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Regulon Four

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Regulon Four, or Regulon IV, is a planet in the Regulon star system. It is home to fearsome creatures known as Regulon metalmongers.



Generation 1 cartoon continuity

The Transformers cartoon

Kup and his platoon were once stranded on Regulon Four and beset by metalmongers. The Rebirth, Part 2

Wings Universe

The Star Seekers raided Regulon IV's espirion fields. Tornado - Decepticon Saboteur

Descent into Evil

The Autobots Chromia and Flareup defeated the Insecticon Buzzclaw there. Descent into Evil

Animated cartoon

Regulon IV was a robotic planet in the Autobot Commonwealth. The AllSpark Almanac II

Prime cartoon

In an attempt to escape Earth from Unicron's wrath (and to take command of the Decepticons), Airachnid ordered the Nemesis to be taken to Regulon Four. Soundwave, however, forcefully objected to deserting Megatron and they remained on Earth. One Shall Rise, Part 3

2005 IDW continuity

While coming to the rescue of Superion, Sky Lynx compared his last-minute arrival to a similar incident on Regulon IV. Ceremony


  • The original spelling from the Generation 1 cartoon appears to be "Regulan", but the 2005 comic "Descent into Evil" established "Regulon" as the correct spelling. Since the previous spelling never appeared in print, the 2005 spelling is considered the official one.
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