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Scorponok (group)

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The name or term "Scorponok" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Scorponok (disambiguation).

The Scorponok were a mechanical species created and destroyed (oops, spoilers!) by the Quintessons. One of them remains, however: the last Scorponok.


War for Cybertron Trilogy cartoon


The Scorponok, created by the Quintessons, were treated poorly and never fought back, leaving their home destroyed and all members dead, except one. Earthrise episode 4

This last Scorponok, who had made his "home" on a Nebulon space station trapped inside a spacebridge, fought against a group of Autobots who were planning to destroy the station so they could pass through the bridge. Optimus Prime knocked Scorponok down, but he transformed and chased the Autobots in robot mode, who locked him out with a reinforced door. Earthrise episode 3

The pursuing Megatron and his Decepticons stopped Scorponok, but Optimus Prime escaped. He later accused Megatron of Quintesson-like behavior, which angered Scorponok, who described how Megatorn reminded him of a Quintesson Judge. Megatron blasted Scorponok, causing the Autobots to disable the station's gravity controls and flee to the Ark. Starscream used the Nemesis's cannons to fire on the Autobots and Megatron, with Scorponok being caught in the blast. Earthrise episode 4

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