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Primax is a universal cluster. It is the largest one in the known multiverse, comprising roughly half of the universal streams in the Axiom Nexus' catalogue. Common features involve the Great War on Cybertron, and Optimus Prime clashing with Megatron for control of Earth's resources.

In some Primax timelines, the Autobots and Decepticons are eventually replaced by their descendants: the Maximals and the Predacons. These two factions usually continue the struggles of their ancestors in a conflict known as the "Beast Wars".




The Primax Cluster received its name from Vector Prime and Rhinox. Vector Prime theorized that the reason there are a disproportionate number of known Primax universes compared to other clusters is because the multiverse originated from a series of Primax universes, which mutated as they multiplied and spread out further. However, there was no direct evidence to prove this. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/11/01

In an interview with Axiom Nexus News journalist Rook a week after the Waruder invasion of Cybertron, Minister of Higher Dimensional Sciences Rhinox noted that over half of the universal streams in their database were Primax universes. Rook - Axiom Nexus News: Investigative Journalist

The Primax Cluster was the final universal cluster which Axiom Nexus lost contact with circa Quadwal year 2015. Two solar cycles after this event, High Chancellor Optimus Prime and Director Shockwave held a press conference to formally announce the Shroud to the public. ANN live coverage


  • The Primax Cluster encompasses the Generation 1 continuity family.
  • The name "Primax" is quite obviously derived from the word Prime; on top of its obvious Transformers connotations, it means "First", which is appropriate for the origin point of the Transformers brand.

See also

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