Scorponok (Movie)
From Transformers Wiki
The name or term "Scorponok" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Scorponok (disambiguation). |
- Scorponok is a Decepticon from the movie continuity family.

Scorponok is a small Transformer with a symbiotic connection to Blackout. Just as Blackout would often be found looming powerful and silent by Megatron, Scorponok is always near Blackout, except in those times he has been sent to kill.
Scorponok's core programming is only a tiny bit more complex than pure instinct. His main drives are to hunt, destroy, and hunt some more, causing many to view him as barely sentient.[1] Others are concerned that he actually be a cunning opponent getting friend and foe alike to underestimate him... and the latter are right.[2] In secret, Scorponok has proven to be astonishingly erudite and focused on patient, long-game operations.[3]
Since he can burrow through solid earth at frightening speeds, Scorponok is a terrifying opponent incredibly good at ambushing his target in a shower of dirt from the ground. His favorite pastime is playing Hide and Seek with unsuspecting players, be they robotic or organic. He prefers to be hider and seeker. On Cybertron, he was deliberately left behind on battlefields so he could use his chameleon mesh armor plating to blend in perfectly with the background, then ambush any Autobot patrols that would arrive. Thanks to this, Megatron gave him more autonomy than other Decepticons would get, as he admired Scorponok's genocidal zeal.
He may retreat, but he'll come back. He never gives up on trying to kill Autobots.[2]
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Transformers film
During Blackout's attack on the US SOCCENT Forward Operations Base in Qatar, the Decepticon helicopter dispatched Scorponok to seek out and destroy an escaped unit under the command of Captain Lennox.
The next morning, as the surviving soldiers discussed the attack, Scorponok observed their conversation from a distance while hidden in the sand. Targeting Lennox for elimination, Scorponok followed the unit as they made their way to the human boy's village. Choosing his moment to strike just as the men stopped on the outskirts of the settlement, his attack was foiled when Sergeant Epps saw the metal scorpion tail pointed at Lennox's back and shouted a warning. (Well, it wasn't so much a warning as it was a very, very panicked "WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" followed by gunfire, but hey, it counts.) The other soldiers joined in the firefight as Scorponok dove under the sand to confuse them before fatally impaling Sgt. Donnelly and dragging him into the sand below.
Driving the soldiers into the village, Scorponok fired a barrage of missiles, which destroyed the ruins that the village had grown around and critically injured Figueroa. Unfortunately for Scorponok, Lennox's distress call to the Pentagon had gotten through, and an MQ-1 Predator drone relayed images of the Decepticon to astonished US military commanders. They immediately sent two A-10 Thunderbolt IIs to attack Scorponok, to little effect, then followed up with an AC-130 Spectre gunship, which damaged Scorponok enough for him to dive back into the sand and escape, leaving his broken tail behind.
Scorponok's tail was transported back to the States aboard a C-17 transport. Lennox, Epps, and several other soldiers examined it en route, which led to the discovery that the only damage the armor didn't either shrug off or quickly heal was the "6000-degree magnesium burn" of a sabot round. Armed with this knowledge, the humans knew they now had a weapon that could hurt the invaders. Transformers
Revenge of the Fallen film
During the battle in Egypt between the Autobots and the Decepticons, Scorponok, having answered The Fallen and Megatron's call, lurked beneath the surface of the sand. He struck when the decrepit turncoat Jetfire was finishing off Mixmaster, catching the ancient Seeker off-guard and severely wounding him. Scorponok did not live long enough to savour his success, however, as a collapsing Jetfire managed to crush his head with his fist. Revenge of the Fallen
IDW movie comics
Before the war, Scorponok and Blackout were members of the Cybertronian Defense Force under the authority of High Protector Megatron. When unknown hostiles attacked Cybertron, Scorponok and Barricade were placed on recon. Defiance #1
During the war, Scorponok and Blackout, who ordinarily never left Megatron's side, were dispatched to join Starscream's forces elsewhere on Cybertron while Megatron closed in on the AllSpark. After the group realized that both the AllSpark and Megatron had left Cybertron, Blackout ended an argument with Starscream over what to do next by deploying the fearsome Scorponok. Planetfall
Soon after the Decepticons launched a battlecruiser to pursue Optimus Prime's starship, they were unwittingly led into a trap and crippled by mines. Also damaged was Starscream's forward scout Dreadwing, who was rescued by Scorponok. The Decepticons limped back to Cybertron in humiliation. The Reign of Starscream #1
After repairs were made to their ship, they followed the energy signature of the AllSpark to Mars, then to Earth, where Scorponok adorably helped out in the massacre of a United States military installation in Afghanistan. Planetfall
Ghosts of Yesterday
During the long years of searching for Megatron, Scorponok was a member of the Nemesis crew. After Starscream left the ship temporarily with strict orders that everyone was to stay put, Blackout decided to attack the Ark, and Scorponok went along. The small Decepticon managed to grab onto Optimus during the fight, but proved more of a nuisance than anything. Optimus was able to inflict some damage in return, and leave Scorponok struggling to return to the Nemesis.
When the Decepticons later made another attack on the Autobots, Scorponok snuck aboard the Ark. It wasn't until Optimus spotted him moving through the ship that the Autobots were alerted to his actions. Ratchet was sent to forcibly eject Scorponok, who was ill-equipped to move through space. While Ratchet pressed to the attack, the helpless Decepticon was only saved by an injured Blackout, who was still recovering from a massive beating by Starscream. What a pal. Ghosts of Yesterday
Titan movie comics
Ironhide and a team of US Special Forces went looking for Scorponok. (Captain Lennox was originally meant to oversee this mission but was reassigned.) Hunting his hunters, Scorponok attacked Ironhide and took control of his motor functions, having him rampage through the humans. Luckily, one of them was able to sever the connection with a shot, and Ironhide smashed the Decepticon to pieces. Scorpion Sting
Scorponok was part of a scheme to frame Skids and Mudflap: while Sideways got himself captured, Scorponok headed for Diego Garcia and made an attack to free the comrade. He shouldn't have been able to do this without being detected (dun dun dunnnnn) and made sure to attack right when the twins were distracting Optimus Prime. Showing some ball bearings, Scorponok personally shot at Prime before smashing apart Sideways' cuffs.
And then he got clean away! Reversal of Fortune
Alternate timeline
In an alternate timeline where Megatron won the battle of Mission City, Scorponok spied on a team of Moon-based Autobot reinforcements Twilight's Last Gleaming, Part: 1 and later helped Starscream battle them. Twilight's Last Gleaming, Part: 3
Much later, during the Decepticon Civil War, he was Blackout's trump card against Stockade. He not only failed, he was thrown as a projectile weapon against Blackout. Revolution Part Three
Toy bios
On pre-war Cybertron, Scorponok lurked in dark, unpopulated areas. Waiting for unsuspecting travelers to pass by, he would burrow silently through the shifting powdered iron of the southern deserts and stalk his prey. The robots he hunted never even suspected his presence until he burst from the ground in a shower of glittering, steel sand. Stalker Scorponok (Deluxe)
After the disastrous failure on Earth, poor Scorpy was left behind by the other Decepticons in the Middle East. His attempts at remaining out of sight have failed, and he is constantly being pursued by Bumblebee. Bumblebee vs Scorponok
Reuniting with Blackout, Scorponok sought to redeem himself to his peers by helping his long-time partner seek out and annihilate Megatron's enemies. Cyberverse Blackout
3D Battle-Card Game
Under Megatron's command, Scorponok fought the Autobots using his Pulse Klaw, Blast Klaw and energon stinger. He also made use of his seldom-seen robot mode, in which he had access to an anti-gravity cannon and pulse blasters. Scorponok may also have participated in the seemingly inter-dimensional "Energon Wars" conflict, during which the Decepticons were led by Predacon Megatron against Optimus Primal's Autobots. 3D Battle-Card Game
"Flight of the Bumblebee" online game
Scorponok was one of a group of Decepticons who trapped Bumblebee in a canyon. He stood around on a rocky butte, walking back and forth and waiting for Bumblebee to drive up to him. When the Autobot dropped in, Scorponok immediately opened fire, blasting Bumblebee continuously. Unfortunately, Bumblebee had the idea to shoot back, blasting him right out of the picture with just one shot. Flight of the Bumblebee
Transformers The Game
After Blackout scrapped the military base in Qatar, Scorponok was sent to destroy five mobile communications vehicles, succeeding in his task. Scorponok went and did his own thing while Blackout searched the databanks for information on Megatron and the AllSpark, but reunited with Blackout in time for their escape.
After arriving in Mission City, Scorponok fought through a horde of Energon drones to secure the AllSpark. Sam Witwicky nearly handed Scorponok the AllSpark, but Ironhide punted Scorponok. That made Blackout very mad... Transformers The Game
Allspark Highway
Scorponok and the Decepticons fought hard to keep the Allspark from reaching Optimus Prime. There were lots of him. Allspark Highway
Transformers Video Mash-Up
Transformers: Battle for the Matrix
Transformers: Battle for the Matrix
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Autobots/Decepticons
Scorponok was present during the climactic clash between the Autobots and Decepticons, hunting through the sand for the new Autobot recruit. He did bog all there, really. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen: Autobots/Decepticons
Transformers (2007)
Voyager Class Blackout companions
- Blackout (Voyager Class, 2007)
- TakaraTomy ID number: MD-01
- Known designers: Eric Siebenaler (Hasbro), Takio Ejima (TakaraTomy), Joe Kyde (deco artist)
- Blackout comes packed with a small silver figurine of Scorponok, who himself features a spring-loaded tail. He is usually stored in a cage on the rear of Blackout's helicopter mode. (Note: The spring in the figurine's tail is oriented not to spring the tail forward, but to help propel the figure out of the cage so that it lands right-side up.)
- Blackout Ver. 4500X (Lawson exclusive Voyager Class, Japan 2007)
- This Voyager Class Blackout repaint, exclusive to the Japanese convenience store chain Lawson with the purchase of the movie DVD, came with a redeco of the small Scorponok figurine that came with the regular Voyager Class Blackout, in metallic colors that better match the Deluxe Class Scorponok toy (and the movie CG design, of course).
- Blackout ("Premium Series" Voyager Class, USA 2008)
- This redeco of the Voyager Class Blackout toy appears to be based on the same plastic color layout and paint mask as the Japanese Lawson exclusive "Version 4500X" redeco of Voyager Blackout, down to the improved paint on the Scorponok mini-figure. However, Hasbro's version has brighter, more contrasting gold and silver paint compared to the Japanese Lawson release's more subdued colours.
- Unlike some of the early "Premium Series" toys, Blackout was available as a mass release.
Legends Class toys
- Bumblebee vs. Scorponok ("Allspark Battles" Legends Class two-pack, 2008)
- Legends Scorponok is the smallest transforming figure of Movie Scorponok yet. He features a better-proportioned robot mode and better articulation for the legs than the Deluxe Class version. In fact, he's one of the best articulated Legends-sized toys to date. Even his claw hands are able to rotate. He does bear a resemblance to a previous version, though. For this release, he came packed with a slightly redecoed Legends Class Bumblebee. Face it, he should've come with Voyager Blackout.
- Multiple reports suggest that the soft plastic used for the tail has a tendency to harden after a while, and then become prone to breaking, in a way similar to Gold Plastic Syndrome (but occurring in a much shorter span of time).
Deluxe Class toys

- Scorponok (Deluxe Class, 2007)
- TakaraTomy ID number: MD-04
- Known designers: Takio Ejima (TakaraTomy)
- Released in the second wave of Transformers Deluxe figures, Scorponok is a robotic scorpion that, despite his non-transforming nature in the film, can assume a crude robot form. This robot mode never appears in the movie, but does appear briefly in the second Target-sponsored Movie Prequel comic and in The Reign of Starscream issue 1. His body is covered in military warning and command designation markings, suggesting he forms part of a larger military vehicle. Two wheels on the bottom of his beast mode, when pushed along a flat, smooth surface, rotate gears that cause the turbines in his body and the pincers on his arms to spin. His tail features a spring-loaded, yet non-launching stinger that extends when a latch is released.
- In beast mode, Scorponok can combine with the underside of Blackout's helicopter mode to exploit the larger Decepticon's own gear gimmick system. A geared shaft linked to Blackout's rotor mechanism connects to a geared peg on Scorponok's back. Thus, pressing the button on Blackout's tail not only rotates his blades, but also rotates Scorponok's pincers and the turbines in his body. (This gimmick can also be used with Blackout's Revenge of the Fallen redeco Grindor, his retool Evac and Evac's Revenge redeco Whirl.) This gimmick can also be activated (more easily) by rotating the geared wheels on Scorponok's undercarriage instead.
- Decepticon Desert Attack (Toys'R'Us exclusive two-pack, 2007)
- This package, based on their first appearance in the film, features an unchanged Voyager Blackout packaged with an unchanged Deluxe Scorponok, which was exclusively available at Toys"R"Us stores around the world. Since Voyager Blackout was gang-molded with the miniature Scorponok figure the single release came with, this means that the set contains two Scorponok toys in different sizes.
- Ultimate Bumblebee Bonus Value pack (Walmart exclusive multi-pack, 2007)
- A Wal*Mart-exclusive special pack of Ultimate Bumblebee with Deluxe Class Decepticon Brawl and Scorponok as bonus figures. None of the three toys are changed from their respective original releases.
- Desert Attack (Screen Battles, 2007)
- TakaraTomy ID number: SB-03
- This pack features a minor redeco of Deluxe Class Scorponok sporting "sand" paint applications on his body. The pack also comes with non-posable figurines of Sergeant Epps, Jorge Figueroa and Sergeant Donnelly. They are packaged in a special window box featuring a diorama depicting the battle at Mahfouz's village.
- According to details listed in an official checklist on Hasbro's website,[4] this pack was originally supposed to include "4 soldiers". Apparently budget ultimately only allowed for three. The fourth one was most probably supposed to be Captain Lennox, who was included with the Screen Battles "Capture of Bumblebee" set instead, colored as a Sector Seven soldier.
Revenge of the Fallen
- Grindor (Voyager Class, 2009)
- TakaraTomy ID number: RD-18
- For Revenge of the Fallen, Voyager class Blackout was redecoed into Grindor, so the Scorponok PVC included with Blackout got redecoed too... in a color scheme like that of his Fallen Deluxe toy (see below). Seems like he found a new partner in Grindor.
- Stalker Scorponok (Deluxe Class, 2009)
- Known designers: Andrew Scribner (deco artist)
- A redeco of the original Deluxe Scorponok toy in black, grey, and red. The deco scheme bears a strong resemblance to Beast Wars Scorponok; additionally, Scorponok's legs have symbols on them that when mirrored form a certain faction's symbol, and "916-96" markings are tampographed on his claws. This is the date Beast Wars first aired in syndication.
- Of note is that during part of 2010, Hasbro did a promotion wherein US fans could receive three free Deluxes in exchange for receipts showing the purchase of $25 or more of select Transformers product. As noted in this thread over at, and later confirmed by this listing here, this version of Scorponok was one of a pool consisting of eight figures (all from the same wave) from which the free deluxes were drawn, with several people having noted receiving him.
- This figure was a major shelfwarmer, to the point that not only was he included in the aforementioned giveaway promotion, but by post-Christmas 2009 he was actually discounted to only $1 at several Walmart locations including the location in Woodburn, Oregon.
Transformers (2010)
- Stalker Scorponok (EZ Collection, 2010)
- A redeco of Legends Class Scorponok in black, a color scheme based on Revenge of the Fallen Stalker Scorponok. This toy was only available in Japan.
- Scorponok (EZ Collection, 2010)
- Release date: July 24 2010
- Yes, you read that correctly. The Legends-class Scorponok was released under the Transformers Animated brand in Japan, as part of the second assortment of blind-packed "EZ Collection" toys, which was half-Animated, half-movie. This version of Scorponok appears to be identical to the original Legends-class Scorponok released by Hasbro.
Dark of the Moon
- Blackout (Cyberverse Commander Class, 2011)
- Series: 1
- Number: 005
- TakaraTomy ID number: CV15
- Known designers: Joe Kyde (Hasbro)
- Cyberverse Scorponok is available only with his partner Blackout. At such a small scale, he has minimal articulation (two points in the tail) and is made largely of a rubbery plastic. He does, however, transform into a blaster weapon that can be held by Blackout or any other Cyberverse figure with standard hands, although his post is quite short.
- Though unmentioned in the instructions, Scorponok can also peg into the (otherwise pointless) peg on the back of Blackout's robot mode, just under his rotor blades, mimicking the way he was stored and ejected off of Blackout in the movie.
Studio Series
- Decepticon Blackout (Leader Class, 2018)
- Movie: Transformers
- Hasbro ID number: 08
- TakaraTomy ID number: SS-08
- TakaraTomy release date: April 28, 2018
- Studio Series Scorponok is included with Leader Class Blackout. Like other versions included with larger toys, he does not transform. He can store in Blackout's tail section in vehicle mode, or on the peg in his robot mode back. While the instructions suggest Scorponok be pegged in with his head facing up, attaching him upside down with his tail pointing up instead will allow his legs to hold the two innermost rotors of Blackout's rotor assembly securely in place, fixing the assembly in proper position. Scorponok has outward articulation in his claws and two hinge joints in his tail section. While his deco is exceptional for a toy this size, Scorponok lacks the warning labels present on his in-movie design and has a solid colored tail (probably due to being molded with unpaintable plastic), lacking the copper on the various spikes of his stinger.
- Promotional photos of the toy seem to lack the copper and silver dry-brushing on the claws and legs, respectively. The tail also has a silver paintwash on the top and bottom surfaces, but not along its edges; this is similarly omitted or at least not apparent in photographs. The copper on the claws is also a rosier shade than the one used on the body, which is less saturated on the final product.
- Decepticon Blackout (Giveaway figure, 2018)
- Movie: Transformers
- ID number: 08
- Scorponok was also included with an exclusive Blackout as a Lucky Draw prize in a contest only accessible to people who bought Studio Series figures on May 15, 2018 on Hasbro China's official TaoBao online shop. There were only 88 Blackouts (with Scorponok included) made. Blackout is decoed in a less than accurate camouflage deco painted by Chinese artist Li Yunfeng of SangZong Repaint Studio, Scorponok however remains mostly, if not completely, the same as the standard retail release.
- Transformers 15th Anniversary Decepticon Multipack (Multi-pack, 2023)
- Movie: Transformers
- ID number: 08
- A seemingly unchanged Studio Series Scorponok is included with "15th Anniversary" Blackout.
- The pair are part of an Amazon exclusive 4-pack alongside Studio Series Megatron, Starscream, and Barricade, released to commemorate the 15th anniversary of the first live-action Transformers film (though it was released after the 16th anniversary). The pack comes with a unique reversible backdrop depicting Hoover Dam on one side and battle of Mission City on the other. Notably, fellow Decepticons Bonecrusher, Brawl, and Frenzy are absent from this team pack.
Movie Edition
- Scorponok (Tiny Turbo Changer, 2019)
- Series: 5
- Bag Code: I
- Released in Series 5 of Tiny Turbo Changers, Scorponok changes from a robot based on the above Deluxe Class toys into a mechanical scorpion.
Masterpiece Movie Series
- Decepticon Blackout & Scorponok (2022)
- Movie: Transformers
- ID number: MPM-13
- Known designers: Sam Smith (Hasbro), Tomoki Tatsumi (TakaraTomy)[5]
- Scorponok is a minifigure included with Masterpiece Movie Series Blackout. While extremely similar to his Studio Series minifigure above, this Scorponok features more paint details and greatly increased articulation for his arms, legs, head, and tail, as well some die-cast in his torso. He can be stored on Blackout's back in robot mode or in the rear fuselage of his helicopter mode.
3D Battle-Card Game
- Scorponok (3D Battle Card, 2007)
- Part of the 3D Battle-Card Game, Scorponok consists of two cards with punch-out pieces that can be assembled into either a scorpion mode or a robot mode (or rather, a scorpion mode standing on its hind legs). He uses the same card layout as Beast Wars Quickstrike.
- Battle Masters Megatron and Scorponok (Battle Master set)
- Scorponok was one of the many Attacktix toys that never saw release as the line was canceled. He would have been packaged with Megatron and featured a firing missile.
Robot Heroes
- Optimus Prime & Scorponok (Two-pack, 2007)
- Known designers: Bill Rawley (Hasbro), Marcelo Matere (concept artist)
- Scorponok is naturally sculpted in his beast mode for his Robot Heroes release. Cast in gray plastic, he has gold and black paint apps for color. His head is quirked to the side, and his pedipalps are bent into a possible standard-issue smile. He is articulated only at the pincers' shoulder joints, but his tail and legs are made of soft enough plastic to wiggle about. The tail is much too short to sting anything other than his own back.
- He was packaged with a sword-wielding Optimus Prime.
Burger King
- Scorponok (2007)
- Burger King's Scorponok is a rather plump representation of the character with his claws pointing straight up. Pushing his claws back winds up his motor, causing him to roll some distance before launching himself onto his claws for a scorpion stinger attack.
Prime 1 Studio
- Scorponok (2022)
- Movie: Transformers
- ID number: MMTFM-31
- Accessories: Base
- Prime 1 Studio Museum Masterline Scorponok is a 29.7 cm tall (with the base) non-transforming sculpture made of polystone along with other materials. The statue has glowing LED eyes, and his sand-themed base features actual sand.
- He is meant to be paired with the Blackout statue released concurrently from the same series.
Sentience and relationship to Blackout and Grindor
- In the 2007 movie, Scorponok is a silent hunter-killer sent by Blackout. This has caused some conflicting depictions in the fiction and toy bios of Scorponok's level of intelligence. Some present him as being barely alive and merely an animalistic drone, and this is a commonly accepted view. His Titan Magazines profile, on the other hand, implies strongly that he fakes being a bestial drone to give him a psychological edge. Finally, his Battle Bio on Hasbro's website would come down on him having sentience by having Scorponok record his own personal data track!
- In the feature "From Script to Sand: The Skorponok [sic] Desert Attack" on the movie's bonus DVD, production designer Jeff Mann suggested that Scorponok was "birthed" from Blackout, thus suggesting that he might be more of an autonomous extension of Blackout himself, similar to Roller. Screenwriter Roberto Orci later confirmed that as far as he was concerned, Scorponok was something between a symbiont and a "drone", rather than a fully fledged character.[6] The Ghosts of Yesterday novel would go on to unambiguously identify him as a symbiont.
- In a USA Today interview for Revenge of the Fallen, Roberto Orci stated that the Decepticons with "animal" forms didn't speak in the movies because it would be "strange" for audiences to hear Scorponok's English accent.
- According to writer Roberto Orci on the official Transformers Movie board, Ravage was originally going to appear in the movie (back when Blackout was still supposed to be Soundwave),[7] but was later changed to Scorponok when the setting of the opening scene was changed from jungle to desert.[8] This would imply that Scorponok's scorpion is indeed the robot mode (in the same fashion Ravage's panther mode was the robot mode), whereas his "alternate mode" is actually a part of Blackout's engine. The toys' robot modes are therefore an afterthought on behalf of Hasbro to avoid the paradox of non-transforming "Transformers" toys.
- Exactly which parts of Blackout turn into Scorponok is a little unclear. The center of his body appears to be made of a General Electric T64 turboshaft engine; his transformation/separation sequence in the movie shows that his forearms are made up of part of the side exhausts, and therefore also consist of parts of T64 engines. How this is possible, considering an MH-53 Pave Low only features two T64 engines, is up to anyone's guess.
- Meanwhile, the various markings found on the CGI model's design, the life-sized props and Hasbro's Deluxe toy are taken from all kinds of places on Blackout's helicopter mode, most prominently the cockpit and the tail.[9] Some of those markings can also be found on props used for the scene which features the US Navy dumping the Decepticons' remains into the ocean.[10] Considering Blackout didn't appear to be missing any integral parts of his alternate mode in the movie's final act, it seems that either Scorponok reattached himself to Blackout after he escaped the US Air Force's counterattack in Qatar (and was therefore part of Blackout during the final battle), or Blackout somehow magically regrew the parts that were previously made up by Scorponok.
- A leaked early draft of the script[11] spells his name "Skorponok". That spelling is also used by Alan Dean Foster's novelization of the movie, the menus for the movie's bonus DVD (most notably the featurette named "From Script to Sand: The Skorponok Desert Attack"), and in (at least) the PC version of the video game for his internal files, such as his .cfg file. Hasbro themselves used the traditional spelling "Scorponok" for their toys, even though a wallpaper on Hasbro's website spells the name "Scorponock".[12] Meanwhile, in interviews, Michael Bay constantly refers to him as "Scorponox", and a preorder listing for the movie score even uses the spelling "Skorpinok".[13]
- Ironically, the "Skorponok" spelling is also used for his Marvel G1 counterpart's Hungarian name.
- Real physical props of Scorponok's head and tail were made by ILM's crew for certain scenes, most notably Lennox and Epps's examination of the tail leftovers on the plane. The head prop was used in the close-up of Scorponok stalking the SOCCENT survivors.[14]
- One of the rare appearances of Scorponok's robot mode is from a "How to Draw" section from issue #17 of the Titan movie comic.
Foreign names
- Japanese: Scorponok (スコルポノック Sukoruponokku)
- Mandarin: Wēn-yì (Taiwan, 瘟疫, "Plague"), Sàkè Jùrén (Mainland China, 萨克巨人, "Giant Sack")
- ↑ Transformers Deluxe Class Scorponok packaging bio
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 Character Profile: Scorponok in Transformers #9 (Titan)
- ↑ Scorponok's Battle Bio
- ↑ Hasbro Transformers Collectors Checklist
- ↑ Sam Smith's Instagram post for Masterpiece Movie Scorponok
- ↑ Orci confirming his view of Scorponok
- ↑ Roberto Orci confirms that Ravage was replaced by Scorponok at the official movie boards
- ↑ Roberto Orci confirms that Ravage would have appeared in a different terrain at the official movie boards
- ↑ Detail close-up photos of a real MH-53 Pave Low
- ↑ Behind the scenes photos taken aboard the U.S.S. Shoup, depicting props from the movie used for the scene which features the US Navy dumping the Decepticons' remains into the ocean
- ↑ Details from an early script draft summed up here, confirmed as authentic by Roberto Orci here.
- ↑ Wallpaper at Hasbro's website calling Brawl/Devastator "Demolisher".
- ↑ preorder for the movie score
- ↑ Ben Procter's portfolio, depicting CGI models and life-sized props for Scorponok