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Who are you

I'm a tf fa, obviously. Small collection, but I will one day top you all!

Drawn here how?

I'm into Transformers because of the fiction and characters. Ergo, a database seems a good place to arse about

Fav series

Beast Wars, G1, Animated and Victory

Least fav

Energon, Beast Wars Neo and Beast Machines

How do you contribute

Lately I've kinda been policing. Which is not good. I'm hoping to boost the IDW comic pages soon enough and I generally try to keep pages up to date with confirmed fiction

Personal bias/ideas

We all have em

  • Beast Machines would have worked a lot better as a stand alone as the big issue was the major and often unexplained change of established character...and Nightscream sucked.
  • Tarantulas may have been Bombshell, who used to be Cyclonus but the reformatting caused Bombshell to resurface, who was created from Bombshell, who came to Earth separately from the rest of the cons and therefore would not have died if the Ark blew up. And was also a sick twisted weirdo
  • Grimlock is the most developed character in Transformers
  • Dreamwave was better than IDW in character based fiction
  • Cybertron does not mesh with the other parts of the "trilogy" and no retcon can lead it to make sense
  • Nick Roche is the best IDW artist
  • Revenge of the Fallen was an improvement over the first film but still shows how far off perfect the films are
  • Femmebots, Multiversal singularities and gods don't need complicated explanations to make sense. However, in the cartoon, I have a theory about female Autobots relating to the interplanetary sex trade. Go Ew.

Pages I've worked on/contributed too

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