optimus Prime. The uncontrolled fury of the creation resulted in it getting loose and going on a rampage that was only stopped by the Aerialbots. Nemesis Prime was forced into a retreat. Nemesis Rising

A different, but identical looking, Nemesis Prime was the future version of Nova Prime, who travelled back in time to attack the Autobots, including his own younger self. Along with Axer, Straxus, and Thunderwing, Nemesis Prime was transported back to threaten Cybertron. His younger counterpart, Nova Prime, teamed up with Roadbuster and Topspin in an attempt to curb his threat, while Galvatron watched the battle from afar. Nemesis Prime ultimately succeeded in his task, overcoming both Nova Prime and (somehow) Galvatron, claiming the oncoming darkness for his own. Prime Evil

Angry Birds Transformers

Nemesis Prime appears as a character unlockable in Challenge Events. He is portrayed by Red. Angry Birds Transformers

Transformers: Battle Tactics

With this cannon on my roof, they'll never know I'm not a real truck!

Nemesis Prime participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! He was an Uncommon character who could be recruited by collecting 35 units of Cybermetal and 16 units of Transmetal. Transformers: Battle Tactics

Transformers: Devastation

A Nemesis Prime costume for Optimus Prime appears as downloadable content.

Optimus Prime could don Nemesis Prime's colors during the Autobots' battle to stop the Decepticons from cyberforming Earth. When wearing the paintjob, he would comment that it "felt odd" and that it made him a real "robot in disguise". Transformers: Devastation

Transformers: Frontiers

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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Transformers: Frontiers

Transformers: Earth Wars


The result of forbidden cyber-cloning experiments, Nemesis Prime is the anti-thesis to Optimus Prime, his polar opposite. Everything Optimus stands for, Nemesis exists to tear down/take apart.

Though programmed with some of Optimus' memories and skills, Nemesis lacked the experience necessary to process the data, and - bereft of guidance - became dark and twisted. Now Nemesis skulks in the shadows of Cybertron, sowing chaos in his wake. Nemesis Prime bio

When Nemesis first arrived on earth, he promptly proclaimed who he was to Megatron. He then tracked down Optimus Prime's location with the help of Luca, and went to destroy the Autobot outpost, only to be thwarted by Hot Rod. Light Our Darkest Hour event

  • Class: Special
  • Lowest star rating: 2 star
  • Weapons Nemesis Prime has an Ion blaster the same make as Optimus Prime, and a Flame thrower. He uses the Ion cannon to blast the target a few times, then gets closer and burns it with his flame thrower.
  • Ability: Power of the Darkness: Make a friendly bot invulnerable to damage, knockback, and stun effects for 6 seconds! Upgrading this ability will increase duration
    • Cost: 6 ability points +2 for reuses.

Nemesis Prime at Transformers: Earth Wars Wiki

Transformers: Forged to Fight

Not even Kabam is above redecos.

Nemesis Prime was a clone of Optimus Prime created using a subspace impulse cloner. Although he wore the Decepticon mark, his true allegiances were unclear. Transformers: Forged to Fight

Transformers Roleplaying Game

Nemesis Prime was constructed on Lucifer. Decepticon Directive

Transformers: Galactic Trials

Voice actor: Jordan Reynolds

Aligned with neither faction, Nemesis Prime stole the Artifacts of the Primes in order to become more powerful. However during his escape from Cybertron with the artifacts his ship was shot down by the planet's defenses, causing the artifacts to be scattered across space. Damaged from the failed heist, Nemesis went into hiding in order to repair himself. His actions lead to the Autobots and Decepticons competing in race like battles known as the Galactic Trials in order to locate the artifacts. Eventually the Autobots were successfully able to retrieve all of them before Nemesis Prime could finish repairing himself. Though victorious, the threat of Nemesis' return was far from over. Transformers: Galactic Trials


Robots in Disguise (2001)

"I'm gonna put some dirt in your eye."
  • X-Brawn / Scourge (Basic, 2002)
The Spychanger version of Robots in Disguise Scourge was repurposed as Generation 1 Nemesis Prime in Renegade Rhetoric.
Released in the fourth wave of Robots in Disguise Basic figures, Scourge is a simplified Spychanger-styled version of his larger toy. Aside from being the only all-new tooling toy of the character, he features high speed axles and can roll very well across smooth surfaces, but lacks the weight to propel him quickly. He was only available in a 2-pack with a similarly-styled version of X-Brawn.
As with most of the new Robots in Disguise releases, the X-Brawn / Scourge pack was available in Japan as a "USA Edition" mass-released toy.
This mold was later redecoed both as Generation 1 "Spy Changer" Optimus Prime in the Universe toyline, and as "Movie" Optimus Prime for a Japanese pack-in DVD exclusive.


In Australia, I'm a shelfwarmer.
  • Nemesis Prime (2006)
    • ID number: 24
    • Accessories: Engine/blaster
Nemesis Prime is a black redeco of Alternators/Kiss Players Optimus Prime with red translucent windows and blue paint detail. Like Optimus, he transforms into a Dodge Ram SRT-10 at 1:24 scale, with opening doors, hood, and tailgate, plus an open passenger compartment. His engine transforms into a handgun.
He was initially sold exclusively at San Diego Comic-Con 2006 and for a limited time at Hasbro Toy Shop, selling out roughly an hour after its 2pm sales debut. Prior to that, he was released in large quantities at regular retail in various Asian countries, becoming a shelfwarmer there, ironically.
Later, he was offered in Australia through online stores. A few weeks later he showed up in massive numbers in the Australian retail store Toyworld for half the price.
Alternators mold: Optimus Prime
  • Hasbro:
  • Takara:

Binaltech Asterisk

  • Black Convoy meets Melissa (2006?)
    • ID number: BTA-04
    • Accessories: Engine/blaster
A planned release of the Alternators Optimus Prime in Japanese markets, Binaltech Asterisk Black Convoy was solicited to retailers in 2005, in a set with Melissa Faireborn. However, those solicitations were withdrawn and the toy quietly cancelled by the end of the year, with the mold and Melissa instead being released as Kiss Players Convoy × Melissa in 2006.
Black Convoy was solicited at the same time as Binaltech BT-17 Ginrai, which was also cancelled and would have used the same mold.
Alternators mold: Optimus Prime
  • Hasbro:
  • Takara:
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.


I am the evil clone of an evil clone! How do you beat this?
  • Black Convoy (2007)
    • ID number: BT-17
    • Accessories: Engine/blaster
Black Convoy is the first Binaltech release since Skids in early 2006, and was available exclusively in Japan at the winter Wonder Festival in 2007. His plastic colors are different from Nemesis Prime's, with grey plastic replacing the black on his shins, waist, shoulders and forearms. In addition, Nemesis Prime's windows are tinted red, but Black Convoy's windows are completely clear. His paint deco is based upon Kiss Players Convoy's, arranged in the same patterns but using teal, and he has vacuum-metallized wheels and front grill. The paint deco on his head is meant to evoke that of Car Robots Black Convoy. Perhaps the most important differences are that he has die-cast metal parts, and most of his truck body panels are coated in gloss black paint.
Perhaps due to cost-cutting, this toy was released in the large bubble-on-a-tray packaging also used in the Alternators line. However, he came with no character or packaging art.
This figure was later repurposed into a new body for Optimus Primal in the Alternity fiction.
Alternators mold: Optimus Prime
  • Hasbro:
  • Takara:

Universe (2008)

Straxus died before he could finish my trailer.
  • Nemesis Prime (Voyager Class, 2008)
    • Series: Classic Series
    • Accessories: 2 smokestacks/"Stellar Converter Cannon", wind vane/"Disruptor Cannon"
Nemesis Prime is a redeco of Classics Optimus Prime, transforming into a modern cab-over style truck of made up model, dominated by a large aero fairing on his roof. Premiering as a San Diego Comic-Con 2008 exclusive, it later saw wider release via Hasbro Toy Shop as part of the Classics Series of the 2008 Universe toyline. The figure largely follows the same paint application map as the original figure, with some minor omissions as well as new paint applications. As well, it features metallic purple and silver tampographs of the Decepticon symbol on its forearm and shoulder, as well as red paint blocking the light-piping feature in the figure's head.
In robot mode, his aero fairing transforms into a large "Disruptor Cannon", and his smokestacks transform into a smaller "Stellar Converter Cannon". Additionally, both can combine together to form a back-mounted shoulder weapon.
Classics mold: Optimus Prime
  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications:
  • TakaraTomy:
  • e-HOBBY:

Bot Shots

For the last time, I am NOT Primal!
  • Nemesis Prime / Megatron / Acid Storm (Multi-pack, 2012)
    • Series: 1
    • Number: BP005
      • Fist strength: 855
      • Blaster strength: 555
      • Sword strength: 215
A redeco of Bot Shots Optimus Prime, Nemesis Prime is a teeny little long-nosed semi truck with "trailer", with a spring-loaded automatic transformation to robot mode triggered when his front bumper is pressed. He has a "spinner" in his chest that shows his three attack types and power levels. Despite being a Decepticon, he still has Optimus Prime's Autobot hood ornament. He was only available in a three-pack with a black version of Megatron and Acid Storm.


"Do you know what 'nemesis' means...?
Masterpiece MP-10B Black Convoy is a black redeco and minor retool of MP-10 Convoy, in the typical black/grey/teal color scheme with red windows, and with a tampoed Decepticon insignia shoulder panel instead of the molded Autobot one, but lacking the trailer, Roller, and the Spike Witwicky figure.
He transforms into a Freightliner FL86, and comes with a hand-held laser blaster which can collapse and store inside a compartment on his back in either mode, as well as a battle axe that slips over Black Convoy's right hand. His chest opens up to reveal the removable Dead Matrix, which is made of die-cast metal, and can be held by one of Black Convoy's hands.
When purchased from sellers supplied by Hasbro Asia, Black Convoy came with a collector coin, in a unique black metallic finish. The coin is mounted on a card resembling a dark-tinted Matrix which slides open laterally, like the Matrix itself, to reveal the coin inside.
TakaraTomy reissued this figure in December 2017.
Masterpiece mold: Convoy (MP-10)
  • TakaraTomy:
  • Hasbro:

Shogo Hasui
See also: MP-1 Convoy | MP-44 Convoy

"If you want the shots, I'll take the staff job. Double the money."
  • Black Convoy (July 25, 2020)
    • ID number: MP-49
    • Hasbro release name: Black Convoy (Nemesis Prime)
    • Accessories: Alternate head, Ion Blaster, Beam effect part, Dark Matrix of Leadership, Energon axe
MP-49 Black Convoy is a black redeco and slight retool of MP-44 Convoy, cast in the typical black/grey/teal color scheme with red windows, plus some more toy-based paint apps absent on Convoy. He omits many of the original figure's accessories (as well as the soundbox gimmick), keeping only the alternate character model head, Dark Matrix and Ion Blaster alongside the Energon axe and blast effects (which are now molded in clear teal plastic). The knee joints are different compared to the original release, modified in order to move smoothly, preventing the original knee breaking issue. Since this release has no voice chip, there’s a new piece with no holes in the backpack and the sound button parts have also been removed. This Black Convoy is the first Masterpiece figure of the character with its own ID number rather than that of the mold's original release with "B" appended.
Masterpiece mold: Convoy (MP-44)
  • TakaraTomy:

See also: MP-1 Convoy | MP-10 Convoy


  • Nemesis Prime (Kreon Micro-Changer, 2013)
    • Collection: Collection 3
    • Bag number: ***** 52
    • Accessories: Stand brick, Optimus rifle
As part of the third wave of blindpacked Micro-Changers, Nemesis Prime is a Kreon that can be rebuilt into a cabover-style semi truck. He unsurprisingly reuses all of Optimus Prime's parts, including his helmet, gun, and smokestacks, but comes with extra parts to turn him into a truck.
This Micro-Changer assortment was the last one to appear at Target, with later waves showing up only at Toys"R"Us or drug/discount stores.
Nemesis can't seem to catch a break in the stock photography department. His promotional online shots show him with his headpiece turned around inside his helmet, showing only flat gray plastic instead of red eyes. Meanwhile, his truck-mode picture on the front page of his instructions is lacking the red windscreen paint operations. In both photo sets, his helmet is missing all of its silver paint.

  • Nemesis Prime (Kreon Micro-Changer, 2017)
    • Collection: Collection 3
    • Accessories: Logo plate, Optimus rifle
In 2017, the Collection 3 Micro-Changers were re-released in a whole new production run, first appearing at Walgreens stores in the US. These releases use the almost-entirely-retooled 2015 Kreon (making most parts incompatible with older Kreons), with slightly-differently-hued plastics than the originals. Nemesis Prime's tampographs are slightly altered, changing the flat light gray to metallic silver... and losing all of the silver on his helmet, and the cab-brick's windows.
This release has no individual-identification code on the bag, requiring you to use the feel-through-the-bag method or just buy blind and hope.


"... a righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent...
  • Nemesis Prime & Spinister (Legends Class, 2014)
    • Series / Number: 02 / 018
    • Accessories: Rotors
A redeco of Thrilling 30 Legends Class Optimus Prime, Generations Nemesis Prime is about the size of a Cyberverse Commander Class toy. He transforms from a generic cab-over truck into a robot based on Optimus Prime's appearance in IDW's 2009-2011 ongoing series, and features 5 mm-compatible hands and roof. He features teal paint on his hands, feet, knees, forehead, and even his mouthplate.
He comes with Spinister, who can transform into a helicopter, a robot with 3mm-compatible hands, and a weapon with a 5mm handle.
Hasbro's original stock photo for the figure depicting a hand-painted prototype shows Nemesis with Optimus Prime's ion cannon, which the final toy does not include. That weapon is instead included with the wave-mate Cliffjumper/Suppressor two-pack. The version of the photo featured on the back of the toy's packaging is massively edited (in addition to being shown as mirrored), with the weapon edited out and the rotor piece moved from Spinister's back to the hand that originally held the weapon. The stock photos also show a Decepticon insignia tampographed on his vehicle mode, which the final product didn't have.
Generations mold: Optimus Prime (Legends Class)
  • Hasbro:
  • TakaraTomy:

Black Convoy Pen

"Personified in this case by a horrible 'bot...
  • Transformers Black Convoy Pen (2014)
    • Accessories: Blaster, cap
A redeco of Optimus Prime Pen produced by Sentinel as part of the 30th anniversary of Transformers, Black Convoy Pen is a well-articulated little robot that folds into the shape of a rather chunky, but functional ballpoint pen. The tip of the pen is formed from his blaster, with the barrel acting as a cap.
This mold was also used to make Ultra Magnus Pen.


  • Nemesis Prime (June 2015)
A redeco of the Bearbrick Optimus Prime figure, Nemesis Prime transforms into a cuddly Bearbrick bear and back. He has no accessories, but holes in his robot mode hands can accommodate other toys' weapons. This figure is an exclusive release shared by the online retailer and Lawson convenience stores in Japan.
This mold was also used to make Bearbrick Age of Extinction Optimus Prime and retooled into Megatron, Bumblebee, and Starscream.


"So what if I don't come with an evil Spike-clone guy or a slaghead Roller! You'll still buy me anyway because I have a trailer!"
A redeco of Q-Transformers Convoy, Black Convoy transforms from a super deformed truck with integrated trailer to a cute little robot. On the package card, his English name is given as "Black Optimus Prime," but with a Decepticon logo, similar to United Black Optimus Prime.
This mold was retooled into Q-Transformers Ultra Magnus.
Although usually sold in Japanese markets, some department stores in Asia had sold the figure as well.


*laughs* "This is something else."
  • Nemesis Prime (Alt-Modes, 2016)
    • Series: 1
    • Collection: 1, 2
A redeco and minor (yet still fairly substantial) retool of Optimus Prime from the Alt-Modes portion of Generations, Nemesis Prime is a super deformed toy whose body transforms into a truck when the Decepticon faction symbol on his head is flipped. He was blind-boxed and available in two of the cases from the first collection.
This mold was retooled into Ultra Magnus.

Power of the Primes

Dashing through the snow
In a one-box open sleigh
O'er the shelves we go
Not selling all the way!
Power of the Primes "Evolution Nemesis Prime" is an Amazon-exclusive retool of Power of the Primes Optimus Prime with two new heads—the evolution one based on Combiner Wars Toxitron's (originally intended to be a "Nemesis Prime")—as well as new weapons. He transforms from a truck with a trailer into a robot and back. The individual truck transforms into Nemesis Pax and is able to form the core of Nemesis Prime's robot mode, while the trailer forms Nemesis Prime's entire body. His ion blaster can be split into two weapons, or plug into Nemesis Pax's hand as shown in stock photography to serve as a shoulder-mounted cannon. He includes the Dark Matrix of Leadership, which can store in his chest in the 'Evolved' form. The center of his Matrix can be replaced with any Prime Master.
He includes a pair of blasters that can be mounted on his forearms (homaging Armada Nemesis Prime) or on his trailer (in the fashion of Powermaster Optimus Prime) by flipping out a panel on each side of the trailer. He also comes with the Dark Saber and Giza, a robotic bird who transforms into a sword (in reference to the Arms Micron partner of Prime Nemesis Prime).
Unlike other Power of the Primes figures, Nemesis Prime does not include a collector card featuring a Prime Master power description.
Like his moldmate Optimus, Nemesis Prime is prone to having a small number of quality control issues. Depending on the individual copy, Nemesis Prime may have two left/right arms and/or legs/feet on the evolution armor, an unpainted face in Nemesis Pax mode, a missing Nemesis Pax head, or missing stickers on the trailer. It is also known for many copies to have weak or floppy ankles in combined robot mode, making standing difficult even on a properly assembled specimen.
This toy was repurposed as one of the Three Musketeers in the Generations Selects Special Comic.

War for Cybertron: Siege

"You remember Alpha Trion? The bot you murdered in cold blood?"
"What does it matter to you anyway?"
  • Nemesis Prime (March 28, 2020)
    • Accessories: Ancient Sword, "W-M3 RF Ion Blaster"
Siege Nemesis Prime is (inevitably) a black repaint of the Voyager Class Optimus Prime mold, transforming from robot to short-smokestacked Cybertronian armored truck and back. He also comes with the Ion blaster (the only weapon for this release) compatible with the C.O.M.B.A.T. System, and the "Ancient Sword", redecoed from the Titans Return Alpha Trion figure. Unlike most of the Siege brethren, Nemesis Prime is practically spotless, but retains multiple hardpoints all over himself and his weapons to accommodate "Fire Blasts" from the Battle Masters assortment, which can be used to simulate blaster fire or explosions.
In vehicle mode, opening the figure's windows shows the Dark Matrix molded into the plastic behind the windows (of course, it was the Matrix of Leadership on the original Optimus Prime toy). Due to the transformation, the Matrix doesn't end up in the chest in robot mode. Whether through coincidence or design, it's possible to fit a Power of the Primes Matrix core (and by extension, a Prime Master or Titan Master) in his chest.
The Ancient Sword can also be mounted onto one of the peg holes on Nemesis' back. Depending on the individual copy, the painted socket may or may not cause stress marks.
Nemesis Prime was released as a TakaraTomy Mall exclusive in Japan. He was also sold online through EB Games and Zing in Australia.
Peculiarly, his packaging labels him as an Autobot and he reuses an unaltered version of Optimus Prime's artwork. In addition, the figure comes with Siege Optimus Prime's instructions, which predictably, reference the W-50 Dual-Mech Energon Strikeshield included with that figure, and does not mention this figure's Ancient Sword.
This toy was repurposed as one of the Three Musketeers in the Generations Selects Special Comic.
Siege mold: Optimus Prime (Voyager Class)


  • Hasbro:
  • TakaraTomy:

War for Cybertron Trilogy

All I Want For Christmas Is For Everyone Who Recorded A Cover Of All I Want For Christmas Is You To Be Kicked In The Robonads For An Hour.
Promoting the Earthrise chapter of the War for Cybertron Trilogy cartoon, this War for Cybertron Trilogy Leader Unboxing set contains a redeco of Siege Voyager Class Optimus Prime as Nemesis Prime. The figure comes with Siege Optimus's "W-M3 RF Ion Blaster" (but not his "W-50 Dual-Mech Energon Strikeshield") plus a sizeable number of extras that beef up the price. These include: a redecoed trailer from Earthrise Optimus Prime; the Dark Saber, Giza, and large forearm blaster accessories, all from the Power of the Primes Evolution Leader Class toy; Fangtron, a redeco of Earthrise Battle Master Slitherfang, along with their blast effect part; and a Play-Doh-like compound through which a buyer can dig to reveal energon cubes, rereleased from those included with War for Cybertron Trilogy Ultra Magnus's Spoiler Pack. Fangtron and the Combat Deck ramp are both compatible with the A.I.R. Lock System, as the former can turn into a ramp or a shield for Nemesis Prime. This toy also features a different deco compared to the above TakaraTomy Mall exclusive. Namely, he is in fact molded in very dark gray plastic as opposed to the deep black of the Takara version, and the vehicle stripes, bumper guns, and wheel rims are silver instead of teal.
An additional, undocumented but confirmed third "hover truck" mode exists, which is achieved by folding all of his wheels under his vehicle mode. While the back wheels don't lock in anywhere, the two front wheels actually have small tabs that plug into slots on the back of the wheel sections that aren't used for either of his other modes.[5]
The Hasbro stock photography for the truck mode is also laughably mistransformed, with the robot mode crotch being plainly visible, an error that actually requires a considerable amount of effort to replicate with the actual toy. In addition, neither the truck windows nor panels that cover the robot mode hands are compressed fully.
Like the toyline's Soundwave and Megatron, this Nemesis Prime is a sufferer of photodegradation, with all of his unpaintable POM joints being yellowed after a long time or so.
Much like previous Spoiler Pack, this set is in a windowless box designed to look like an ammo crate and features translatable Ancient Autobot. The text on the package reads "FANGTRON" and "GIZA", while the 'spoiler' text inside features a Decepticon-themed quote: "YOU MUST STAY TRUE / TO WHOM THE MATRIX HAS / CHOSEN, FOR IF YOU / DON’T, A MUCH / DARKER FUTURE AWAITS" and an Autobot-themed one: "THE DEAD UNIVERSE IS / UNLIKE ANYTHING YOU’VE / EXPERIENCED, PRIME", which are both quotes from Sky Lynx in Earthrise episode 5. The lateral side of the package also features the artwork of Nemesis Prime, edited from the art of Earthrise Optimus Prime. Compared to the previous Spoiler Pack, the packaging itself has no plastic insert.
This set is a shared exclusive between online retailers and Walmart in Canada and the USA. In New Zealand, the set was sold exclusively at Toy World and Mighty Ape. Like the previous Spoiler Pack, the TakaraTomy release is packaged in a standard windowed box.
Within the War for Cybertron Trilogy animated series, this figure represents an Optimus Prime fallen to darkness, not an evil clone.
Siege mold: Optimus Prime (Voyager Class)


  • Hasbro:
  • TakaraTomy:
Earthrise mold: Optimus Prime (Leader Class)


Trailer/Combat Deck:

  • Hasbro/TakaraTomyEarthrise WFC-E11 Optimus Prime

  • Alternate Universe Optimus Prime


Nemesmall Prime.
  • Nemesis Prime (Core Class, 2023)
Released as part of the fifth wave of the Legacy: Evolution Core Class toys, Nemesis Prime is a black redeco of Kingdom Core Class Optimus Prime. His transformation shares engineering with the Thrilling 30 Legends figure, but with sculpted detailing directly based on the Earthrise Optimus Prime mold, down to details like the vestigial knee flaps from the Siege mold. Rather than the Ion Blaster, Nemesis Prime comes with an Energon Axe (previously depicted on Prime's instructions) that can mount onto one of his forearms if his hands are folded away.
Oddly enough, Nemesis Prime's package art features a trailer, which the toy does not include. This is because the art is recolored from Kingdom WFC-K11 Optimus Prime's packaging. He's also towing said trailer backward.
As a redeco of the Core Class mold, Nemesis Prime can hitch the trailer (with the trailer hitch/shield panel on) from the Hasbro Pulse exclusive Optimus Prime & Bumblebee 2-pack.


Titanium Series

Titanium Series Nemesis Prime.jpg
  • Nemesis Prime (3" Robot Masters)
    • Accessories: Ion Blaster, display stand
Had it been released, this toy would have been a redeco of War Within Optimus Prime. His unpublished bio described a character much like the Universe version mentioned above, but without reference to Straxus or any type of origin story. As a redeco of a War Within toy, this Nemesis would presumably—but not necessarily—have been part of the Dreamwave comics continuity.
When on display at BotCon 2006, Nemesis was stood on a Decepticon display stand, but his stock photo in the late-wave Titanium Series pack-in leaflet made use of an Autobot stand. Weird.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

The Loyal Subjects

"You killed Santa"! "No, I am Santa"!
  • Nemesis Prime (8" Figure, 2013)
A redeco of the 8" Optimus Prime vinyl figure, Nemesis Prime features shoulder and neck articulation and comes with a large gun. The figure was limited to a series of 500.
This mold was also used for the 8" Optimus Prime, "Dead Prime", and DIY Optimus Prime figures.


Next time, I'll see if Deep Cover has a jet pack I can borrow, instead.
  • Black Convoy (2015)
    • ID number: 46
    • Accessories: Two fists, two pointing hands, laser blaster, battle axe, Dead Matrix, "Trailer" vehicle mode, jet pack
D-Style Black Convoy is a redeco of D-Style Convoy, a super deformed model kit produced by Kotobukiya. He comes with redecoes of Convoy's accessories—assorted hands, a blaster, an axe, a Dead Matrix that stores in his chest, a tiny representation of his truck mode which can carry his blaster—plus a new one: Sideswipe's jet pack, which can be plugged into Convoy's back to replicate his use of it in "More than Meets the Eye, Part 3". Moving Black Convoy's antennae causes his mouthplate to move up and down.

Mecha Nations

  • Black Convoy (2014)
    • ID Number: MN02
    • Accessories: Ion Blaster, Energon Axe, Removable Armor, Megatron gun, alternate hands.
Created by Kids Logic, this super deformed G1 Black Convoy is, naturally, a redeco of their previous Optimus Prime figure in traditional Black Convoy/Nemesis Prime colors.
He stands 6" tall and is articulated, featuring a metallic color scheme, removable armor and replacement hands. He also features LED light up eyes, lights, weapons and Dead Matrix.
This figure was also redecoed into Mecha Nations Ultra Magnus.


  • Black Convoy (06-2017)
Part of the second wave of Transformers Bitfig capsule toys by TakaraTomy A.R.T.S., Black Convoy is a redeco of Convoy whose design is inspired by his appearance in the G1 cartoon. Black Convoy is articulated at the neck and shoulders. Bitfig toys were packaged in capsules color coded to the toy they contained.

Prime 1 Studio

Premium Masterline

Prime 1 Studio Premium Masterline Nemesis Prime.jpg
  • Nemesis Prime (2017)
    • ID Number: PMTF-03
    • Accessories: Base, Fusion axe
Prime 1 Studio Premium Masterline Nemesis Prime is a black redeco of the Optimus Prime statue from the same series. He comes with a Fusion axe that can replace his Ion Blaster-holding hand and features LED lights on his eyes.
This release was limited to 250 pieces. The statue was also redecoed as Ultra Magnus.


  • Nemesis Prime & TR Silver Megatron Set (2-pack, 2023)
    • Accessories: Stand
A striking departure from previous Prime 1 Studio offerings, Cutie1 Nemesis Prime is a lovable yet scary looking soft vinyl figure stylized as a button-eyed doll with chibi proportions. Unsurprisingly, he's a redeco of Optimus Prime and comes in a set with TR Silver Megatron.

Transformers Trading Card Game

  • Nemesis Prime, Dark Clone (2018)
    • Wave 1
    • Rarity: SRT
    • Card Number: T28/T40
    • Stars: 12
Nemesis Prime, Dark Clone is one of forty double-sided character cards available in Wave 1 of the Transformers Trading Card Game.
The artwork on the card is reused from the Transformers Legends mobile card game.

  • Nemesis Prime, Dark Clone (2019)
    • Wave 1: Energon Edition
    • Rarity: SRT
    • Card Number: T04/T06
    • Stars: 12
Released as part of the TCG's Wave 1: Energon Edition, this card is a reprint of Wave 1's Nemesis Prime, Dark Clone. Printed on semi-transparent plastic instead of a normal Character Card, this version features new art based on the Power of the Primes Nemesis Prime toy by Ken Christiansen.

Flame Toys

  • Nemesis Prime (Attack Mode) (October 4, 2018)
    • Accessories: Ion cannon, axe, 4 hands
Debuted as an exclusive item for NYCC 2018, "Nemesis Prime (Attack Mode)" is an articulated, non-transforming, Voyager Class-sized Gunpla-style model kit redecoed from the Optimus Prime (Attack Mode) model kit mold. Using parts made of hard ABS plastic and some polycaps, Optimus Prime (Attack Mode) is an original design created by Flame Toys in collaboration with Akira Amemiya of Studio Trigger.
For straight-assembly builders, Nemesis Prime features a sheet of foil stickers for detail (notably the shoulder insignias), though the kit can be panel-lined and touched-up with several panel-lining and paint markers (water/acrylic-based markers are recommended, as alcohol-based markers like Gundam Markers can potentially damage the ABS plastic). If one desires; the kit's pieces, aside from the translucent parts, can be fully coated with spray paints to recreate the finished sample seen in the stock photos.

  • Nemesis Prime (IDW ver.) (July 18, 2019)
    • Number: 08
    • Accessories: Ion cannon, 4 hands
Debuted at SDCC 2019, and then sold as a Barnes & Noble exclusive, the second Nemesis Prime model kit is a redeco of the second Optimus Prime model kit, patterned on Don Figueroa's 2009 comic design for Optimus in The Transformers vol. 1. As with the Attack Mode kit, the finished IDW-style kit is Voyager-sized.

  • Nemesis Prime G1mode (July, 2021)
    • Number: 24
    • Accessories: Ion cannon, 10 hands, axe

The third Nemesis Prime model kit is a redeco of the third Optimus Prime model kit, based on his appearance in the G1 cartoon.

Mighty Muggs

MightyMuggs 2018 Nemesis.jpg
  • Nemesis Prime (2019)
    • ID number: 05
Nemesis was released in the second wave of the 2018 Mighty Muggs relaunch, redecoed from Optimus Prime. As with his heroic counterpart, his helmet can be bopped to alter his mood. He features three different faces: classic, distressingly happy, and moderately smug. For some reason, his eyes are blue, rather than their usual red.


Funko Pop Nemesis Prime G1.jpg
  • Nemesis Prime (2021)
    • ID number: 36
A redeco of Optimus Prime released as part of the Pop! Retro Toys segment and exclusive to Funko Shop, Funko's Pop! Nemesis Prime is a super deformed vinyl figure based on Optimus' original Generation 1 toy.

  • Nemesis Prime (Digital Pop!, 2022)
    • Rarity:
      • Monochrome: Common
      • Static: Common
      • Glowing: Uncommon
      • Chrome: Uncommon
      • Original: Rare
NFTs depicting Nemesis Prime in the Funko style.

  • Nemesis Prime (Pop! Pin, 2022)
    • ID number: 18
    • Accessories: Display stand
A metallic enamel pin based on Nemesis Prime's vinyl figure measuring 4-inches tall, approximately the same as a regular vinyl.
Nemesis was released as a limited edition chase variant of the Optimus Prime pin.



  • Nemesis Prime (2021)
    • Accessories: TBA

Collect them all!

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  • Nemesis Prime (2022)
    • Known designers: Kelvin Sau
    • Accessories: one ion blaster, one energon axe, Dark Matrix, five pairs of hands (relaxed, closed, rifle- axe- and Matrix-holding)
A redeco of Threezero's MDLX Optimus Prime, Nemesis Prime is an original design taking inspiration from the original cartoon but with the aesthetics in the vein of the live-action movies. Nemesis Prime is a smaller scaled non-transforming action figure in the vein of contemporary collector-oriented lines like Figma and S.H. Figuarts. Like those lines, the figure is extremely well-articulated and detailed, features interchangeable hands and accessories, namely his ion blaster, energon axe and Dark Matrix. He comes with a suite of hands in pairs: closed fists, splayed-out relaxed hands, and three different pairs meant to specifically hold each one of the aforementioned accessories. His window chest is magnetically attached and as such can be removed to store the Matrix when not in use. His instructions erroneously call the Dark Matrix the Creation Matrix in one of its two callouts.
Like Cliffjumper before him, Nemesis was released in the United States as a PX Previews exclusive.
He was also redecoed into Ultra Magnus. Nemesis is also compatible with Starscream's wing assembly and head sculpt, which can be plugged into his back and swapped with, respectively.


Baby. Baby boy. Evil.
  • Nemesis Prime (2022)
    • Nendoroid ID Number: 1814
    • Accessories: Ion blaster, Energon-axe, pointing hand
Nendoroid Nemesis Prime is a super deformed, non-converting figure redecoed from Optimus Prime.
As with most Nendoroids, Nemesis Prime can interchange body parts with compatible figures, and comes with an alternative "pointing hand" accessory to aid with specific posing. The figure is packed with an Ion blaster and an Energon-axe, the latter of which replaces Nemesis's hand when wielded. He also features articulation at the head, knees, shoulders, elbows, and even his chest.
This sculpt was produced by Toyhouse with Nendoron's supervision.

Icon Heroes

  • Nemesis Prime X Soundblaster Retro Pin Set (2022)
A hard enamel pin based on Optimus Prime's original G1 package art but in Nemesis Prime colors made by Icon Heroes. It comes carded with a Soundblaster pin.
This pin was also available in traditional Optimus Prime colors.

Jada Toys

It's really just a matter of time until all other Jada Optimuses are also redecoed anyway.
  • Nemesis Prime (Scale 1/24 Die Cast Vehicle, 2022)
Released by Jada Toys, this 1/24 scaled non-transforming die-cast truck with rubber tires is a redeco of Optimus Prime and features opening doors to reveal a highly detailed interior. The truck also features a sculpted robot mode underneath its chassis.
The artwork for Nemesis' robot mode depicts him being a recolor of Prime Wars Trilogy's Optimus.

  • Transformers Series 2 18-pack (4cm Die Cast Figure Multipack, 2022)
Nano Metalfigs Series 2 Nemesis Prime is a redeco of Series 1 Optimus Prime, an incredibly small die-cast figurine molded doing an action pose. He has a little base attached to his feet for balancing reasons.
He comes in an impressive multipack with seventeen other figurines. This mold was later redecoed as a golden Optimus Prime in the Series 3 18-pack.

XM Studios

  • Nemesis Prime (2022)
This hand-painted porcelain statue is, interestingly, not a redeco of XM Studios' earlier such statue of Optimus Prime, but rather is an entirely new sculpt. Nemesis Prime has light-up eyes and alternate arms to allow for different poses or the use of his rifle and energon axe. The set also includes a sculpted version of Nemesis' truck mode to be displayed alongside the robot.
Standing 27" tall, 399 were produced, with a suggested retail of about $1,600 US.

Kotobukiya Bishoujo Series

Live fast, die young
Bad girls do it well
  • Bishoujo Series Transformers Black Convoy/Nemesis Prime (July 2023)
Kotobukiya Bishoujo Series Black Convoy/Nemesis Prime is a repaint and slight retool of Optimus Prime from the same line of PVC figures. In addition to being recolored in the usual Nemesis black and teal, she has been given a new face sculpt, and the Optimus figure's trailer briefcase has been swapped out for a bright red energy sword.
Like Optimus, Bishoujo Series Nemesis Prime also comes with an alternate masked head piece, and is attached to a purple display base designed after the Decepticon insignia.
The figure was a limited release, only available via Kotobukiya's website and at specific events, such as the 2023 Anime Expo convention.



  • Nemesis Prime (2024)
Released as part of Yolopark's AMK Pro line, this "Limited Edition" Nemesis Prime is a black redeco of the Optimus Prime kit, coming in pre-assembled modules as opposed to traditional model kit runners. This allows him to be assembled quickly and easily without tools. Unlike Yolopark's regular AMK line, the AMK Pro line features diecast parts as well as light-up features. In Prime's case, his eyes will light up when tapping his head with a magnet. The feature requires one CR927 battery which is not included.
The fully assembled figure bears a striking resemblance to the Masterpiece Black Convoy 3.0 and features an opening Matrix chamber and fully articulated hands, eliminating the need for alternate hands. Both the ion blaster and Megatron gun can tab into his hands, though removing the stalk from the Megatron gun makes this much easier.

AMK Mini Series

  • Nemesis Prime (2024)
  • Accessories: 2 additional pairs of hands (Splayed, Pointing), Ion blaster
Released only for the AMK Mini Series blind box, this Nemesis Prime is a smaller version of the character, being a redeco of Optimus. Like the original mold, Nemesis features swappable hand parts and his usual Ion Blaster.
The lineup had a 1/60 probability of getting Nemesis Prime, which is 30 more than Skywarp.


  • Nemesis Prime (2024)
  • Series: Galaxy Version 04 - Fractured Space-Time

Child's Play Aron.jpg
If you build it, they will play.

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  • The author of Nemesis Prime's Alternators bio has said that the "extra-spatial source" that Arkeville tapped into was actually a pocket dimension that served as Unicron's power battery—and that Unicron gave Arkeville exactly what he wanted, in the form of a spark fragment from Unicron's own attempt at cloning an Optimus Prime.[citation needed]
  • Nemesis Prime's Universe bio seems directly inspired by the Marvel UK "Two Megatrons!" storyline, which revealed that Straxus had rebuilt a "hapless trooper" into a Megatron clone, complete with copied brain patterns. Unlike Nemesis Prime, however, this clone became a repository for Straxus's consciousness after Straxus's botched attempt to invade the original Megatron's mind.
  • According to Hasbro copy writer Forest Lee, the reference to Straxus was included in Comic-Con 2008 Nemesis Prime's bio entirely to make David Willis happy.
  • Stellar Converter Cannons are also weapons found on the Cybertron Primus toy.
  • The Loyal Subjects figure had 2 bios: a short version copied verbatim from the Armada Nemesis Prime article and a longer original write-up that includes a bizarre Christmas-themed rampage.
  • The Masterpiece Black Convoy toy is used to represent a Decepticon truck transporting GT-R Megatron to a race in the Transformers GT story pages, though there is no indication it's actually him.
  • Fun Publications scrapped preliminary plans to do a Combiner Wars Nemesis Prime toy from Motormaster because TakaraTomy effectively did so with Unite Warriors Grand Scourge from Optimus Prime. Thus the Club release of Motormaster's alternate "pretooled" head went to Toxitron instead.[7]
  • Meanwhile, Nemesis Prime's design in Forged to Fight is a straight recoloring of Optimus Prime in parallel with Grand Scourge.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Black Convoy (ブラックコンボイ Burakku Konboi), Nemesis Prime (ネメシスプライム Nemeshisu Puraimu), Nemesis Pax (Power of the Primes, ネメシスパックス Nemeshisu Pakkusu)
  • Cantonese: Am Hak O Baak Man (暗黑柯柏文, "Dark Optimus Prime")
  • Hungarian Nemezis fővezér
  • Mandarin: Ànhēi Qíng Tiān Zhù (暗黑擎天柱, "Dark Optimus Prime")


  1. Nemesis Prime's Alternators bio. This was not on the toy's packaging, but rather distributed online to Transformers news sites to promote the figure's availability at San Diego Comic-Con. It was later confirmed to be the work of Hasbro copywriter Forest Lee.[citation needed]
  2. Universe Classic Series Nemesis Prime's on-package bio
  3. No seriously, this is the long bio of the Loyal Subjects 8" vinyl figure. [1]
  4. 4.0 4.1 Kingdom webpage
  5. "At some convention somewhere one Hasbro rep let slip that Siege Optimus Prime also had a hidden hover truck mode." on Toybox Soapbox
  6. January 31, 2023's Hasbro Pulse Transformers Fanstream on YouTube, with Delaney Norris, Evan Brooks, Mark Maher and Ben MacCrae.
  7. Post by Powered Convoy on The Allspark Forums, 2016/04/22
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