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Techie Team

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The Techie Team is a subgroup from BotBots.
Where the bytes and chips may fall, you just have yourself a ball.

Brought to life from the hottest consumer gizmos, members of the Techie Team all transform into cutting-edge gear.


These little tech-heads include:


BotBots Official Sticker Book

Some of the Techie Team attended Professor Wellread's Lecture 101 class, but kept interrupting as their ringers went off. Transformers BotBots Official Sticker Book

BotBots Mad Libs

The Techie Team make their home in "first name's Tech Store". They're happy to help you with whatever your technology needs may be! Tech Store Tour



Series 1 Techie Team 5-pack in the center, featuring Skillz Punk and Dr. Moggly.
  • BotBots packs (2018)
    • Series: 1, 2
Part of the first and second Series of BotBots, the individual members of the Techie Team are spread out across a range of products too numerous to list here, so see individual entries if you really want the full rundown. Techie Team members can be found in:
  • Single-bot Blind Bag Mystery Figures
  • 5-Packs with two characters from the pack's theme team, two figures from two other teams, and a "mystery" blind-packed "Lost Bot"
  • 8-Packs with two characters from the pack's theme team, five figures from five other teams, and a "mystery" blind-packed "Lost Bot"
There are two specifically "Techie Team" themed 5-packs in Series 1:



Foreign translations

  • French: Équipe Techno (toyline, "Tech Team"), Techno-Bots (website)
  • German: Technik Freaks ("Technology Freaks")
  • Polish: Ekipa Techniczna ("Technical Team")
  • Portuguese: Time High-Tech ("High-Tech Team")
  • Spanish: Equipo Digibots ("Team Digitalbots")
  • Turkish: Tekni̇k Eki̇p ("Technical Team")


  1. Some English-language regions of the official BotBots website render Glitch Face's squad as "Techbots".
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