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This article is about the technology. For the character, see Telly.
C'mon, Scrubs is on channel 16! Where's the remote?

Television is a crude means of entertainment used by humans. Whether it is good or bad is a matter of debate, as is all human technology. It receives broadcasts from various different "channels", allowing for a wide range of "television shows", including news, sports events, or cartoons, such as ones with aliens who turn into things.

Surprisingly, it has had diverse effects on Cybertronians. Some even learned to talk from it.



Generation 1

Rampage really loves watching television, especially mindless music videos. Rampage's toy bio Rampage's Universe profile What this says about the other Predacons is open to debate.

Marvel Comics continuity

Events from the UK-only comic stories are in italics.

After Buster Witwicky got through explaining about Transformers to "O" and Jessie, "O" was disappointed that it was too late to get on the show That's Incredible since it had been cancelled. Power Play!

Shockwave watched enough television to determine humans were stupider than he had originally anticipated. The New Order

Sounds fair.

However, while Optimus Prime was out trying to figure out why he protected humans from the Decepticons, the Powermaster Slapdash came to enjoy a show called Miami Metal Clamp... or something. Cold Comfort and Joy!

Mindwipe believes that his ability to make contact with the other side and communicate with the lifeforces of departed Decepticons is actually just television broadcasts he managed to pick up. He does have a fondness for the classic TV show My Mother the Car. Mindwipe's Universe profile Given that the show has a car possessed by the owner's mother, this is too appropriate, but says a thing or two about Mindwipe's intelligence.


Gogglebox transformed into a television set but was destroyed when exposed to British light entertainment. Robo-Capers issue 88

Cartoon continuity


Cybertronians are not above watching television every now and then. The Autobots are shown to be fans of a television show called As the Kitchen Sinks. This type of programming falls under the "soap opera" definition of television shows. What this says about the Autobots is open to interpretation. Prime Target The Aerialbots, on the other hand, became disgusted with Humanity after watching a little television. The Key to Vector Sigma, Part 2

BigBroadcast Junkions watch TV.jpg

The race most affected by television are the Junkions, who have based their speech patterns around the use of lines from television shows. This can make it somewhat difficult to understand the Junkions and can also make initial communication difficult. The Transformers: The Movie After studying the Junkions while trying to recover one of their journals, a trio of Quintessons tried to make the Junkions more xenophobic and neat by broadcasting subliminal messages through the television programs. However, a mishap also caused the Junkions to begin broadcasting those tainted programs to others, causing the receiving races to begin attacking their neighbors and risk dragging the Milky Way into an interstellar dark age. Although intrigued by the prospect of supplying all those races with war materials, the Quintessons decided that the journal's recovery was more important. However, the journal was lost when the Autobots managed to destroy the device sending the affected programs. The Big Broadcast of 2006

When forced to leave his meetings with Tommy Kennedy, Powermaster Optimus Prime often left the young human with music videos to watch. Exactly how Tommy was able to watch the music videos in the lifeless wasteland he and the Autobot leader met in is currently unknown. The Transformers season 5

Super-God Masterforce
"I'll be back transform your day into an adventure!"

The Decepticon Headmaster Juniors saw Ginrai's appearance on Wideshow, causing him to be attacked by the Decepticon Godmasters. Eliminate the Godmaster Ginrai Lightfoot presumably watched the show, as he sent a letter into the studio. Lightfoot: A Dramatic Encounter


Jolt is a TV addict, whether or not he's not on the Internet. Jolt's Cyber Key Code text

Animated cartoon

The Autobots decided that a good way of learning about human customs would be to observe television programs from the comfort of their home base. They received over five thousand channels. Total Meltdown They also watched it on the world's largest flatscreen TV, so long it required both Optimus Prime and Bumblebee to carry it. Home Is Where the Spark Is Usually, they would watch cartoons with Sari Sumdac in between ninja training sessions. Survival of the Fittest

Live-action Transformers movie continuity

Revenge of the Fallen adaptation

Leo Spitz was astonished when an animatronic puppet seen in a television advertisement looked like one of his college classmates. Revenge of the Fallen #2 Revenge of the Fallen

Dark of the Moon film

Wheelie was excited for an episode of Star Trek on television, but it turned out that he had already seen it. It was the one where Spock goes nuts. Dark of the Moon

Aligned continuity

Prime cartoon

Miko and Raf switched the base's television to an Urbana 500 ad in a failed attempt to cheer Bumblebee up after the removal of his T-cog. Operation Bumblebee, Part 1

Rescue Bots cartoon

Aw, I wanted to watch Transformers Animated!

Huxley Prescott is Griffin Rock's most prominent television personality. As well as reporting and sometimes making the news, he has a show called I Dare Me. Rules and Regulations After the Rescue Bots were stood down from active duty, Blades took to watching television as a way of studying human culture. The Reign of Morocco Shows he liked included Most Dangerous Chefs. Return of the Dino Bot

Prescott attempted to launch a reality show featuring the town's rescue force, but their regular work was so mundane that Prescott began manufacturing dangers for them to face. Chief Burns soon pulled the plug on it. Prescott's Bots

Blades also likes Cupcake Hoarders. Double Villainy

Unfortunately for Blades, his television-watching led him to believe the best way to avoid a Tyrannosaurus was to stand still, a tactic that both failed and caused Dani to remind him that not everything on television was real. Land Before Prime

2015 Robots in Disguise cartoon

The Autobots watched a biker movie on television with Denny and Russell, and were bewildered by two people kissing. Can You Dig It? Television proved only mildly effective in keeping a de-matured Bumblebee engrossed. Adventures in Bumblebee-Sitting! Apparently the demolition derby and beast machine Smashdown at the Rumbledome had a TV (or internet) deal, as Team Bee was able to watch a video feed of the events. The Champ When the Bee Team temporarily based themselves in a cave, Sideswipe accidentally stepped on Russell Clay's television, traumatizing the poor lad. He later made recompense by LARPing out a scene from Showcase of Shivers. Collateral Damage

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