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Jeysie is a human good guys sympathizer from the Real Life continuity family.

Jeysie is a non-rabid fangirl who enjoys writing fanfiction (including several Mosaics), playing in various online Transformers roleplay groups (and non-TF ones as well), and fangirlishly squeeing over her favorite characters when she thinks nobody's looking. She also loves debating and analyzing things, much to the joy of some TF fans and dismay of others.

She's been known to squee over Nick Roche's art and writing even when people are looking.


Vital Stats

She's seemingly the only Transfan willing to admit to living in Western Massachusetts. (Although Casey Coller does work there.) She came in with the '07 movie tide of fans and has been helping out and/or annoying the heck out of the TF fandom ever since, depending on who you ask. Her main wiki-related skills consist of being able to wikicode, HTML code, and CSS code things, scan pics, and write up synopses. She's also currently slowly working on updating all of the "Shattered Glass" articles.

Favorite Characters

Just about every intellectual and geeky TF character she's gotten to hear about. Specifically, Hunter O'Nion, Nightbeat, Perceptor, Heatwave, Skids, Lightspeed, Oil Slick, and Shockwave. The TF franchise really needs more geeky Cons... snap to it, Hasbro!

Outside of that group, she has a fondness for Aerialbots over Seekers, Blaster over Soundwave (though Shattered Glass Soundwave is awesome), and Jet Twins over Lambo Twins. She loves all of the Mini-Cassettes, albeit with the thought that the Cassettibots need more love than they currently get.

There's also the dorky/quirky Cons like Octane, Crankcase, Dreadwind & Darkwing, Landquake, Misfire, Needlenose, the Mayhem Suppression Squad, and the "Shattered Glass" Terrorcons, and the merely slimy Cons like Swindle. And the bloodthirsty Autobots like Blades and Repugnus. And the smart-aleck Autobots like Landshark and Rotorstorm. And, finally, Marissa Faireborn for the humans.

Personal Biases

That Transformers Animated, Axiom Nexus TransTech, and "Shattered Glass" are her favorite TF continuities. The IDW continuity used to be up there until it got derailed by All Hail Megatron, and the Movieverse was up there too until it got derailed by Revenge of the Fallen.

Speaking of All Hail Megatron, there's also the belief that it needs to be retconned out of existence, Chris Mowry needs to be given Spotlight: Cosmos and some G1 continuity minis to write, and Nick Roche needs to be given more minis to write.

Then there's the thought that humans in TF are a good thing and fembots aren't that hard to explain. She also thinks Rodimus Prime, Ultra Magnus, and G1 Season 3 in general get undeserved bad reps.

Finally, the opinion that Primus really existing, Unicron being a god instead of a giant planet-eating machine, and sparks-as-souls were all bad ideas. Not that Jetfire's atechnogenesis idea was all that much of an improvement, admittedly. The "built by a mortal race" option would end up being her favorite option, if it wasn't for the fact that the Quintessons are such a totally bizarre concept for the race that did it. I guess sometimes you just can't win...

Bizarre Personal Canon

Maccadam is in fact one of the Thirteen, as the Guardian of the Well of All Sparks, with his bar as the gateway.

This thread, with "Shattered Glass" as the original universe, the multiverse as a result of The Fallen trying to fix the inevitability of entropy, and Axiom Nexus as a result of him trying to fix the multiverse.

The Axiom Nexus continuity is actually the "Real World" (Quadwal) continuity. All Transformers stories are really retellings of the events in other universes that the TransTech recorded and/or heard about.

Other Notes

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