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Robot Replicas

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It's an Evoltech um...

Robot Replicas is a line of non-transforming action figures created for the Movie toyline and its sequel. The sculpts hew closer to the CGI models of the characters than the transformable toys are capable of, and feature joints based on the Revoltech design. This allows for interchangeable limbs, and each figure has a replacement "weapon" arm of some variety. The lack of a transformation usually gives a greater degree of film-accuracy in their look due to the absence of kibble. However, the lack of the transformation ability showcased in the fiction makes them less accurate in another sense.



Transformers (2007)

Wave 1 (mass retail)

Wave 2 (mass retail)

Wal-Mart exclusives

Revenge of the Fallen

Wave 1 (mass retail)

Wave 2 (mass retail)

Wave 3 (mass retail)

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