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Velocirazor is an Autobot Mini-Con from the Robots in Disguise portion of the Aligned continuity family.
WAIT! Is stomping really the answer to your problem(s)?

Velocirazor is also a veloci-ronin, a masterless samurai warrior who happens to be a dinosaur. He takes great care of the finely-honed talons that are the tools of his martial trade. There's nobody better in a fight, but he's a little too concerned with making sure everybody sees him taking down his enemies with no trouble.



Robots in Disguise mobile game

Version Unlock Cost (Energon) Unlock Cost (Ultra Sparks)
Buzzsaw 2000 40

Velocirazor could be recruited to help fight off the Insecticon clone army overrunning Crown City. Robots in Disguise mobile game


Robots in Disguise (2015)

Virtually every Robots in Disguise (2015) toy in this list has a scannable insignia sticker on it. For Hasbro releases, it temporarily unlocks that toy as a playable character in the Robots in Disguise mobile game, and can only be scanned once per day. TakaraTomy releases simply check that off on their mobile app's collection list. It's honestly quicker and less redundant to say which toys don't have this feature.
Right. Yeah. Give the freakin' raptor, like, guns and blades all over its body. 'Cos, y'know, they weren't dangerous enough already. Thanks, guys. Seriously.
  • Velocirazor (Mini-Con, 2015)
  • Accessories: Armor sprue (muzzle-guard, left & right shoulder-guns, claw, scythe, left & right foot-guns)
Part of the second wave of Mini-Cons, Velocirazor transforms from a robotic Velociraptor into a Cybertronian buzzsaw in a single step. He is designed to attach to and launch from Deployer Drift's grill-mounted launcher. He comes with a number of clear plastic accessories attached to an Autobot-insignia-shaped sprue, which can be attached using tabs and slots. His claw and scythe weapons can combine with armor parts from his wavemates Beastbox, Ratbat, and Sandsting to form an energy shark.
Velocirazor was later released by TakaraTomy in November of 2015, as part of the Transformers Adventure Limited Micron Gift Campaign. He was given away free with the purchase of 3000 yen worth of Transformers Adventure products at Toys"R"Us stores alongside Divebomb. This release of Velocirazor has a Transformers Chronicle mobile app-compatible scan-badge, but is otherwise identical to the Hasbro release.

Don't miss the next Jurassic World installment, where Blue gets turned into a robot.
  • Mini-Con Mega Pack (Multi-pack, 2016)
Available only in a massive fifteen-pack of Mini-Cons, released exclusively in some Asian and European markets, this version of Velocirazor is almost the same as his previous release, but his hands are painted silver, and he lacks his armor sprue.
This Mega Pack also includes Anvil, Back, Bashbreaker, Beastbox, Divebomb, Hammer, Lord Doomitron, Ratbat, Sandsting, Sawback, Swelter, Tricerashot, Undertone, and Windstrike, each with extremely minor added deco and none of their armor sprues.


Foreign names

  • Japanese: Velocirazor (ヴェロキレイザー Verokireizā)
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