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This article is about the Viking god who wields a magic hammer against supervillains. For the Viking warrior who wields a magic hammer against Scotsmen, see Thor FalkenHauser.
Thor is the Asgardian God of Thunder from Marvel.
A blonde, clean-shaven, Norse god who speaks in Shakespearean English and flies a plane.

Verily! Thor is a Norse thunder god who doth control the very lightning of the skies. Mark this well be ye a doer of evil, for he is counted among the mightiest of Midgard's heroes.[1]



Combat Colin

The long awaited sequel to Wedding Crashers...Gatecrashers.

Thor was one of the guests at Colin and Steve's Christmas party in the Combat Shed, where he had to deal with a gatecrashing Hulk. Christmas with Combat Colin

Crossovers toy bio

Vile Decepticon knave, I say thee begone, NAY!!!!!

Thor's stalwart allies Mister Fantastic and Iron Man did harness alien technology to create battle suits for their fellow champions. When Thor girded himself thusly, his weather-control abilities were channeled through the mechanical marvel. Forsooth, this divine power made Thor's mech the greatest of its kin.[1]

Revenge of the Fallen novel

Sam Witwicky described the experience of going through Jetfire's space bridge as involving "five seconds of Ted Nugent meeting Thor". Revenge of the Fallen

Ask Vector Prime

Vector Prime clarified to an inquisitive human that Thor was not a Cybertronian, but an organic being piloting a mech created by Tony Stark with Cybertronian technology. Ask Vector Prime



Clash of the titans, indeed.
  • Thor (Marvel, 2009)
    • Accessories: Mjolnir
The mighty Thor doth transform his noble visage into a yellow, red, and blue A-10 Thunderbolt II. Doth it clash? Verily!
Few others may be worthy to grasp his hammer, Mjolnir, possibly due to magical enchantment, or perhaps because its handle is slightly wider than the fist holes of most Transformers.

Mech Machines

That's... better?
  • Thor to Thunder Bomber (2012)
    • Accessories: Mjolnir
The Crossovers Thor toy was redecoed for Mech Machines, a short-lived toyline promoting the Avengers feature film. All of his yellow plastic was recolored black and red to better resemble Thor's appearance in the movie.



  1. 1.0 1.1 Thor's on-package bio

External links

  • Thor at Marvel Database
  • Thor at Wikipedia
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