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The Transformers Classics UK Volume 2

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The Transformers Classics UK
The Transformers Classics UK Volume 2
Publisher IDW Publishing
First published March 21, 2012
Writer Simon Furman
Artists Jeff Anderson, Barry Kitson, Tim Perkins, Will Simpson, John Stokes & Andrew Wildman (cover)
Colours Jeff Anderson, John Burns, T.M. Cooks, Josie Firmin, Gina Hart, Tony Jozwiak, Stuart Place & Steve Whitaker
Letterers Annie Halfacree, Mike Scott & Richard Starkings
Editors Ian Rimmer
Continuity Marvel Comics continuity
ISBN ISBN 161377141X
ISBN 978-1613771419
Page count 308
Price $29.99 USD

The Transformers Classics UK Volume 2, published by IDW Publishing, is the second in a series of eight collections aiming to reprint the Marvel UK Transformers stories in order of publication, including the Annuals. James Roberts provides in-depth historical perspective in each volume and new cover art is provided by Andrew Wildman. As well as continued in-depth introductory commentaries for each story, there is a two page interview with James Hill about the creation of State Games along with Hill's rejected pitch to IDW for a single issue adaptation of the story.



  • Pages 9 and 11 of The Icarus Theory part 2 are swapped.
  • The Transformations column on page 18, credited as being from #73, is in fact the Transformations column of #71, repeated from page 13.
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