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Pulse demagnetizer

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G1Treadshot boxart.jpg

The Decepticon Action Master Treadshot may no longer be able to transform into a gun, which is why he carries a pulse demagnetizer that can combine with Catgut to form a fusion-powered particle blaster (with pulse demagnetizer attachment).



Dreamwave Generation One continuity

Treadshot wielded a pulse demagnetizer rifle which could connect to Catgut's particle blaster mode. Treadshot's More than Meets the Eye profile


The Transformers

The Transformers Action Master Treadshot came with a black weapon, identified in his instructions as a pulse demagnetizer... kind of, see below.


Shattered Glass Treadshot came with a yellow pulse demagnetizer that could combine with his sonic accelerators to form a larger weapon. This toy was only available in a box set with Soundwave, Ultra Magnus, Tracks, Gigatron, and Metalhawk.
The mold was also used to make Reveal the Shield Jazz, United Stepper, Generations Wheelie, Timelines Kick-Over, and Shattered Glass Longarm and Stepper. Notably, the pulse demagnetizer was redecoed into Kick-Off's sonic blaster.


It actually looks like this.
  • Treadshot's instructions identify his weapon as a pulse demagnetizer (as confirmed in his packaging bio) however they depict a completely different weapon to the one in his package art and that came with the toy, which was shown in Soundwave's instructions instead. As a result, several toy information websites and identification guides (including Generations and the photograph to the right) depict Treadshot with Soundwave's photon negator, using Soundwave's instructions as reference, even though the weapon in Treadshot's instructions doesn't look much like Soundwave's weapon either.
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