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Why do I get the feeling that this page is going to become a war zone? -- SFH 23:15, 3 February 2008 (UTC)

Because it's raping our childhoods? Semysane 00:48, 4 February 2008 (UTC)

What we should do is find that New York Post (or whichever is the NY tabloid) article about the guy who proudly refuses to watch the movie, and made the vaugley threatening comment that Hollywood shouldn't mess with HIS childhood. --FFN 07:18, 4 February 2008 (UTC)

I thought people were more mad over the fact that movie Optimus had a mouth...?

I doubt it. He wasn't even the first one. Optimus Primal and Cybertron Optimus Prime both had mouths. - Semysane 07:50, 30 April 2008 (UTC)

Ok, on TFW, at least, using this term is now equatable to using the N-word in the minds of a number of fans... Any other board have this problem, and if they do, should this be added? 22:15, 15 January 2010 (EST)

I have to admit, I'd be a bit put out if I discovered my sister was dating a Geewunner. -Derik 23:24, 15 January 2010 (EST)
It is? Geewunling 06:57, 16 January 2010 (EST)
Then those fans are stupid. And obviously fat white guys. Now, if the term is a bannable offense somewhere, that might be worth caring about. -hx 12:30, 16 January 2010 (EST)
Uh, yeah. While that's not the worst "first-world problems" bullshit I've ever heard in my life, it's pretty high up there, just as much as "raped my childhood". --M Sipher 17:44, 16 January 2010 (EST)


We need a article on fan snark

It's heavily implied but never outright stated...while we have pages dedicated to deader than dirt catchphrase unearthed on decade old newgroups posts. To make a long story short, after reading this wiki for years I think the snarks come off as more bitter and loud than they whiners they dump on. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talkcontribs).

We have a page for a deader-than-dirt catchphrase? Which one? --Andrusi 12:00, 25 September 2011 (EDT)
I think this refers to this page. I also think this anon may have been Cliffjumper. --Khajidha 12:46, 25 September 2011 (EDT)
Ah, see, I was thinking the anon was somehow under the impression that "Trukk not munky" was long-forgotten or something. --Andrusi 10:50, 26 September 2011 (EDT)
The anon wasn't me. But feel free to continue second-guessing things. 07:14, 8 October 2011 (EDT)

Anyone have a copy of that first use?

It seems like Cliffjumper retracted his old post where he first used the term "Geewun" sometime in July, so the link to it isn't all that informative anymore. Is there some kind of copy or cached version we could link to instead? -- 10:11, 24 September 2011 (EDT)

P.S. to the above- Judging by the content of the recently edited version of Cliffjumper's post, I think he doesn't like this page all that much. Ironic, isn't it?-- 10:18, 24 September 2011 (EDT)

I don't see what Cliffjumper's problem is. We aren't making fun of the fact that people mis-remember, we are making fun of people who place their flawed memories above the facts even when the facts are carefully explained to them. It is this inability to accept error and change that is worthy of derision not their ignorance (in the pure, non-pejorative sense of lack of knowledge) that we are railing against. --Khajidha 10:25, 24 September 2011 (EDT)
I don't get it either, because it's exactly as Khajidha says. We aren't making fun of people for misremembering. We're making fun of them for not being able to ADMIT that they are or even could possibly be misremembering when presented with sound reasoning for why. I found an archived version at the Wayback Machine and changed the link. Should we note the reason for using the archived version? --Tigerpaw28 12:44, 24 September 2011 (EDT)
I don't see why not- linking to the version that was up earlier just confused me, which is why I brought this up earlier. -- 11:07, 25 September 2011 (EDT)

The ultimate Geewunner

Transformers was ruined FOREVER in 1985!--Nevermore 14:38, 17 June 2012 (EDT)

Would it be worth mentioning that any article makes that touches on Transformers has a clear Geewun viewpoint? I can provide examples if necessary, but a quick search of "transformers" or "michael bay" should be sufficient. 14:08, 28 August 2012 (EDT)

No, not really. - Starfield 14:57, 28 August 2012 (EDT)

Other Types of Rabid Fantards?

Are there fan group terms that center on people who only like certain continuities like Movie verse, TFA, Unicron Trilogy, or whatever to the exclusion of all else? The only terms I keep coming across are Geewunners and Geewhiners. If there are, why not at least list them either within the Fandom page or make a page for just the terms for different kinds of fans? Thus far, these are all the terms for fan groups I've come across:

TRANSFANS: Your average Transformers fan.
TRANSGEEKS: Transfans who get into the deeper aspects of TF, such as character back stories, Cybertronian history, technical aspects, and even Cosplay and Role Playing.
SLAGGING TRANSFANS: Militant TF fans who rage their hostility at anything not TF related, especially anything MLP related. These are also the same people who rage at other TF fans because they like or don't like certain characters, continuities, whatever; or rage at anyone who has/doesn't have certain TF related toys/merchandise. They also pull the "I'm better than you" card against other fans.
GEEWUNNERS: Militant TF fans who rage their hostility at anything not G1 related or anyone who doesn't like G1. These are a subgroup of Slagging Transfans.
GEEWHINERS: Especially whiny Geewunners who often pull the victim card whenever someone uses the "Geewunners" term.
TRANSWHORE: Rabid TF fans who have an obsessive desire to do anything Transformers to the point of distraction and with such great intensity to the point of fetishism. This obsession is often to the exclusion of all else.
SPARKERS: Typically adult TF fans who are not afraid of the more "sexual" aspects of the fandom, generally to PG13 rating, including TF romances and relationships. "Well, at least you acknowledge the fact that TF's, though fictional, have emotions and relationships." These can include fans who fall in love with certain characters beyond simply being a favourite.
HIGH VOLTAGE SPARKERS: Typically adult TF fans who take TF to the level of XXX rating. This can also include fans who want to/like to have sex with their TF's.

Are there others I was not aware of that I have not yet found? Incidentally, I chose to use the term SLAGGING instead of the F-Word to keep it less offensive to others, especially since I've never seen contemporary swearing on the wiki (outside of the S-Word reference from the 1986 movie). Lifetime Transfan since 1984. 17:14, 18 May 2013 (EDT)

I have literally never seen any of those terms (bar Geewunner, obviously) used to describe fans. Never. And with regards to the initial question, no, I'm pretty sure there are no terms for people like that 'cause I don't think people like that exist, to be honest. Jalaguy 17:18, 18 May 2013 (EDT)
Stop. Judy, stop. --M Sipher 17:20, 18 May 2013 (EDT)
The terms Sparkers and High Voltage Sparkers apparently came about with the live action movies and I found out about those through a friend who frequents MUCK chats and forums, and I've run into the others here and there on line (mostly on art sites like DA). As for the existence of fans who only like a certain continuity that isn't G1, I've run into those (mostly TFA fans, but still) and they're every bit as freakishly rabid as Geewunners, just never found actual terms for them. Lifetime Transfan since 1984. 17:32, 18 May 2013 (EDT)
I did a site search on the prominent Transformers fan sites, and the only time "Sparkers" was used was in reference to users of the Allspark. It might well be used as a term on MUCK forums, but the terms we generally make articles for are always in common use. --abates 19:31, 18 May 2013 (EDT)
The only terms mentioned here that are of any relative degree of common are "Geewunners" and "Geewhiners", with the latter usually just being a jab at the former. The rest... no, just no. --Sabrblade 19:52, 18 May 2013 (EDT)
It was only a thought I had considering the things I've run into over the last 3 years or so. I was wondering if there were other terms for people like Geewunners who acted the same way regarding other continuities. As I mentioned, most of the ones like that I've run into are the rabid "TFA Only" fans who say everything before it is old and sucks and everything after it sucks because it's not TFA, many of whom seem to be those who were under 16 years old when TFA first aired. Lifetime Transfan since 1984. 22:21, 18 May 2013 (EDT)
I Googled 'Transformers "High Voltage Sparkers"' and the only results that didn't relate to electrical equipment came from the DeviantArt page of someone called "Leathurkatt-TFTiggy", who seems to want to create a TF equivalent of "Cloppers". So, er, no. --Emvee 04:43, 19 May 2013 (EDT)
I'm still new here, and I've never been the most active online fan, but I'm pretty sure this sort of page should be about documenting genuinely unique fan phenomena, not slamming any type of fan that consensus deems annoying, right?
Being "too into" something is common with any geekdom, and has been since "Trekkie" became a term. What makes Geewunners unique, at least among fans who I've met in person, is that they're largely fans who seemingly haven't cared since '86 or '87, which should logically make them casual fans by other standards. Fair enough. And yet, when anything Transformers-related from after their personal cutoff point comes up, they actually become enraged at the very idea that TF continued to exist while they weren't paying attention. "I'm so obsessed with ____ that I'd have sex with it if I somehow could," is a concept most people can understand, but, "I love TF so much that I'm furious it didn't die back when it was supposed to!" is confusing enough to those who haven't seen it happen to make it noteworthy. Or has that attitude surfaced in other fandoms? Just my 2 cents. Bumblevivisector 12:20, 19 May 2013 (EDT)

Similarities between GEEWUNNERS and Pokémon Genwunners?

I basically figured out a somewhat long list of similarities between the respective fandoms of GEEWUNNERS and Genwunners (putting it here in case it's deleted from the article):

Much like how Ruined FOREVER spread to other fandoms, the Pokémon fandom uses the term "Genwunner" to describe fans who only like the original set of games (and occasionally Gold and Silver, the first pair of sequels). In fact, the similarities don't end there:

Do you think it merits a mention in the article? I do think it might be a bit too detailed, and you can probably make similar comparisons between other franchises such as Star Trek. Maybe this kind of thing is more suited to forums? --Darthrai 16:08, 6 July 2013 (EDT)

For posterity's sake: No. Pokemon named its own "only the original is any good" group after this one, because of the similarities. The fact that such groups exist and often have similar names in most fandoms would make reference to such excessive. --King Starscream (talk) 14:01, 8 October 2019 (EDT)
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