From Transformers Wiki
TheLastGherkin is a unique vegetable entity from Region 2. His pronouns are he/him.
I'm GherkinGherkin's motto
What's Gherkin ever done for us?
Projects with a capital P
- Replacing early IDW panel scans with digital versions (in progress)
- Fire Blast effect/gallery
- Cybertronian military insignia
- Inventing page transclusion
- Overhauls to G.I. Joe and the Transformers, Microman, and Titanium Series
- Fixin' up Robo-Capers and Combat Colin
- Transcribing all the Marvel UK letters pages
Smaller but still fun stuff
- Dux non Intruitus
- Getting a racist fired
- Collating the fan polls
- Kidrobot and First 4 Figures merch nobody cares about
- Splitting Studio Series by year
- Classic Covers Calendar
- Titan Books
What can you do for Gherkin?
I started my own wiki! Whoops!!!!