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Transmasters UK

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Transmasters UK, frequently abbreviated TMUK, is a UK fan fiction group active since the early 1990s.



Transmasters UK was formed in the 1990s and produced many fanzines. The group was promoted on the editorial page of the final issue of the Fleetway Transformers: Generation 2 UK comic[1].

Several members have gone on to become comics industry professionals inside and outside the Transformers world.

The group organised social meets ups for its members, one of which was featured in Tomart magazine[2], and went on to be involved in the organisation of several early UK conventions, including BotCon Europe 1999.

TMUK continues to operate to this day.

Famous members


  • TMUK lent its name to the in-universe event known as the Siege of T'Muk.


External links

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