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The Victory Warriors Enter!!

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Robotmasters Vol.2
"The Victory Warriors Enter!!"
(Victory Senshi Tōjō!!)
Publisher Takara
First published November 18, 2004
Illustrated by Naoto Tsushima

Victory Saber joins the war!



In the midst of a desert battle, Mirage and Bound Rogue have been felled by the all-powered duo of Gigant Bomb and Smokesniper. Optimus Prime and Optimus Primal try in vain to blast the villains away, but their efforts prove fruitless. Gigant Bomb has obtained a chunk of solitarium and installed it in his chest, giving him superior power.

Things look really bad until a pair of shadowy figures appear on a mountain-top. They are Star Saber and Victory Leo! They immediately combine into Victory Saber, much to the shock of the two Decepticons. Whipping out his Saber Blade, Victory Saber strikes. He appears to slice Gigant Bomb in half, though in reality, he has only chopped the chunk of solitarium in two. Knowing they're beat, the two Decepticons quickly retreat.

Victory Saber then introduces himself to Optimus Prime and Optimus Primal and vows to help them defeat the evil of Beast Megatron.

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)


  • Like the first catalog comic, this comic takes place between two chapters of the online comic, namely Chapters #6 and #7. Star Saber and Victory Leo first came through the Blastizone to the Earth in the year 2004 back in Chapter #5, with the story of their arrival continued directly in #6. The very end of which foreshadowed their meeting of Optimus Prime and joining his team, which happens properly in this story.
  • Elements of this story were adapted into the Robotmasters cartoon episode, "Fight! The Group of the Strongest Commanders!".


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