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Strada is a Maximal from the Beast Wars Neo portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
The Beast Wars Neo robot-hair trend continues.

Strada (ストラーダ Sutorāda) is the captain of the Thoroughbred Corps, a Maximal unit made up of horse Transformers.

Strada's beast head can raise up to reveal a cannon in its mouth.


Beast Wars Neo cartoon

Voice actor: Satoshi Tsuruoka (Japanese)
"What's the armament of the Lollipop?"

The Thoroughbred Corps took part in the battle on Magmatron's fortress planet, of which Mach Kick was the sole survivor of the corps.

To prevent its deactivation by Mach Kick and Longrack, the main weapons computer on Arachide projected a hologram of Strata, based on data fed to it by Archadis. It claimed he survived the battle and desired to create a new corps with Mach Kick. However, when the hologram mistakenly referred to the Gung Ho as a battleship, Longrack caught on to the deception and attacked the hologram, causing it to dissipate. Planet of the Ultimate Weapon


  • (La) Strada (Italian for "road") is a popular name given to thoroughbred horses, with many of the horses bearing that name having distinguished racing careers (and being particularly prized on the stud market).
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