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Space Case (G2)

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The name or term "Space Case" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Space Case (disambiguation).
Space Case is a Decepticon Cyberjet from the Generation 2 portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.

Different robots have different skills and weaknesses. Space Case's skills consist mainly of going very, very fast, thanks to his plasma-powered engines. It's a good thing too, because his weaknesses mainly consist of being dumber than a fence post. The truth is he's so dumb he should almost certainly have been killed in combat by now; only raw speed and dumb luck have kept him alive this long.



Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity

G-2 pack-in comic and story pages

Space Case was once good friends with the Autobot Cyberjets back when they were Decepticons. However, when they defected to the enemy, Space Case and the remaining Decepticon Cyberjets swore vengeance. G-2 Part 4

During one of the Generation 2 battles, Jolt chased the low-flying Space Case near a cliffside. Space Case feigned terror as Jolt made snarky comments at the Cyberjet's imminent destruction. Space Case then pulled up at the last second, his great speed rescuing him from certain death. Jolt, surprised, was then shot in the back repeatedly by Space Case, who had planned the attack out all along. G-2 #8

Space Case and the other Cyberjets then joined with Jolt and Sizzle, encircling the Autobot Laser Rods. Unfortunately, Road Rocket was able to blind them with a smokescreen, allowing for their enemy's escape. G-2 #11

Eventually, Megatron led an all-out assault on the Autobot base. Space Case joined in the battle, but when Megatron was defeated by Optimus Prime, he and all the Decepticons were driven into deep space. G-2 Part 6

Legends comic

When the Cybertron Alliance fell apart due to the humans murdering Megatron's friend, Space Case answered Megatron's call for war and was soon embroiled in a battle around Metroplex. Bonus Edition Vol. EX

By the year 2038, Space Case was a member of the Decepticon faction led by Galvatron II. They attacked the planet Beast to steal its energy and became aware of the power of the Three Wise Ones' Gems. Space Case and the G-2 Decepticon jets strafed the Monsterbots and their Legends World allies so that Galvatron's Nemesis could begin harvesting power. However, the Legends Beast Warriors assumed their Transformer bodies and wreaked havoc on board Nemesis, bringing down the ship. The Road to Legends' Revival Chapter 3 Galvatron seized the Gem of Fire and attempted to wield it against his enemies, but the Monsterbots and local Beastformers proved better able to harness the Gems' power. Galvatron, Space Case, and the Decepticons were forced to retreat from Beast. Grotusque Chapter

G-2 Comic BomBom manga

Nickelodeon shouldn't have cancelled him after only 2 seasons. There was so much potential.

In the year 199X, the Decepticons came to Earth intent on plundering its forestonite, a newly discovered super energy source. The Decepticon Cyberjets made their presence known at the Japan Self-Defense Forces airshow, where they began wreaking havoc, attacking humans for the sheer heck of it. Junpei attempted to stop Space Case by heroically throwing a pebble at him. This ticked Space Case off, but before he could slaughter the little Japanese kid, Electro came to the rescue.

Electro was terribly out-numbered, as all three Decepticon Cyberjets made short work of him. After blowing up a Self-Defense Force tank, Space Case prepared to deliver the killing blow to the wounded Electro. Before he could defeat his enemy, Optimus Prime arrived on the scene and shot Space Case in the head, apparently killing him. The New Battle!!

Wings Universe

Space Case was part of the "second generation" of Transformers created on Earth at a cyberfactory. Although born without a faction, Space Case soon chose one anyways and joined Clench's Decepticon Syndicate. Generation 2: Redux

2005 IDW continuity

During the era of Zeta Prime, Space Case was caught up in an Autobot raid manufacturing weapons for the Decepticons. Endless Forever

2019 IDW continuity

Space Case was part of a Seeker trio with Red Wing and Wingstun that was sent to scout for Termagax. When the three found her, the subordinates ignored Red Wing's orders to call in support and boldly charged in only to fall victim to House's point defense systems. Though Wingstun managed to pull out, Space Case was struck by an energy draining clamp and fell into the Sea of Rust, where he was devoured by rust worms. Sea of Rust I


Generation 2

Lucky I wore my Joe Namath netted slingshot deco.
(Standard deco pictured)
Designer intent. (European running change variant pictured)
  • Space Case (Cyberjet, 1995)
Released as part of wave 1 of the Generation 2 Cyberjets assortment, Space Case's alternate mode is a white fighter jet which is a conglomerate of various cutting-edge fighter features, including anhedral (drooped), forward-swept wings resembling the X-29 and Su-47 Berkut, two-dimensional thrust-vectoring nozzles from an F-22, and a nearly flat, V-style tailplane similar to the YF-23 prototype. Unique among the three Cyberjet molds, Space Case's pressure-launch missile launcher is on the ventral side of his vehicle mode, and instead of becoming a substitute right hand for the robot mode, it is attached to his right forearm.
Like his fellow Cyberjets, Space Case's robot mode makes use of ball-and-socket joints for a high degree of articulation; these toys are the first Transformers to make extensive use of this simple yet effective method of construction to make the toys super-posable as well as resistant to permanent breakage. (The previous year's Laser Rods were also very posable, but those were almost completely made up of standard swivel joints.)
Space Case was redecoed into the Autobot Strafe for wave 2 of the Cyberjets assortment (who's identical to his Japanese-market counterpart Strafe other than the name and the fact that he's treated as a separate character). Apparently, the decision to market the redecos as separate characters was a last-minute change of plans that was only put into use in America and Japan; in Europe, Hasbro supposedly stuck to the original idea for said assortment (here named "Mini-Jets"), with the redecos being sold as running change color variants of their wave 1 mold-mates instead, in unchanged packaging featuring package art in the original deco and the original character's name. Thus, Space Case was available in Strafe's colors but still marketed as Space Case himself. This practice is only confirmed for the versions available in multilingual French/Dutch/German packaging; thus far, no specimens in English/Spanish/Portuguese packaging or in Italian GiG packaging have surfaced.
Generation 2 mold: Space Case
  • Hasbro:
  • Takara:

Universe (2003)

"I love space. I know! Spell it! S P... AACE!" SPACE! SPACE!"
  • Soundwave & Space Case (Ultra, 2004)
  • Accessories: 2 missiles
Space Case was released in the Universe line, sold in an Ultra-level two-pack with a redeco of Machine Wars Soundwave. This version saw Space Case in a grey and maroon deco with blue and yellow tampographs. As there was no supporting fiction for this toy, the possibility exists that this is an entirely new character named Space Case or an alternate universe version of the original, but for the sake of simplicity, it's assumed he's the same guy as before.
Generation 2 mold: Space Case
  • Hasbro:
  • Takara:


Transformers-34-Space Case Wingstun-robot mode.jpg

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Space Case (スペースケース Supēsu Kēsu)
  • French: Faucon (Europe, "Falcon"), Vandale (Canada, "Vandal")


  1. Since-lost posts by Verity Carlo on The Allspark Forums
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