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Nightbeat (Armada)

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The name or term "Nightbeat" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Nightbeat (disambiguation).
Nightbeat is an Autobot-allied Mini-Con from the Armada portion of the Unicron Trilogy continuity family.

Nightbeat makes up for his small-even-for-a-Mini-Con stature with unmatched guts and a creative streak a mile wide. Despite being weaker than most Mini-Cons and not having any real manipulators to speak of, he's willing to take any risk there is.

As if his larger Autobot partner Side Swipe isn't impulsive enough, Nightbeat encourages him to go along with more crazy risks, with his dutiful partner, of course. The two are very much alike: act-first, think-later types who have big dreams of being mighty warriors for good, and they often find themselves together in bad situations. But none of this has fazed Nightbeat in the slightest... it only means he has to try even harder.

Never trying means never succeeding.

—Nightbeat's bio quote.



Armada cartoon

The Beat Goes On.

During Side Swipe's first tour on Earth, he chased the former Autobot Wheeljack in vehicle mode. Nightbeat leapt from Side Swipe's storage compartment in order to activate his partner's dragster mode, then returned to the compartment. Past

After Optimus Prime's death, Nightbeat was one of a group of Mini-Cons who confronted the angst-ridden Hot Shot, forcing the young 'bot to come to terms with the loss of his leader. Remorse

Dreamwave Armada comic

Nightbeat was one of the Mini-Cons who gathered on Earth just before the Transformers' return to Cybertron, in preparation for the coming of Unicron. Presumably, he was at the Loop in Cyber City, and gave his power to the Mini-Con Matrix, which dealt the critical blow to Unicron. The End

Ask Vector Prime

The Oil Slick of Aurex 203.26 Zeta constructed the Search and Destroy Robots based on full-body scans of the Mini-Con Nightbeat. The Robots served their master in the Universe War by acting as suicide bombers. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/04


The Nightbeat of Aurex 906.29 Alpha was an Offworlder in Axiom Nexus. To celebrate Star Wars on May 4, Axiom Nexus News brought him to do an Artoo impression on Andromeda's show. Aston, however, could understand him and knew that he was being very blue with his humor, prompting Miss-Q to cut his microphone signal. Andromeda - Axiom Nexus News, 2016/05/04



What happens when empurata surgeons get bored.
  • Side Swipe with Nightbeat (Super-Con, 2003)
  • Takara ID number: MC-10
  • Takara release date: August 14, 2003
Available only with the larger Armada Side Swipe toy, Nightbeat transforms into a motorcycle of probably-made-up model. As a Mini-Con, he has a "Powerlinx" socket on his vehicle-mode underside (which ends up on his robot-mode back) which allows him to attach to any toy with a "Powerlinx" style 5 mm post; some toys have special Powerlinx posts that activate/unlock gimmicks when a Mini-Con is attached. His cycle mode is specially designed to fit inside the flip-up panel in the rear of Side Swipe's vehicle mode, where he can act as a rocket booster for Side Swipe's "dragster" mode.
This mold was also used to make the Search and Destroy Robot and Gauge.

Universe (2003)

  • Ultra Magnus with Over-Run vs. Treadshot with Nightbeat (Battle in a Box, 2004)
Universe Nightbeat is a very, very slight redeco of the Armada toy, with brighter and more matte plastics. He is also assembled slightly differently: the "B"-shaped plastic part in his left arm has the indent facing inward towards his body (as do all other uses of the mold after this, for that matter), where Armada Nightbeat's is facing outward.
Yes, this is all incredibly minor, but it's what we do here.
He was only available as part of a "Battle in a Box" multi-pack along with his Decepticon partner Treadshot, and the Autobots Ultra Magnus and Over-Run, sold in "market six" stores like Kohl's.


Highway surfing!
  • In a bizarre case of on-screen toy accuracy, Nightbeat jumps out from the trunk compartment found inside Side Swipe, activates the button on his hood and then returns to motorcycle mode and Powerlinx onto the back end of the car mode in the Armada episode "Past".

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Cher (チャー Chā)[1]
  • Korean: Cher (챠 Chya)


  1. This is a reuse of Generation 1 Kup's Japanese name, which is likely taken from teacher (ティーチャー tīchā).
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